Rock Island Trail Samsung Galaxy A32 5g Streaming Live from my #GoProHero9Black #familybikeride By Hanna Lagud

By Hanna Lagud
Aug 15, 2021
Rock Island Trail Samsung Galaxy A32 5g Streaming Live from my #GoProHero9Black #familybikeride

Hello guys welcome to my channel so at this in this live-streaming, video I will be gone. We will be going to rock island trail. Um. Actually, island trail is so far uh, it's more or less. I don't know 17.6 something, but I don't know if we can go all the way there. So we're doing this to have our family weekend bike ride at the same time, testing um my Samsung Galaxy, a32 g again for the 5g internet connection, and I'm using now my GoPro hero, 9 blocks and I and mounted here in my helmet and with all this, and it's synced in my Samsung Galaxy via my mobile hotspot.

So that I'm sorry, that's Malia and Joe say: hi bug spray. Thank you dad for the bug spray say hello. Malia! Thank you that for the bug spray, because I don't know if there are so many bugs in that everyone and welcome to galaxy unpacked thanks for joining us at Samsung, okay, so just uh bike ride with us- and I don't know if I can see my phone there, I can hear my phone ball. All a right has to offer. It even gives you the freedom to customize every element.

It looks so we're almost getting ready. Just I'll just go around a little. Man yeah. I have you.

Source : Hanna Lagud

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