Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 battery replace - disassembly part 1 By Adrián Alcón Żurawka

By Adrián Alcón Żurawka
Sep 3, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 7.0 battery replace - disassembly part 1

Hello guys welcome to another video today I'm going to show you how to replace the battery of the Galaxy Tab 3 of 7 inches. You will need these keys for remove the back cover. They are very cheap. You will find it in an Express or a by, for example, on what mode a screwdrivers one normal, both small screwdriver you see normal one and that one okay, let's start you're, going to use one of these keys for quit the back cover, so you have to put into the frame and the glass that key like that. You say we have to hear that it's opening all you hear it's opening. Okay, that's one side! Now, the other side! Oh, you hear it opens easy.

Okay, now the bottom, not the top. Okay, we're gonna, try with another key to open it very rough. It's opening now again these sides for quit it completely. Okay. Now it's open! You see not only with your hands, you quit it, and you can help with the keys huh, for example.

Okay, now we keep with it and pull up. Don't worry the glass one broken old crush. You can help a guy in you with the keys okay, there you have the Samsung Galaxy Tab 2, and there is the common some people with the frame first and the cover back cover, but they don't know that they are our work. Breaking these cells. Okay, we don't need that now, with the did boost at school.

Divert we're going to disconnect the battery very easy. Only oops that and pull up do you have yes, shall we? Okay again we put the screwdriver there and pull up okay, then we have, and now the battery has four screws one two three four again: we will use dollars. We driver or quit the scripts. Okay, let's see one chill free and the last one for okay now to put the battery, then we'll show that plastic huh, and we pull up and nothing more week with the old battery okay, now I'm gonna that we have the new battery the same as the original and nothing will put it there, we'll screw her. These four screws and we'll connect here and nothing more for honor other info I want to show you that there we have the two speakers.

We have to put all the screws for disconnected the speakers. Then we have the date of the production that we have 2013 year. There are the professors and other things like the GPU. This cobbler will go to the screen, the colors and others. What more? At this side nothing! These are.

The cobbler will go to the camera, discover the sensor that light sensor. This cover is the crystal the yeah, the touch screen, what more and that cover is for the bottoms of block volume, up volume down and the speaker for those noise, because her at the bottom. We have another speaker, so that's all my friends very easy to change the battery I'm going to put the new battery and assembly again the tablet. Okay, please like the video. If it was helpful to you subscribe, not, and we will see in another video, okay, there is bye-bye.

Source : Adrián Alcón Żurawka

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