Redmi Note 9S vs Redmi Note 8 Pro Speed test/PUBG Gaming/Helio G90T vs Snapdragon 720G By TechUtopia

By TechUtopia
Aug 21, 2021
Redmi Note 9S vs Redmi Note 8 Pro Speed test/PUBG Gaming/Helio G90T vs Snapdragon 720G

Right, your people and I forgot to say sorry, no, just a liar stay out of trouble, just Redmi Note, 9 s, pop G, GFX to test HD, HD quality, HD resolution, extreme mode and shadows and our own medium and other stuff are only a kind of default settings check this out. This is not again a 700 teach G. This is kind of the startup of the mid-range series and 300 series. I can come like that. Nice check it out. I will show you a full gaming review the settings.

This is right now just for the speed test comparison to have this basically sample of 2 minutes and also in my gaming review. I will show you, of course, the thermals, the heating test, of course, using the thermometer pop G one. Let me not die s of course. For me, right, I'm still me and basically, bread, fridge and met out are having an FPS meter right now, with the right now, with the Redmi Note, 9 s we do have, and I forgot to say sorry, just a liar stay out of trouble. Salomon the smooth takeoff from the.

Source : TechUtopia

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