Hey guys welcome to the wolf digest. I am your host amorous, tenon and I? Am your co-host Turkey today our topics involve news from AMD, as well as some rumors' news out the UK and China some news regarding some problems with Google again, as well as some news and rumors regarding the Galaxy phones, some science news from Toshiba and a little gaming movie pop news. So first up on the list, we're going to be talking about the new Athlon 200 GE. It's a new Zen Vega chip actually has 2 cores 4 threads and those are Zen plus cores, and we're actually running a Vega 3 inside. So it might have a little of GPU performance. We're probably talking something pretty low-level here: lol World of Warcraft data, maybe nothing too terrible.
That's if you turn things down now. According to the reviews, it does have a little of spunk in that regard, and they have some CIV 6 graphic benchmarks, things like that, but we're still talking pretty low on the AI test as far as frames per second we're. Looking in the mid 40s for your 1080p gaming, so I wouldn't necessarily say it's top-notch for a low-end, CPU and you're going to get a much better performance out of some lower I threes, your NEM CPUs, even some other Prison 3 AP, use that they have out there. I'd say the biggest differentiating factor with this. One is gonna, be as price point it's $55, and you compare that to even like the low-end Intel you're.
Looking at why the 46 20g, no, the chief 46 20, and you're in the 105 dollar range. So this is at half the price. If you take like Tom's Hardware benchmarks, do their aggregate score, it's roughly in the 40 eight mark, as opposed to the Pentium, which is in the 57 mark you're talking 20% performance underneath the low-end Pentium there, but it's a half the price. Well, even some lower end Pentiums in the Pentium gold combo are fairly low-priced and do outdo it a little. But there's much you can see by that price point because then you're at that point.
Also combining with the rest, the hardware, yeah and I definitely wouldn't be taking this thing and strapping it next to even a 580 or a 1050 TI. That's definitely going to unbalance your system yeah. If you have that kind of money, just go with the rising, 320, 200 or 2400 right and the other nice thing is: it's still lower power. It is it's rated at 35 watts, which is pretty low power, and I've seen some Bristol Ridge stuff, some bulldozer based cores they're, just quad cores well pseudo course, and I actually have one in my firewall. Actually I did a VM running Sophos KG, and it actually has one of those old bulldozer cores, but it was a $35 chip.
It's rated it barely 25 watts, so I figured it'd be good for low power application like that and that's kind of see where I see this CPU really I, don't really see it as a gaming, CPU, more something for a little toy box. So to speak or something a low-power. You can stick on your desk, so it doesn't take up a lot of room yeah, exactly maybe even a lightweight file, server, I'm sure a lot of people would love to build an ass out of it I'm sure to pull that off. Definitely it also brings this to someone also like to say on that last one is that it also runs higher power Ram, at least for what it's worth so like a higher clock, speed on the ramp, oh yeah, especially compared to like the lowest and Intel's so yeah. What it's worth there is that much well like the lower end Intel's this one's also multiplier log.
Mostly it's some manly men yeah, some motherboard manufacturers have enabled a little of an unlocked multiplier on it. You kind of have to bump up the front side bus that kind of stuff, so not necessarily like overclocking, not completely, but at least for you know that curiosity, there is information out there from several locations. Yeah, there's plenty of information out there on how to actually get a little of an overclock out of it pump up the resulting clock speed, and it's only locked at 3.2 gigahertz base clock. So that's not bad either way. By going on from there, we at least I also have some rumors to play with we do now.
We have some nice delicious leaks from adored TV he's got a YouTube channel, and he's actually got some nice new information. That's had a little of backing. A few other sites have had some kind of similar information. There was a post on Reddit that got retracted, pretty quick, but he's talking about the new 3000 series, rice and CPUs, as well as a bit of Navy and the new GPU. That's going to be coming out and if you didn't notice, him from D actually went and trademarked a Vega 2 logo, or at least what people have assumed is a Vega 2 logo, I'm, not sure if you've seen it as that traditional Vega V, but with a couple of slashes on the right side and I, don't miss this.
It marks a 2. So we might be seeing a Vega to branding coming out shortly, but back to the speculation at hand. You know the thing of note is that we're basically looking at six core 12 thread as your base ricing 3? Now you know you got your usual clock speeds in the 3 to 3.4 gigahertz across the board until you get to some better silicon at the rise in seven thirty, seven hundred and thirty-seven hundred x we're looking at three point. Eight two four point: two gigahertz base clock with boost up to like four point: six: five gigahertz range: that's going to be nice guys and those rice and sevens are gonna, be 12 cores 24 thread, that's that's where it gets delicious, mmm-hmm engineer, sir. Then some stuff for running or new yeah, and they're going to drop in at the same price point as the current rice and sevens we're talking about 300 to 330, and it ranges for these CPUs, which will definitely put an L in the coffin for some of Intel's ice series.
Lineup, especially like the AI fives that are currently in that price range. There's not going to be any competition. They're going to have eight course. That's it. No, no I, just think about what we've been seeing out of MD lately is that, while it may not be as fast as Intel I mean simply put the AI 999 K is the fastest CPU in gaming, but well in gaming.
Any in similar workloads well yeah, because it's got the 8 quart 16 thread just like the current Rises, and the kicker, however, is that well, Andy is a small percentage behind it. It's substantially cheaper, oh yeah, and I did see. One is in stock over on Amazon. They finally got one in stock right, it's five hundred and thirty-nine dollars. It's like what you could have picked up: a 16 core thread: Ripper first gen or barely four hundred and fifty dollars over the Black Friday weekend aid.
Would you rather have eight cores 16 thread or 16 cores 32 thread, that's kind of a no-brainer? The only reason why you would go with the Intel would be gaming right. That's when the biggest thing is even then you'd have to be going for seriously high-end gaming. I have to really mean it well, not even that if you go to 4k and things like that, the difference goes away. You don't have an FPS difference, it's only at like 1080p and below that you see an FPS different. You know that difference isn't really all that big and once you go higher, there's still a difference.
Well then, mark that margin narrows yeah. It's mostly like a 6% difference, maybe even down to for now, but in some games there is a notable difference. It's somewhat wide in a few games, but on the flip side there are a few games, were AMD actually ties with Intel, and you can't really see the difference, and we're talking at 1080p. Still a lot of these cases. We're looking at frame rates of over 100, yeah I know, but either way these rising 7s with a 4.2 gigahertz base. In the case of the 3,700 X, that's going to go a long way to closing that gap, especially with that five gigahertz blues clock.
I mean I kind of see that, as the sweet spot CPU, you can probably step down to a rice and five 3600 X, which is like 4.0 and 4.8 gigahertz boost that one would probably do pretty well against it Intel to get that IPC matching for single thread performance. But the thing that's a huge kicker, the new information right. Besides the extra few courses is. You got a new rising 9 level where they have the 3800 X and the 38 50 X, and just based on these numbers, the 38 50 is gonna, be like 4.3 gigahertz base with a 5.1 gigahertz boost, hey, that's crazy numbers for rise in CPU silicon. They haven't really been able to push past four point: three gigahertz.
Even when you try, and now they're coming out of the gate, with a boost clock at five point, one yeah, that's bringing it up to par with Intel, but you are going to pay a pretty penny for this. This is a five hundred dollar CPU. So, almost just under what the current 99 hundred K is at, but here's the kicker. This is a 16 core, 32 thread CPU. So that's a lot more power than by comparison, yeah, that's like getting the first or second gen Red River 16 core, but instead of having 3.2 as your base clock, you're getting 4.3 gigahertz with a boost up to 5 1, which is unheard of on any of the previous rise ins. We did until this is all rumor.
It's we're still. You wait a bit to see this, and but here's the girl rehearing we're still that's only CES the know right around the corner here from we might actually hear about it. Yeah, I think they're scheduled for what the 6th of January that's barely a month away and- and we know that we know that AMD has one of the initial. You know fronts on the stage yeah that is known. They are one of the first people to be presenting at CES, and so that's going to be really exciting and they actually at their supercomputer.
And what was that conference for supercomputers either way that they made their announcement for epoch next horizon and that's what it was yeah the next horizon? They made their announcement of epic and that's kind of where we're getting some of this information and the plausibility of this because epic is gonna, be a central iodine if, let's basically they're gonna fab, the CPU cores at seven nanometers, and then they're going to have a 14 nanometer IO die in the middle of all these chip 'lets. They actually showed an epic CPU. It was 64 cores a hundred and twenty-eight threads, and it had eight chips. --Lets surrounding this I/o die. So it's it looks kind of similar to how thread Ripper is doing it, but instead of using infinity fabric to tie those little chip, --let's together, they're, actually using a type of infinity fabric to tie those CPU cores to the I/o die in order to access RAM and PCI bus, and things like that.
So all the chip 'lets are gonna, have the same latency yeah hit, essentially a performance hit, there's obviously going to be a performance hit with this kind of scale change. But this there's obviously going to be a little performance hit with this kind of layout change, but they get it all back in spades with scalability and cost to manufacture paints and there's also a fact that if usually you look at how they built it, this is epic too. So if, as some you know, a company happened to have picked up an epic server with an epic one ship, they can literally just plop in the new chip yeah, it's a drop-in replacement and that's the cool part that they were really trumping up as well. Is them most of the existing motherboards would be able to just take this chip and just drop it in just like your mainstream motherboards. If you had an X 370, you could just drop in a thousand 2000 series and have it just work.
I actually did that with my computer, and it's forming great and just give me idea how much of a market disruption that's made. If you go back to the day when that announcement was made and look at the stocks for both Intel and rising, you can tell to the minute when it happened. Yeah, Intel! took a little of a dive and AMD took a nice bump, and it was only movement of maybe a dollar, but it wasn't much. It really was a night. It was still you know: moderate percentage change yeah what was like 6% a little a little, I think partly Intel's underwhelming performance as well, even though they've been selling chips so much that they can't keep them in stock, they're still not performing very well on the market.
Due to this uprising from Amber's corner and this whole Cupola thing is gonna, be phenomenal for him in terms of cost, to manufacture and there's speculation that these new rise and desktop chips are gonna, be the same chip load, architecture, or they'll. Have a cut-down IO die, probably the rejects from the 14 nanometer stuff, and then they'll have cut down versions of what could be eight core CPU dies and Prison 7 having 12 cores. That's two dead dies per chip lit, and they could just put in two chip 'lets or something like that and have 12 cores no problem and then there are some rumors that we're seeing we are gonna, probably end up seeing Prison with onboard video. That would be very interesting. It could very well just easily just drop one of those CPU cores and just put NAAFA in there, because that's also part of the rumor is that they could just drop in and now Navy GPU right where a CPU would have been, and they have this uniform memory, access kind of thing where it would use the I/o data access.
GDB are things like that or any number of special cases like what Microsoft did with the Xbox, adding the eMMC or EMC Ram whatever it is a 32 gig of cash. They put it on their GPU, rather than doing what PlayStation did and actually getting more compute performance out of their GPU. But the one downside is the rising nines, probably won't work in a non 570 motherboards, the new 570 chipsets for the rise in 3000 series, though the rest of them all. The way up to the 12 cores, they should work, just fine they'll be backwards compatible, but they had some power output concerns with some lower end versions of the chipsets, where the power regulation may not be up to snuff, though I don't know. It's certainly going to be interesting once next to your heads, when you start getting some real information about this and up to the point of actually, you know people getting these chips in their hands and what kind of actual numbers we'll see what reviews and such oh yeah I definitely want to see the numbers, and what also will be interesting is how Intel responds as their rumor Inge having one of the 10 core high-end desktop chips end up in the mainstream line as well.
Just like the i9 9900 k is currently in the corner. Unquote: mainstream, even though it's at 530 dollars, but having the 10 core with hyper-threading. How to make things interesting, but something else Intel is doing, is they're starting to glue their CPUs together again, if it've heard about that with their server jobs, yeah they're, announcing new chips where they're, basically just gluing their two top ends yawns together using their CPI to interact between them on the package and then slotting that in and of course, those servers are limited to dual socket because they're, essentially, if you put do dual socket in there, you're running a quad, socket motherboard kind of thing anyway, so I mean they did this back when they introduced the core 2 architecture, and they have the core 2 quads come out which were just glued together: core tubes, yeah I actually owned a 6600, and I upgraded it to a cue 6600, which was just two of the e 6600. It's glued together on the same die is it was pretty good for an upgrade, but yeah they're just doing it again, they're just gluing these things together. Again, you remember the Pentium d days right when the Pentium 4 was lagging behind.
The XP and Pentium d was an attempt at that and, oh man, I thought these were just horrible. They were, you know, dual swell, their downfall was that front side bus. They were still limited at that 133 megahertz front side bus, and that was just killing them and I mean we've seen it today, with the thread rippers. That infinity fabric is the one downside of the thread rippers anything that has to jump that infinity fabric to do thread, communication between dies and just everything, goes to pot. It takes three times as long ma'am.
At least we know that they are improving, that because of the new epic — is starting to go into that realm. Well, that's the cool thing is they're, eliminating it really they're making all the cores take a little performance hit, probably significantly less than they were getting before, because they don't have to do this hodgepodge thing where they jump with the Infinity fabric. They're actually designing it to have that jump in mind, and so they're actually boosting their l3 cache and things like that, so that they don't have to go out to the main IO die as much and even when they do it. It's going to have the same delay between each of the cores regardless and so new modes aren't gonna really be a concern anymore. Everything's going to have the same latency who cares if it's on this die or that die, and they have to talk to each other sure it's going to be a little worse than if it was on the same die with adjacent CPU nodes.
But you look at intel's new mesh architecture. You can have the same situation there, where it has to jump that mesh and traverse for even seven eight different cores in order to get to that far bottom-right corner of their new mesh architecture and the bigger they get, the slower. It becomes. That's kind of the downside of that mesh architecture. The intel is doing for its high-end, desktop ships and server CPUs No.
At least. You know that the news coming out should be good and well I. Wasn't that optimistic? In all honesty, when the before the first risen's came out this time, it's sounding like it should be very good. Well, you didn't really have a choice when the first risen's came out, your desktop had died like five months prior to license. Launch and I was telling you from the get-go it's like dude.
You have to wait for the rises, but you know your desktop died, so you ended up going. An old desktop was going down, and we had no credible information on the rise and ones at the time. Yeah, I know the only thing we had was rumors just like this one, and even with less credibility than this one. We just had those hints from AMD saying trust us. It's 40%, faster, yeah, 40%, faster than bulldozer I, could push my car down the street and be faster than bulldozer, but either way my you know my six core down.
There is still kicking along so yep end up with the six core Intel high-end desktop chip, yesteryear, yeah, and it's not a bad CPU. By any means we managed to overclock it and gave you some good performance boost there, but I don't know I've been really happy with my eight core Aiken's. You helped me to interest to see how things turn out. I may end up just having to upgrade a Risen to the 3000 series will probably be a good time to do that. Yep well before we get on they are moving along to our next topic.
Coming out of the UK. Have you ever heard of the NHS yeah, the national health services over in Britain yeah yeah? Well, apparently, starting next year, they're not gonna, be allowed to use fax machines. Finally, finally, you and I both come from healthcare, IT backgrounds. So the fact that they're, finally just drawing a line saying stop using fricking, fax machines is kind of a welcome thing. Really.
I had to deal with our fax server and our clinic, and it was it was actually decent. We had a digital, fax server, so the calls would come in to an eight port and modem essentially, and it would come through, they would transmit the faxes, and it would digitize it into a PDF and that's if you're going to keep faxes around. That's the way to do it honestly, having these stupid, fax machines that just spit out page after page of Cruise Line vacation spam, because that's really all that comes through those days right nobody's actually using these for communication anymore. Are they I wish I still know of a number of hospitals in the U. S.
here that use them, and there are some payers that require them? Yeah, I do know about the payers I had to deal with that in our billing department. You know I think it's their hand involved in everything, but it doesn't make any sense, especially to the fact that if you actually consider you're dealing with paper, that's spinning out that someone has to go pick up and if the person waiting for it is not there waiting for it, it's very possible that your personally identifiable information could be sitting there on a fax machine. For hours well to be fair, it's in a fax machine at the clinic, hopefully only accessible by clinic staff, which, as I know, is not always the case. There are patients that are wandering to and fro and being escorted around, and it's very easy for somebody to make a slight detour past the printers I mean I haven't seen it, but I could see where it could happen pretty easily. Well, you can also imagine that there are also you know.
Some hospitals use third-party janitorial staff, so you could end up with you know, people from who knows you know what company, not necessarily with the hospital that have access to locations where that were your information could end up yeah and those papers that end accidentally end up in the trash bin as opposed to the shred bin yeah better safe than sorry, is what I kind of think, and also you know, there's also the fact that if you actually think about there has been times when you know these papers have been printed out and sometimes quoted LY, recycled and really all it did is got partially shredded, but not and ended up. Someplace else with that information still legible, yeah and I think those are kind of few and far between, though I think, a lot of the shredding companies are quite reputable and wouldn't really have that kind of problem. But you have to Leslie how distinct careful the company, the various companies, are. Yes, just a piece of possibility, yeah, which is why here in the United States, we have HIPPO and these a chai tea or high-tech if those are all acronyms by the way, if you want to look them up, but if you got all these standards that have been set for saying these are the best ways to do IT security. Well, they have a similar standard and for like clinicians and office staff, and you know using shred bins for PIN and things like that, but really I.
Just don't really like the fax machine idea, it's kind of a backwards thing where you get this printout that you then go and scan into the computer, or you keep in a paper file like for some lower tech places like old folks, homes, assisted living. That kind of thing. The fact that they have paper files still just amazes me, maybe they're, ran by the same age of people that live there. I, don't know, I, don't know, I know, at least you know there are I know. A couple of you know: small, like physical therapy offices that even today are using you know.
All their systems are digital. So all the records are now digital yeah, and they should be, and it's the easiest way to protect the data, because you can encrypt it at rest. You can encrypt it and transport. You can easily send it via secure email, or even it have your own, like zip, encrypt kind of stuff, maybe not using WinZip encryption because that's kind of weak, but it's something that would more be in like a 7-zip and that kind of stuff where you could do an BS 256 and send it via email. That way.
With your password, separate or a patient portal, I mean that's what everything's going to nowadays. Isn't it patient portals mm-hmm slowly they, except for maybe certain hospitals, software or something but most of the clinics' software that I have seen, has had patient portal capability since the Meaningful Use Act and everything they were trying to incentivize people to move into the modern era and use electronic health records? Well, hopefully, this will get them. You know there are cages, but according to what information is there, they have until 2020, yeah I. Think one of the biggest hang-ups really in transitioning off of fax is that one of the biggest payers Medicare is still requiring faxes for some things. There's actually services out there that you could do all you're coding submit your coding to the service, and then they would go and handle transmitting it to the payers and things like sending faxes to Medicare and whatnot Oh craziness.
It's craziness I'm just glad that at least the UK is moving off of this old tech. Hopefully they finally throw them in the dumpsters, but there it looks like they're gonna, be going through and doing what audits and then maybe some fines or something until they're. Finally, facts: free I think they have to what 2020 to be paperless I think it was like March, April well, I know that they can't buy any faxes after January 24 January, but they have, according to like an article on the register. They have to they're phasing them out by March.20 2009 well, that'll be good, we'll see how it works. Hopefully, that'll encourage other payers in that area to move off of faxes.
It's not going to help us here in the states. You know unless if they really see that it's working and then decide to do it here, but there's I, don't know, there's just so many people that I guess they just don't get with the times, and they're still doing the old stuff, because they don't know how to set up secure email. They don't know how to do all these basic healthcare high-tech things that they should, and maybe they just need to bring in outside, consulting or something to bring them in the modern era rather than having paper files in a back room, because the person didn't know how to use a file share in their local environment. It's definitely going to keep some hospitals, or they're busy and what's a topic for another time, that's going to go along with them having a phase-out Windows, Server 2008, Oh No, you imagine, because everyone when 2008 came out because there was such a gap between that and 2003. Everyone moved their installs of their healthcare software and all that off of 2003 and put it on 2008, probably r2.
If they were smart and now that's gonna, go away too. It's hit an end-of-life. It's been 10 years, oh, not since r2, but still it yeah, but I. Remember the 2003 switch over and oh man well part of the big problem was a lot of the provider. The software providers didn't support Windows 7.
They were still stuck in that XP era. Lying to that OS like it was lifeblood, I, don't know, and I think that's I think that's really. The biggest problem is getting software to get with the times to update, to support the newest browser or the newest, OS and hey. There's a lot of companies that do well got you're antivirus. Is your main stream can't live without kind of software that usually takes six months to release the new version to support the new like Redstone edition of Windows like s4 rs.5? These big major patches have a spring and fall patches of Windows right, the like the version of Windows that has been delayed and tell you know now it was supposed to be out in October. It's its December is finally landing.
I, don't know if you got it, yet I, don't I'm, probably not going to touch it in till February, we'll see we'll see, yeah think ahead, but I'm going to point hold off a little. But anyway speaking about uh big names like Microsoft and their Windows product Apple is having some fun. Did you see what they're having to deal with in China? Not yet they've had a patent dispute with Qualcomm in the States. They got it leveled. They shook hands, I, don't know, but in China they still have a patent battle going on in.
Furthermore, they actually won a preliminary ruling in a Chinese Court, which will ban pretty much all the pre-2018 iPhone models and iPhone hasn't been doing very well. This last year, I mean they've, been raking up the prices and not selling as many units and their stock has been slowly on the downside, and I was just looking at it. They peaked back in what October 4th they were at, like 227, is, yeah 232 on October 3rd and today, as of what the 11th now the 10th, the last close that I got here, they're at 169, so they've they've definitely had a little of a spill going. I think a lot of that that momentum they had has been kind of waning, so be interesting to see where they go. I just think that they're a little overpriced for what they're offering I that's pretty much the short and skinny of it.
My opinion well I, could always make a bad joke of regarding gaming as well. Oh, and what is that? Well, if you're getting going buy an iPhone, you have to expect DLC accept, and we're talking, hardware yeah. Well, the thing about the iPhone is probably the best mobile gaming platform out there, because there's a lot more games developed for it. There's been a lot of recent cross-platform games, especially now that a lot of them are using similar back in API's like Diablo, but I. Don't see that there's going to be a big differentiating.
Software support I think you can get most apps in both platforms, and now it's more of a which platform. Do you like better? You have a lot of Maxwell your iPhone's going to be the way to go right. Everything just has the seamless iCloud thing going on. Android doesn't quite have that yet on the windows side, because they still have to have Google Drive compete against OneDrive and things like that, but downsize to both you know, devices and the markets and well I personally, would you know be, can definitely find more of the downsides. One of the things that I still say, Apple does better at is at least keeping up with their OS updates across the board.
For the most part. Well, yeah I mean that's the benefit of having this top-down approach where they control the phone. They don't let the carrier control the phone and that's partly why a lot of carriers are actually liking the Android they can get their hooks in a little better and have their pre-configured whatnot. You know have their software that gets put on there and things like that, whereas with the iPhone Apple takes the stance of well. If you don't want to just keep your fingers out of our business, we won't let you have an iPhone, remember that exclusivity that they had with AT&T at the day, one oh yeah, yeah and Verizon was crying their like.
Oh, we need an iPhone because everyone wants an iPhone, and we don't have it. So. Nobody wants to sign up with us, worked out for 18 t, at least for a little while till painful release, which was the better service. Well ones, the exclusivity. Weren't often it was.
You know, everybody's game again yeah. Well as we are in a Google vein. Well, if we move on the next topic, you remember a little plus and I think it might have stopped and count yeah. The Google version of Facebook yeah that didn't work out very well did it. Well, then we got a lot of traction, but over the last you know well, I expose it's been having problem.
It had good tie-ins with YouTube and whatnot, so I used it for a video promotion and things like that, but I didn't really use it for any kind of Facebook things. Heck I didn't even use it for pretty much anything just like everyone else didn't use it right. Most I ever really used it for was well ingress. Oh, yeah! Well, there they've been putting the null in the coffin for a while. Now they've actually announced that they were going to kill Google Plus, but the news of the day is that they're actually going to accelerate that because they found a new security bug in their API calls and the API is are what allows third-party developers to make calls into the Google+ data and actually do things with it, make RSS feeds or watch people or even automate posts.
Things like that things like you see on Twitter. Basically, but this bug it showed more data than what was actually publicly available, but it was only available for six days and nobody used it because hey nobody uses Google+ right, yeah, I'm, sure somebody got sling. You know the old saying once it's on the internet, it's on the Internet. Well, since it's an API call, that's required it technically wasn't on the internet, and Google does have some back-end stuff that they can see who's using what or at least, if it's being used. So they saw or looked at that data and didn't see any indication that it had actually been exploited at all.
Oh I hope, that's true, then yeah I mean it would have affected. Fifty-two point: five million users. You know no big deal, it's not like it's your credit report right, and it's one of those things of they have holes, and they need to just kill it. I'm actually surprised they're, still holding it out until April. Well, the actual service is going to die in April, but they're actually shutting down the API sooner because, rather than worrying about trying to make sure that none of these holes still exist, I mean they did fix this one hole, but they're, just going to shut down.
The API's won't have to worry about it. After that, I will see how that one plays out as time moves forward yeah. But there is one thing that is going to affect me as we transition to the next story. Are you holding out for a s10 I'm holding out for a Galaxy S10 I, don't know about you, and I'm, looking forward to it? Yeah, I'm kind of a fan of doing the even number upgrades for the galaxies I mean I, don't have to get the newest shiniest phone every year, but every two years, even though it's still price, seems to be the way to go right. A good cadence like that, my purse I thought the s5 was vibing.
I ran on that I ran on my ass five until it decided it didn't want to function any longer. Well, the s5 did have a few issues that people reported with it and I think he kind of fell victim to one of them, but I mean I, have a co-worker whose wife, as a s5, that has had a similar issue to yours, speed, slowdowns and things like that. But it seems that the odd number of galaxies are just token upgrades. They don't really do like major steps, maybe a little of a CPU bump that kind of thing, but it seems that on the even number is when they do a lot of their major revisions. You know they added the IP s: I P 57, the waterproofing dust proofing.
They did on the s4 right. Yes, if I hope to try to improve that a little yeah, but it kind of maintained it. Maybe it's ip67 I, don't know I'm sure commenter will correct us. You know 6, the Essex was the move away from having an accessible battery compartment, which pissed me off to no end but dude. There's a reason: I stuck on minus 5, I know right, but once I got one of those external battery packs, then the replaceable battery became kind of a moot point.
Unless, if your battery just died because you left it in the car over the evening, and it froze you know other than the normal wear and tear on the battery after 2-3 years and having to replace it, you know there wasn't really a reason to have that stoppable battery. Unless, if you're, really a road warrior, that's where those portable chargers come in handy is you don't have to pop the battery out? You don't have to shut down your phone in order to swap a battery. You can plug it in and go well. My upside to having the stoppable battery was when I accidentally ended up, rather, incidentally, damaged the USB port on my phone I couldn't longer use that so be able to spot. My battery was the only way I could actually give it a charge yeah.
That is the other downside right, but once you've done that it becomes harder and harder to manage the phone and get stuff off of it. You still have to like transfer via Wi-Fi or sync to the cloud, but the galaxy s 10 rumors abound. Let me tell you they're talking about a Snapdragon, 855 and obviously an X Enos. I guess is how you pronounce that the 98 xx that's coming out. That's going to be for the international version.
The Snapdragon 855 is gonna, be for the US and the 855 actually outperforms the International Version. By a little, it's not a huge difference, but it actually brings it pretty in line with what the Apple CPU is done with their new, what their iPhone 10x s+, whatever they're calling it nowadays I found ten letter, letter, letter, yeah plus, but the $1,500 one. How about that? Does this help it's going to bring it within maybe 10,000 points of the an tutu score for the iPhone I. Think it's scored about 350,000- and this is scoring- is about three hundred and forty-three thousand. So it's pretty close, it's pretty close I.
Really it becomes a moot point to that. It's like shaving FPS. Oh, this one did a hundred and ninety-seven frames a second versus this one's 205 yeah. It's a wash right, yeah, there's also the camera changes that are looking like. It should be interesting as well.
Oh, yeah I mean you're talking about instead of having that center camera with that little notch that everyone makes fun of, and they're going to be doing what they call DSS laser drilled cutouts for the front screen where they actually cut a hole. It's going to be on the right side of the screen. It looks like based on some of the leaks that are out there. Furthermore, it's going to be top right corner where you currently see the time of day, they're, just gonna kind of black. That out shift that to the left a little.
It looks like actually the times going to be flipped on the far left and the icons are going to stack up against the right side against this camera cutout. So they're just moving the notch. Really it's going to shift, but it's where Android has that little bar. So nobody really cared right. No I'll see how that ends up playing out once it arrives, but yeah I'm definitely looking forward to trying to get my hands on those and since it's not centered, the people might not be looking right at the camera when they snap the picture but yeah who knows I, think it shouldn't be too hard to get used to, and they are talking about us Center themselves.
Anyway, I mean you know, I've seen weirdos building yeah, they are talking about having the s10 Plus have three cameras on the back. That's going to be interesting. Huh, was I trying to do a triangle of photos. Now one of the cameras is gonna, be like a 2 X optical zoom and then another one is gonna, be a high resolution like a 24 megapixel or something like that and the third one is gonna, be a telephoto and with an 8 megapixel or something, but they can all take pictures at the same time and then package that all into a special new image format and I don't know much beyond that. I just was reading about it yeah, but having all these pictures so that you can then start to do special things such as having an animated picture where one person is standing still, but there's motion or something happening like if the person is blowing bubbles.
I think is the example they used. The person could be blowing bubbles. The bubbles will be drifting across them popping, but the person would be holding still, and they could do weird things like that. I should be good to see what kind of things we get in to do with that. Once it's available, then probably the exact same thing.
We did with all the other camera features that have come before. Uh Turkey ignore them, I. Think the one camera thing that came out that people actually used is panoramic I. Think that's the only thing you remember when I think it was the s4. It came out with the camera that you could take a quick gift picture and yes, I, said gift, not jiff, so a quick gift picture where it would record like three seconds of video and make it into a GIF, and then you could have a motion picture I used it once I got a picture of my ROG and he kind of just shook his head at me, and that was it.
That's the only one I got dogs, whatever saying why yes I know I, even he shook his head at me going. Why are you using that feature? Hey at least I can say that I haven't used any of the like if Instagram filtered garbage that comes on this nowadays, yeah I, don't know how to access those, because I just don't care yeah, exactly right, HDR. That was probably the other thing that they did. That people use now is that built-in, HDR, and honestly I'm glad they did I was happy when they came out with that. Well, going from the high end of the spectrum to the low end of the herb.
Lower end of the spectrum is some news about the galaxy a8. Well, this is the, wouldn't necessarily call the aid s a low end. I would call it mid-range, probably mid-range, all right, we'll go mid-range, I guess it is around the $500. So I guess is that low-end yeah yeah, but they're launching it in South, Korea, so I'm, not sure if it'll even be available in the States, but it's a six-point 4-inch screen infinity Oh display it's gonna, be the first screen that they released. That has this DSS laser drilled hole with the camera, and this one is in the top right corner.
It looks like now top left my bad, and this will give us a good example about what it looks like and how it works, but it looks like they're gonna support up to six gigs of ram in this thing, 128 gigs of internal memory. It looks like they also have a top tier model. Furthermore, it has 8 gigs where's, multiple potential versions of this thing. Yeah, I know right and it kind of gives some credence to the s10 being speculated to have 812 gigs of ram and that's crazy. Just thinking about it right, and they're talking even up.
First, a 512, gig of storage, maybe even more I, don't know it. It would be easy. Well, I mean we're just talking about the same kind of storage. You can get on like an SD card, but they're going to be doing a 24 megapixel sensor, 10 megapixels, telephoto camera with a 2 X optical zoom, and a 5 megapixel depth sensor, and you remember what I was telling you about that packed bitty picture file. I bet you this is gonna.
Do that, so it would be interesting to see some of those pictures coming off of these things, the stuff they were doing with. That is also trading out. The QI wireless charging. Oh, well. This is a lower end model, so it probably wouldn't have had that anyway, and they did get rid of the 3.5 millimeter. On this thing.
As well, so you wouldn't be able to plug in your headset, so people on flights might not be too happy about having it turn off their Bluetooth and use their own. No, no should maybe those have to get in there. You know something very similar to the Apple dongles yeah. Was it okay? Let's just plug this in our type C, and we'll just have a squid of connectors coming off the bottom, it's for a low price of $39.99 right, hey! This is perfect, like you know some other company and buy it for like five bucks. Yeah, I know right unless, if you require them to have that security chip like Apple does because you know they're worried that you might actually want to liberate your phone.
I guess the name. I just think is kind of funny, because when you, you know see all the stuff like it requires. This requires that blah blah, and it's like okay, if I ever end up in like Hong Kong again. Ah, let's go hit one of the tech markets and buy something for like five bucks yeah there you go. You know, I, don't see anything on here that talks about five g and the s10 is rumored to be able to support 5g, which will be one of the first stateside phones that supports 5g.
By considering we don't have 5g here, and it probably won't be here for a few years. It's kind of a moot point. It supports 5g, we don't have it is supports 5g. Are you don't worry when the iPhone comes out, and it supports 5g, everyone will hell it as this Marvel and the first one to ever. Do it, even though it's two years behind, but Android did right before me.
It's happened several times before I mean yeah. Apple was the first ones who you know, pull out the full screen model, and they kept ahead of the market on that for a few years, but very quickly. Everyone else caught up and began to exceed them. Well, speaking of catching up, did you hear what Voyager 2 did as of the 10th? If disavowed, thanks for all the fish it finally caught up to Voyager one, not necessarily in distance from the Sun, but in reaching interplanetary space or interstellar space, not interplanetary, it's already been in your planetary right yeah, it's a little further out. Now, it's the little just a little.
It finally made it past the white Hello Pay and is mammal sphere. Well, the sphere is inside the heel. The menopause is that buffer, just between the sphere and interstellar space, where everything just kind of quiets down, you remember, they're, not quite out of the Oort cloud yet, but they're getting there. I always get those terms. Confused I worry, sometimes I.
Do too if it's hard to kind of keep up on all this different tech sector and science, and all that it takes a lot of effort. But one of the things I was I heard about this. Is that the fun thing about the Voyager, the tube probe hitting that point? Is it still had certain my sensor still running that was able to track stuff that the first one didn't yeah, the plasma science experiment instrument that stopped working on Voyager 1 back in like 1980? It's still functioning on voyager 2, so they were able to not only get a new sample of the same data of voyager 1 did as it is traveling through space, but it got new samples of new data from this plasma science experiment. It is definitely a monuments thing, even though it's you know, seventies, sixties, tech, even probably seventies. I think it will launch 27 like that.
I'd have to look I couldn't say for sure. Well, it's been out there a long time. At least we know what it takes to get to the edge of the solar system. At this point it does say over 40 years after launch, so it is definitely at least 78, but either way launched on August 20th 1977. There you go old tech for sure they have.
They basically knew that they made it out of the menopause because they are no longer getting the low-energy radiation. That's from the solar, wind, and they're actually getting the higher energy. What do they call it? I'm scanning real, quick! You keep talking, I'll be right back yeah. This is something I actually had to go, read out about it, but there was a see right. Solar biggest all space I was before a subsystem.
The low energy charged particle instrument in the Magnon were to confirm that it has in fact left the building coroner heard coal, and this tougher a know, distance today, clocks as a clock, doing 18 billion kilometers, just a short distance, while John with information. How would you travel 16 and a half hours from the spacecraft factor? Earth? That's not that's a that's a delay yeah, but there's nothing as much as like a Light year yeah. It's just one of those things up. So how long? What kind of lag you got on that? You don't want to know yeah! Well, just wait till it finally hits about you know the year 2025, when they're expecting it might, will start losing enough power from its plutonium source that it'll actually stop communicating with us. Finally, it'll be a little more delayed by than I'm sure.
It's fascinating to hear that we actually can still get information from this thing. You know that far out still running I know it should be fun to you know, see what kind of additional bits of information can be gleaned from that old probe, yeah well, moving on I, think more information means places to store it right, yeah, and we always need more of that stuff. Well it we know that Seagate wants to do their Lamar stuff, the heat assisted magnetic recording, and we know that Western Digital was planning on doing what they call Muhammad, which is mac microwave-assisted magnetic recording, but Toshiba just announced that they're also going to be doing the microwave-assisted magnetic recording as PMR the current thing that they do, the perpendicular magnetic recording, which is a bunch of basics, but you would imagine his rods with plus or minus poles on him. It is standing vertically on a platter, and it's perpendicular to the platter. This is going back to the good old spindle drives that we're in still using to this day and as they write those perpendiculars, then they have to write clusters of them so that they can get a good signal on the right, and so you flip tens of these things at a time to be able to get a good signal and not overwrite data and accidentally flip stuff.
Things like that, and just because of the size of the heads and things, but what the heat assisted- and in this case the microwave-assisted will do, is it'll disturb the surface of the platter using each generation. Essentially, one is by doing laser beam with the hammer and then this one's microwave heating up the platter it'll actually eat up the platter. So you can flip a smaller portion of those bits, so you're only affecting a handful of them and once it's no longer being heated or microwaved, then it's kind of solidifies. It prevents it from flipping under normal magnetic from the heads it's more of a way to direct interface with a smaller amount of those bits so that they can get better densities. They're talking of going up to what four terabit per square inch densities, whereas we're right now in the 700 to 1 terabit or do I say 700 to 1,000 gigabits per inch.
That's what for 5-time density increases, know a little more than that I think, but oh they're, talking about it going all the way up to 40 terabyte drives, whereas we're currently looking at 16 terabytes for perpendicular right now. That's about the top end of what they're planning on doing and perpendicular is still pushing those higher numbers. Is it sticking its getting harder and harder beating right now, you know finding those huge drives they're coming up very slowly over the years. If you actually pay attention yeah and even then those really high capacity drives, they have to restrict it to the 3.5 sighs, so the big drives, whereas, like you know, notebook drives I, think the biggest I've seen is immediate to gig or a 2 terabyte. Now they have the thicker versions that you can get a 5 air bite with now they managed one yeah they're, definitely not as thin as a like slim, notebook Drive.
But there's their out there. They have to use special interfaces like helium instead of normal air things like that in order to accomplish it because they stack an extra platter or two in there I'm certain that the cost that goes along with that, though, not be pretty high. It's up there, it drives the cost, gets more expensive as you get closer to the top end. It's like with CPUs and any other tech GPUs ma'am you pay for the extra space. Just like you pay for performance and the current top-end is a Seagate 5 terabyte that I can find, but it's cracking at 5400 yep.
You don't get the 15k. That's for sure know that right now it mean its guys to see they can put their ability s. Cubes they're going to be able to push it higher, but I. Think as it stands, SSDs are gonna, be really keeping the market running. Well.
I think that's! What's causing these disks to kind of run away, so much is they have to keep ahead of them, and you can go get an SSD with two terabytes of storage and yeah you're, looking at $$500600 for that, but you're going to get phenomenal performance out of it and I think I actually just barely got one for under 300 yeah and that's what's causing these like 900 gigs, 7215, K rpm drives are starting to go to the wayside because you can get an SSD for a similar price, sometimes Laura as it were, and so you're looking at a much faster for similar or lower price, and it's hard to say why keep it. The spindle and I think that's gonna, be the big thing is a lot of the traditional use for these cheap 500. Gig 1 terabyte drives are just going to disappear as they end up incorporating SSDs. Instead, you'll probably get a lot less returns for being slow, even though all the other components suck. But you know you got to keep ahead where you can and cut corners where you can.
If you're going to hit a price point yeah very quickly, the old spindle drives are just becoming good, for only you know, general storage. Well, there's plenty of that out. There I know very few people who don't have a very large home movie and photo collection. I can't store mine on the cloud. I know that I think Google or Apple would have a fun time charging me an arm and a leg to keep all that in the cloud and I know my internet connections.
Data cap would have a hard time with me having all of that in the cloud and accessing on a regular basis. Now and that's the price of having storing a lot of information yeahs. Maybe we can talk about data caps and ISPs later and that's kind of a bummer. We don't want to get into right now, but maybe something there time. Yeah, maybe something exciting.
We can talk about. Have you seen the new motion gift for whatever that it is that they call it for the new Sonic, the Hedgehog movie? This is something I'm a little curious about because on one hand, I'm an old-school Sonic fan, I've played original Sonic games. I still have a working Genesis with those games. Uh-Huh I, don't my love pulling those things out, because the thing about something because its back. You know it's fun to play fast, but then, if you go and look at, you know how they've tried to run Sonic with storylines and some newer games.
You start getting into some weird territory, or you can some you know: cartoons they've done with Sonic and those have been kind of all over the place as well. Well, you remember watching Sonic the Hedgehog The Adventures of Sonic Saturday morning cartoons right yeah, both of the first. You know two renditions, the cartoon where man, but they're fun, yeah I mean I enjoyed it. I always tried to catch Sonic, the Hedgehog in them, it's hard not to enjoy saying, whereas talking about no faster chili dogs, of course, and it had tales, tells was a very fun character. In my opinion, I actually liked him, maybe even a little better than Sonic yeah I.
Don't burn me at the stake? Well, tails had a little more character to him. Where Sonic was. You know pretty much just all about going fast. Well, he was a macho character right. He was played off as this self-absorbed macho kind of you know, everything's about me kind of character, where his tells was a little more down-to-earth.
They played him off as a younger character too. So there was that you know seeing what they're all they have is the teaser on this movie, but yeah a little zip, zip with a little of ring collection, and it's a live action though I mean you can kind of see in the picture it looks like the guy is wearing some kind of tight muscle shirt. Maybe that fully looks CG to me in person it could be CG. It looks almost like there's a shirt with a different color hand coming out of it and of course you got the sneakers, which are totally artistic. Now kind of I mean he did wear red, sneakers Hey where's, the where's, the white socks.
Didn't he wear white socks, I thought you wore white socks coming out of those sneakers not always and I. Think the thing that's got everyone on edge right now? If you read all the I guess, Twitter verse or whatever you want to call, it is instead of going with Hedgehog spines the things of the little quills on the back of his character in 8-bit mode. We're supposed to represent. They went with what looks like her, I mean like a haircut like a Dragonball Z thing going on here. What do you think of that? How they have them rendered in the photo? Definitely does it look quill like yeah, and it's got the right.
It's got the shape of Sonic host on the head, but yeah I can see the fur well, according to the actual directors and such they're saying that, in order to make sonic feel okay, you know, and not just running around nude was to give him fur instead of bills or whatever. You know it kind of like a lot of the characters that you see portrayed in CG nowadays, like you, look at like Doug the ROG and up or things like that, they got the CGT fur kind of thing going on secret life of pets, they're doing hyperrealism in this show it looks like so if they had to do something. Basically, you didn't want to run into something like CG turtles or something like that. They wanted something. A little softer, feel, and I don't know.
Have you seen some of the fur that they've been managing to pull off in video games nowadays yeah, and it's gotten perfect, and you live with any hair in general? Well, look at some CG that happens in like some blizzards stuff, with a gray main eye I think they pull off grain really well with fur and I. Think you can work pretty well with this and I think that there's been enough tech development to fir in the CGI world that they could probably pull it off a little better than quills. I, if you want to look at some kind of not hyperrealism, but look at the cg movie scene. Did you see that I skipped that one um they had hedgehogs I, think it was or porcupines I would have to read to see what exactly what they were trying to be I think it was hedgehogs though, and they did pretty well at making quills? It was obviously cartoon, and so there weren't like as much density as there might have been, or the distribution or color I don't know they pulled it off. But then again they had to wear clothing just like in Utopia or any of the anthropomorphic kind of animal shows.
They always look at that world field a bit more real like it was more like our world, whereas you know in general the world of Sonic. The Hedgehog is a bit different, and you know you've got you have you know some humans, at least since on the games and in others or humans, but in general it's been more like you know, Robotic or Eggman, depending on where they were in the column. Oh, sounds like Robotic um and maybe a smattering of other humans, but otherwise there's you know, robots and then the generally anthropomorphic animals, but rarely do they have clothes exactly, and I think that they were trying to stay true to the original Sonic by keeping Sonic unclothed, because the only thing he wore was sneakers to kind of suggests that he was a runner right. That was the whole focus was oh look, he has sneakers, but they didn't want to make it feel like some guy in a fur suit, or something like that. Well, I, remember in the old cartoon.
They actually purported that the reason he needed his shoes if he is that he had to need or had to wear them in order to be able to reach those high speeds, because if he didn't, he would set his feet on fire makes sense. I mean they show a little of smoke or whatever you're. On this intro speed thing, and even with the steel at the end, you can see the little of smoke whiffs coming off of his feet. Of course, his whole body is emanating looks like I. Don't know flash speed force, hopefully they don't go too far into that direction and make him like a flash knock off that would suck.
Wouldn't it yeah it's going to be I would say it might be interesting just to see how it turns out, but it unfortunately could swing in either direction because I've seen so many horrible Lambert terribly done stories with Sonic or video game adaptation to movies in general. Well, it doesn't sound like you're, actually taking it, they're, basing it on the game, but not basing it. You know on the game's story because well a lot of the old stories. Don't other old games, especially don't have story, but you mean, like detective Pikachu, see what has a story, but there's story: I mean there is a detective Pikachu, cartoon or anime, and so they at least have something to work with their sort of baby about it. So but the thing about Sonic that I'm mostly worried about just what kind of story they can actually give.
If Is mean, like I, said, with the evolutions of the Sonic when it came to. You know: TV media, it's gone from, okay, —, roughly okay and then has gotten worse, um I hope they try to go a little further than like spider-man vs. the Green Goblin, because I see that as probably one of the more likely scenarios where this evil Dr. Robotic makes this flying machine contraption and tries to take over and Sonic has to defeat him somehow right. Well, you just described most of the Sonic games.
Exactly, exactly I mean they can do that, but maybe make it a little better than you know, Sonic versus Dr. evil or something you know. Well, you saw the casting for a Robotic right. I did not do they get Mike Myers to do it? No! No! No! Now was immediately in gold rings. That would have been funny in all honesty.
That would be a good punch line. No, it's Jim Carry he's he's doctor, oh, no, that either has the ability to go really, really bad or really, really good, and then, so it's I'm thinking it's almost cringe-worthy LY. Funny, if you all that describes that's robotic, he is usually cringing anyway, but yeah like I, said face with that. On top, it can go either way. So I mean it's gonna, be one thing to see how they do the animation on Sonic because.
It's going to be animation place for him. Yeah. If you hit, and then it's a question of art, what other characters again, that's funny because there's you know a good dozen of you know characters that they could pull from, whether it be from the actual games or from any other TV media or what the uproar over the fur it's going to be a wait and find out because just having that there's what we have seen that still just doesn't really tell us much, so it could be fir yeah. It could be quills it. No, no, it looks at could be a combination thereof, no I'm, pretty sure it's going to be fur so, but either way it's going to be yeah.
It's going to be a wait and find out there's a lot of people that are just picking on it because they're like oh, it's a movie made for ferries or something like that where they think it's gonna, be some kind of sexualized or something I, don't know what, when they're going out, maybe it's the same reason they use homophobic slang or something to make fun of people they're just throwing words out there, because they want to stir the pot, but I'm I'm more of a movie buff I like to go to a movie to watch a movie. Even if it's based on a game I, don't bring the game preconceptions into it. I don't go to watch Marvel movies sitting there going. Well, that's not like the comic book. You know, I go to watch the movie and to see what the movie brings to the table and I can appreciate it or dislike it for those merits on their own.
You know I mean you know, that's why I say it's giving a weight and find out, because we see a little about the animation there, but not much to really pay attention to, for those are saying: well, that's a frame movie! Okay! So right you, like you, know these other movies like Utopia and sing right yeah, you got a problem that was Robin Hood, the Disney Robin Hood a furry movie. No, so he could go off on that. I mean I've heard yeah we're not gonna. Go to that yeah. Let's not go to that I think when we get some more teaser trailers.
Some actual movie footage like we did with detective Pikachu will get a little more comfortable with the idea, especially when he's not a silhouette anymore, and you can actually see him. You'll probably get a little of that new thing like we did with detective Pikachu, but I think after a little we'll be used to it, and it will be able to move on well. Personally, when I saw the trailer for detective Pikachu I laughed yeah, it looks like a fun movie just as a movie. It doesn't matter if you deem Pokémon as a child's thing or not. There's plenty of adults that enjoy the content play any of the Pikachu or Pokémon in general games.
You do what you enjoy right. I mean it's kind of like saying: Minecraft is for kids, says yeah says who yeah I can think of plenty of people who enjoy Minecraft as adults, because no hundreds, thousands yeah list off. You know hundreds of people personally, just because I'm odd for multiple YouTubers on one of the biggest Minecraft servers. So exactly but yeah sonic is just gonna, be a wait and find out really because we don't have a lot to work off of no matter what people really think. I'm worried about the story yep.
So as news develops, we'll bring it to you here, we'll be doing our weekly digest so be sure to come back check us out subscribe like and check out. Turks Channel he's got some great stuff over there with Minecraft tutorials gaming in general. So check out some of our live streams as well, and we'll see you guys next week here on wolf, digest.
Source : Ammaross Danan