My Secret Mobile Game Obsession! Summoners War: Lost Centuria By Claic Yuzolt

By Claic Yuzolt
Aug 15, 2021
My Secret Mobile Game Obsession! Summoners War: Lost Centuria

What's going on YouTube clay, because all back again with another video, and today's video is actually sponsored by contours. So thank you so much come to us for sponsoring us to play. Summoners war lost censorial. Now this is going to be a real-time strategy. RPG, you guys have seen me play it on the channel before and this time we're going to delve a little deeper and show it off a little more. They just got into their season two.

So I'm excited so again. Thank you so much to conduits for giving us this opportunity. So I haven't played in a minute, and I know there are a few new monsters. So I need to make sure I'm aware of the meta, but this game guys you're going to build a deck, so we're going to go over here to our deck builder formation, and essentially you're gonna. Have these units on your squad as you're battling somebody else, 1v1 with uh there's a MANA system, so you can see the top here this mana.

It calls like four three four uh, and you slowly build MANA throughout the match, and you have to be selective of which cards you play to activate your units. While you're fighting, you see, there's a ton of different creatures and monsters to choose from, and all of them have specific abilities. They do like, for example, this guy right here, uh will literally just shoot a giant like shard at somebody he's like my executioner, he's like my assassin. I think it's Chloe right here, we'll actually heal everybody and get everybody attack, buff and there's different people that cleanse put dots uh all that good stuff, and so you have to collect a lot of the different monsters they give a ton of free, summons in the game and then from there you can really work on different stuff, like they have uh runes that you can put on that. You can fuse and make to make your units stronger, there's a whole ruin system, as you guys can see, and if you're, obviously, if you're uh familiar with summoner's war, this game is going to be a lot of the same creatures.

Kind of the same system in a way with this rune system, so you'll be really familiar with that, because some of this war is pretty big game right, so you have different rune sets. You guys can put on to maximize your units abilities, and you can level your uh cards up as you collect more dupes of them, which again you get a lot as you summon. So I have all these different. I have like my first team here. If we go to the number one deck you can see, this is my team uh, and I've been working on it for quite a bit.

Actually you know I I I know it says my account's only level six, but you level up uh a little slow in this game that doesn't fully represent, like where I am at in the game. It's really about dueling and battling, so we're going to go ahead and get into a duel, real quick. We do have brawl mode, and then we have world tournament's, going to be opening up in a few days. World tournament guys before we get into here is a new thing. Coming out that is going to allow us to be able to ban different cards from other people, ban up to two monsters from each other.

To make sure you, if you really hate Poseidon, you think he's too strong. You can ban that guy out, and you won't have to deal with them. So you'll see what I'm talking about when we get into this ranked battle. So you pick your spells on the side you do have like spells. These are, like you know, just abilities that are not consistent with the creatures or the monsters or the humans.

Whatever you want to say, these are different. Different types, uh they're, not consistent with that they, actually you build them up, and you put them on the side here, and you can there's a ton of them to go through uh, but let's get into the battle. So I can show you guys what I'm talking about. So I am doing rates. You know, I'm not scared, it is uh, it is uh.

You know real time, so I'm actually going it's a real person right here, and you can see their deck really quick. They hide their spells, so you don't see them. They are ranked a little higher than me, so we hope we can get in here and actually win um. So it's its kind of cool, so we all go in right now, and we go face to face, and it's its like real time. This is it we're battling.

So we fight the first formation. We have a MANA bar down here, and I have to decide what I'm do it's all about. Countering though I'm going to wait a second to see if they act, it doesn't look like they are, so I'm going to act. I'm going to use my card here. Try to take out this front line all right, they're going to stun my front line, but I think I'm still going to be able to heal that guy, heals yeah.

That was good. Now, I'm gonna use this ability here. Uh, it's going to do AOE damage to the front line, so it's going to hit everybody in the photo. They took out my okay, we're good, we're good. We hit there um, I'm gonna use this ability.

It hits everybody on the back, so I'm not countering like they are they're countering a lot uh. I have a problem with like waiting until that's crazy that hit her in the back um. I have a problem with waiting, essentially all right, so I'm gonna use this ability here so now, I'm countering they put attack up, and I'm going to be able to hit that guy all right. So now I'm going to counter heal. So this is going to decelerate me.

It's going to make my man ago. Uh slower, see it's got hit, but I did heal and give everybody an attack buff. So that's pretty good. We got a stun going in there. Oh, oh, I was gonna, say where's my ability going off, but it's because my uh my phoenix had to come back to life.

I was gonna, kill this guy because that oh no, I should have sawed what they were casting. It was immunity to keep that guy alive, faster, see what I mean you can make big mistakes dude, I'm making some big mistakes right now: um, okay, dude! All right! We'll use this card here. Man, this guy's out playing me left and right in this video come on dude. I don't want to look so bad man all right, we'll use this, so you'll see how, like I talked about this guy right here, hits really hard, and he ignores defense. He puts unrecoverable one which is great um.

So I have my Chloe here. We're going to have her heal everybody and put an attack buff up ooh sun's going on the whole back line. So does that not count? Oh, that sucks all right, but I will use him, so I kind of got you see how close that was. I wasn't planning to counter, but because I got lucky, I'm going to cleanse that off get Samantha back for that, then I'm going to stun her front line here, ah see so. Okay, so did you see that, so they were trying to sell with this unit? They countered me, but because I stun the unit like during the counter they couldn't do what they wanted to do.

So I'm going to put everybody invincible in the front line here: oh Lucian, strong, okay, okay, so now we're going to go ahead and use this going to heal everybody put his attack buff up again damage conversion. Okay, if I hit them it will heal them. So I have to wait. I can't use any of my abilities. So that's gone, I really almost clicked, but I didn't okay.

There we go now we have now we have time so laps is so good right here. She just hits. It just hits everybody in the back line, which is great. Hopefully I can kill before she steals. It feels bad that I did that.

First nope there goes the shield to everybody dang it all right. We got to try to get through this we're hitting the exhaustion level. Now the hp is going down I'll, go and use this here because they use it as well. Buff up my dudes. I should use this ability- probably let's see ooh counter yeah she's, going to steal the attack, but I'm going to kill her.

I don't know if the attack's going to be applied. Now. Oh yeah, it was already offline all right ooh. He was going for the kill, but I activated that first, so I didn't die, and I got the hill up. You see how much I healed all right guys, so they were kind of getting the better office at the beginning.

I think it's because I was recording a video, but you can see there's so much strategy involved. You have to make sure you use your cards at the right time at the beginning. I wasn't countering correctly because I was just excited to do this video with you guys, but that's it. So again there are a ton of different monsters to collect. I don't have any almost near as much uh as there are.

I don't have them all. There are legendary ones, there's like um, the rarities go up, and these are the ones I don't have. I think this guy is new and this guy's new. Since the last time I played, I haven't gotten them yet, but we are gonna. Do some summons so let's go in there and do some here in a second, and you get like, as you move up to the ranks you get rewards, so you can see you go through it.

There's lots of legendarily for you guys to collect and grab which is cool but uh. Let's see if I get a little lucky here, so that's like the normal stuff, whoa. Okay. So we have a new monster here. So we have a new monster.

Let's hope that we can uh grab one of these bad boys, and you can see mileage summon as well. Once you get to the end, you do get a new legendary, so you get like um the. I guess. It's epic level, you get a rune for your character, and then you also get um the legendary. So let's see what happens here when we summon okay, so we got purple.

So we wanted to see orange there, but hey that doesn't mean it's too bad. So, let's go through. So I got some Beretta shards times three. So again, once I get that to max level, I can upgrade him with MANA or once I get that to the max uh experience needed blood curtain. That's going to be another spell uh colleen.

What was I calling her? I can't even remember. I wasn't even calling her the right name, the whole time. That's my apologies! Okay. I think that means new. If it does that, oh no, I think it was called see.

Okay here we go here, we go, Chloe is the invincibility, the invulnerability or whatever invincibility one colleen is the bird uh lady that is attack up in hills. Okay, so you could see why I would kind of mix them up. They got the red hair, they kind of like yellowish orange eyes, one's a bird one's, a human who's, who's, counting, dude who's. Counting! Oh, yes dude! I didn't have this guy, I'm pretty sure he stuns, if they're decelerated, yeah attack the back line enemies that grants attack down sun's the target and the target has the deceleration effect nice. So he'd go good with like Poseidon, that's cool, okay, Shannon, I'm gonna, try to say guys names that suck okay.

Let's see what this is: okay, Sophia, which I haven't, used her too much. Oh, my god, another one dude another one: oh thrown, okay! Well, hey! That was pretty good man. I got a new character. Everything's great! Do I have it enough to summon again? Oh! Do I get a legendary? I got someone five more times. Okay, we're gonna! Do single we're gonna, try to get that five more times, so we get that legendary.

Here at the end of the video okay, math nice, I haven't used mad, but he's pretty good too man to be 100, honest. Okay, I think I'm 100 short we're going to have to go through, and we're going to have to go. Try to win some other stuff before we can do our last, summon here, colleen, nice and last but not least, more ma, MAV, okay, so um I have to summon one more time. I don't have enough to summon we're. Going to go earn a summit; okay, so we're going to go to the TV, and this is something really cool that you can do so uh.

You can go through. So I have to collect this because I forgot to watch it last time I played um, you can vote on which side you think will win, and then you re-watch the match. You can re-watch your friends matches. They have a really nice replay system in this game, and so you can. This is like premium currency here you can spin to do, or you could go down here, and you can do the same thing that one gives you like a purple chance at a purple card.

This one gives you a chance at a green card like a rare. Is it epic? Is it call it up a hero card, a rare card? Okay, so you pick a side right. So I look through here, and I see who I think is going to win this match I'll say I think this side's going to win, I cheer for them, and it shows like the percentages of people that cheered for them and then in two hours they will fight, and I'll get to be able to see the battle. I can watch the battle and see who wins, and then you get the card at the end, if you ended up winning, which is pretty sick um so, but I'm not going to spend our hundreds we're trying to uh move on here and get to another summon, let's go to our quest here. Okay, maybe this is enough.

Actually, let's go take a look. It's funny how we're going through this video. Just hoping I get enough. Okay, dude! Here we go, we get a legendary baby. I'd be sick, it was a double legendary that would have been insane all right.

Let's take a look Lucia, okay, that's not it, but we do get a legend. Let's try this out whose. It going to be the new units. I didn't. Oh, my gosh dude whoa a little of pizzazz right.

There promised time and salsa bomb on the forefront, enemy fast forwards, the time to decrease the duration of all removable effects, granted on all enemies and flex damage holy smokes dude. She sounds like she'd, be amazing, decreases the duration of all removal, removable effects granted on all enemies. That is insane dude. It afflicts damage. She seems great man and that's the thing about this game you get like.

Obviously, legendarily are hard to come by. You get two. You can upgrade them, but like one is good enough to go in there and try out and play with, so that's great right there, man that's exciting. I got the newest one dude, that's crazy! Okay, so in this game there's also alliances we can go over here to the trading post um. You guys can request cards like, for example.

Let's say I want more uh colleen, I can request more colleen and I can help other people out if I have a card so, for example, I have him and even though we're requesting colleen, I want to support my friends in the guild because you do get this guild currency which can allow you to go over here to the alliance shop and buy some really nice stuff. You need for your account. I always save up for this bad boy, because the skill stones, which I think I called a rune earlier, the skill stones, are insane for a character. If we go look at what a skill stone does, let's go to like um who do I have a skill stone for on my squad? I think I have one for here. So if you take a look at these skill stones, they give you guys- and these are like kind of the rarest things in the game.

In my opinion, they make characters a little stronger, so increasing the damage to burning spiral which is going to be the main ability uh, and then we have grants CRT up rate up two. If we get the purple one on all allies, if burning uh spiral lands a critical hit, are you kidding its amazing? So you want to make sure you're picking up that when you're doing your alliance by the way guys we do have an alliance, it is called the pitch yard. You guys need to join us up. We only have 15 members, but we do have some strong members in here. So if you guys want to get into this guild, you want to play with me.

It's me and Lynch. I don't know if you guys know Lynch from uh from the past, but like get in here and play with us. We're in here battling it out, uh every so often and trying to get our cards better up. So this is how the ruin crafting works. You just have to get this special kind of magical dust or mystical dust, and you'll.

Get that from dailies over here. I'll show you in a second but you just craft ruins you can pick which ones you want. As you level up, you can go up to like higher like legendary runes or whatever, and you can unlock different ones. We just hit craft, and it'll craft, your rune, you can do multiples of 10. If you want to, so you can sell them or collect them.

I always collect them because you have to fuse them together in order to like to get experience. So that's good, there's a magical shop here you guys can go in buy daily, I'm pretty sure um you could buy. So, like Bernard, let's say: you're running Bernard, you really like him: it's not the premium currency, it is the free MANA currency. So we just go ahead and use that right there we can slowly get our uh our deck. You know building uh to be a little stronger and then there's the mission office.

This is where you send off you're different. So, like I set off my heroes on this mission, there are certain objectives to complete. You know if they need to be fired. They need to heal all that good stuff, and this is where you're going to get some runes and some of that dust. We were talking about, so you want to make sure you guys have this set up every uh.

I don't know if this is daily or twice a day. It might be twice a day, and it might depend on what level you are but make sure you're doing that as well. So that's not even the end of everything. We've talked about right, there's, brawl mode. You go into brawl mode in brawl mode.

You can uh play against summoners without the burden of battle results uh, so you can go in here and get some different rewards. A random deck is a sign when you go in this is just for fun. Like you know, there's rains uh, there's normal battle, there's brawl mode which is random deck. You just go into battle, it's pretty fun, it's another way to get rewards and have a good time and there's normal battle. If you kind of just want to test decks- and you don't want it to affect your rank, you can go in there and then, like I said, the world tournament is coming soon, and this is going to be the end all to be all big, father stuff that you guys want to go in there and try that out.

There is single mode where you guys can do siege battles. They have cool different things like uh, each of the monsters or the bad guys that you fight at the end. You have like some sick character that you battle, but they have some cool like card they use. You really have to learn to work around and there's. Some awesome rewards like from legendarily um to the uh, the uh skill stones that I was talking about that are really hard to get, and you unlock those as you progress in PVP there's also the wanted board this guy's gonna, this guy excuse me these are gonna, give you uh rewards based on when you kill them, and I think this resets daily as well.

So you can see you get some medals. You get some MANA, and then you get some premium currency and you guys can challenge those every day, which is another way to get stuff and going on the challenge. Mode barrier mode is awesome. Look at all these modes! You can play man uh blessing of the win is a current barrier. So it's like you go in and battle.

All of your characters are ranked 10 from the beginning. So you don't worry about like what level you are you're all level 10. Uh, but there is a certain like stipulation when you battle in here. So this one uh for this current barrier is blessing of win grants. Amanda's cost down one on the wind allies.

Whenever an ally monster gets defeated. So as you're playing this, you can go up to three losses, or you're out: okay, and you're, trying to get to ten wins to get all these rewards. So you can go through here and look what rewards you get for? How many wins- and you have to deal with this and again your characters are all level 10 from what I understand. So this is another way for you guys to get into battle and have fun um and then there's arena battle, which is a free entry. Here, I'm going to go ahead and use my free entry.

You guys battle through this. It's kind of the same uh thing that we were dealing with before, but this way you get different rewards like summon raid up increases the chance of summoning a skill, stone or a legend stone, guys, there's so much to do in this game. So this is a whole other. You know you get three losses in your out, but you can move up and increase your. I should have probably should have done this before I summoned earlier, but it ended up working out for us uh.

So before we get out of here, though guys I do want to do one more battle, because I want to show off a little better of uh how I could play I mean I know I won, but I think I got a little lucky there in the end. So, let's see if we can get this one done here and yeah so another thing about this game, is you can play as much as you want, or as little as you want every day you can grind the crap out of reigns. It's not one of those games where, like if you, if you know you have to do a couple of things you don't have to uh like around the house, you feel like you're missing out you're, not constantly grinding. This game is to sit down and PVP and battle it out in real time. Like there's no curse.

Like I don't know a lot of games, you feel like you're missing out, if you're, not on 24 7. This game is all about getting in being strategic and really having your mind on the game, because it is a PVP, uh skill based game. So, okay, so we're going to go in here. We're going to try to kill the front line there, nice. In response.

Now we have this nasty stuff all over us from uh the ticking dots, so we're going to try to recover a little and put our attack up moving into this guy. So this guy right here will explode. Oh my gosh! This is a dot team. If you've ever seen one- and I don't see any of my- sadly- I don't see any of my um okay he's trying to put me to sleep any of my cleanses. I have a couple of cleanses in my deck, but I haven't seen any of them yeah.

This is a lot of rebuffs coming out at me. I'm going to do this all that held in before I did it. Ah, that sucks. That's okay, though all right I got transfer. Oh, I used it uh.

I used the way too late. Okay, so I see oh no dude, oh no see transfer takes, gets rid of the bats, that's on you and puts it on them, so that would have been great if I had done it. You know when I had stuff on me or after that person did it clay you have to counter. You can't just be clicking cards, man uh! Let's go to this we're calendar with the hill. Try to get everybody back up a little more, oh, no and somebody out of it.

Okay, dude! Can I get in there? Oh, not enough. It's gonna still go to cleansing hill dang it okay! I was hoping I could kill with that. Wasn't strong enough all right going in for that! So I'll go here. Hopefully I can heal through that, so that person doesn't die nice, okay, okay, I'm gonna, heal, you're, taking your chance to buff. I will take my chance to buff as well.

I was going to do this to try to get that person. Oh my gosh. Okay. Now we're on the back line. We're really, really close here! Uh! Okay! There are a lot of fire units in the back.

If I didn't mention that there are elements in this game, okay, I'll try this! Maybe I should have used him actually to try to heal him. Yeah, that's probably the yeah. Oh, he didn't die now he's dead all right. We got continuous burn on us, but I am going to have purified here, so I'm going to be able to get rid of that, and I get MANA for doing so go ahead and do that right now, dang that hill is big. Okay, all right! That's, let's tell her at the end: she's really strong killer, dude kill her before the whip gets us.

Yes, oh my gosh, okay, dude! Here we go all right. We do it again so like at the end. That's what I'm saying. I think that uh laps is really strong at the end, because she can just hit the entire backyard and look at the shield she gets from doing it. So if I give any pointer for new players, she is great to have in the back line.

So is uh this character here, because she can stun, and she heals when she stuns, so she's, perfect at like at the end, like surviving a lot. So there we go: hey, listen! I'm undefeated in this video everything's feeling great! Thank you again to conduct for sponsoring us for this video and, if you guys want to try out summer's war, lost, censorial click, the link in the description below that's where you can download it. So if you guys, like this video, give it a thumbs up, comment down below how you feel about this game and who your favorite legendary is remembered to join our guild, subscribe for future content, and I'll catch. You guys in the next video you.

Source : Claic Yuzolt

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