Galaxy S20 vs Galaxy A51 - Which One's Better? By Fliptroniks

By Fliptroniks
Aug 14, 2021
Galaxy S20 vs Galaxy A51 - Which One's Better?

What's, going on guys that idiot flip ironic, so I'm going to be comparing the galaxy s 20 versus the galaxy, a 51 okay, so the 51 came out in late 2019 and, of course the s 20 is gonna, be the newest Samsung phone that you can get right now. Now the cool thing about the 8051 is that it's very affordable. You can pick this one up for about 300 bucks, plus it's got some characteristics of a flagship phone. You know the s 20, however, you know you're looking at $1,000 plus for it, so I mean it is very expensive, but I have to tell you what the S 20 is. Probably one of the best phones I've ever used personally, especially for like photography, watching video I mean you're, really not going to find a better phone right now, anyways I'm gonna, do a quick comparison here. I'll also throw some links in the description and comments.

If you guys want to find the lowest prices for these phones, I do recommend, you know, checking them out on Amazon now I do want to flip them over okay. So you know we're gonna. Take a look at both of them. You will notice the 51 does have a slightly bigger screen on it. So it's got a 6.5 inch. Super AMOLED display the S.20 s got a 6.2 inch, dynamic, x, 2 AMOLED display now the s 20, you know definitely just an amazing screen, for you know playing games watching video. You know, I've been comparing it to a bunch of different phones like right now: I own about 50-plus phones, so I'm still kind of comparing it.

But you know, after using this phone for like a month, I mean you can definitely see the difference in the quality, especially just like in the picture. Quality of the video quality I mean it's definitely there. As far as like processors go, you know, the s20 is going to have a much better process around. It's got a snapdragon age, 65, the 851. You know it's still a very fast phone.

It's got a xenon 96 11 processors. The one thing I do need to point out about the 51 is that you know, while it does have a gorilla glass front on it, and so does the S 20 the backing on the 51 is made of plastic. You probably couldn't tell when I had them. You know flipped over to start this, but this is a plastic backing on the back. So it's not an all glass phone.

Now there are some benefits. To that I mean if you drop. This on is probably not break on the first drop, which is nice, but you know you can definitely feel the better build quality when you're holding the s20. It just feels like a much better well-made foam and then the other thing I want to point here is cameras. Now the s20 like I, said this is probably gonna, be the best phone I've ever personally used for photography.

Now it's got a 12 megapixel back camera, but it can do a 64, megapixel zoom. You know, which is crazy, so can take like close-up pictures like I've, never seen before I mean you can get perfect detail the 851. It's got a 48 megapixel back camera, and it does have a good camera on it, but you know I'm just saying the s20 this phone right here is just ridiculous when it comes to photography. Okay, now I'm going to load up some Netflix on both phones, we're gonna check out some video quality. I'm going to do some gaming.

Also, as you guys are watching this. If you could smash the like button and subscribe the channel. If you haven't- and you know- let's do our thing here- all right. So let's get Netflix going here on both phones, I'm gonna. Try to time it perfectly here to see kind of what loads up quicker.

Okay, so the s20 was faster. Yeah, I mean you could definitely see the difference in the speed right there now I've kind of been watching. This Castlemaine show it's really cool. It's like an annotated kind of like vampire show I mean it's got a game and everything if you guys should check that out in the past, but we're going to load this up, we're gonna, you know get both these phones lined up. So we can kind of take a look at the quality here and try to get this very cool, I'm gonna load, because I'm going to get these lined up perfectly like that.

Okay I'm even definitely see the brightness on both phones is set at the same, but you can just tell up here on the s20 I mean that display just looks ridiculous, all right, so I'm gonna, let this play for a second okay, so the 851 I mean. Obviously it is a bigger display, which is nice, but the s20 I mean it just looks a lot better up here. I'll tell you what I'm going to close this out, because I did want to load up some gameplay here on both phones, too so I've been playing a lot of Marvel contests of Champions, so I'm going to keep it going with this game. So I'm going to get into a few matches here on both phones. Let's load it up same time, get it going here, all right, yeah, I kind of had no doubt that Thea as twenty was look would load that up faster, and it obviously did, so I mean you can definitely see the speed difference on these phones.

That, as twenty is you know a lot faster. So let's do I have here alright, like I, said I've been putting some work into I, didn't even realize. There's a little of it downloading around here, I've been putting some work in on this gamer, and I've got a Captain America infinity war, Iron man vision, but you know, while this is loading up I'll get into a know a couple different matches here, and you know we'll do our thing: nice, black man, Danny! That's how you do it all right, let's bring it down here, okay, so I don't have as many characters to play with on the a51 I think I've got what is it spider-man Wolverine and the Scarlet Witch? Have these dead, Scarlet, Witch, I'm, sorry who's! This guillotine! Don't even know that is thought. It was a Scarlet Witch, okay, well, we'll use guillotine. Even though I don't even know who this character is guess we have them right, the guillotine versus the Falcon, alright cool this guy's got like a sword, it's pretty sweet.

It has a nice, a tag that he totally block this alright, so I'm going to get into. You know one more match on both bones here. So we'll keep this going, star-lord all right, star-lord versus Iron Man. This should be a pretty easy match. I, don't think these guys what the Iron Man would have trouble with this in real life.

Here, oh man, all right, let's get a one more match in here. I think I'm gonna, keep it on this guillotine versus the Hulk, all right cool all right. So let's take these back to the home screens. Okay! So honestly, you know the 51 when it came out. You know in late, 2019 like in December I picked this phone up, and it's an amazing phone for 300 bucks.

I mean it's got a nice display. It's obviously not going to be as fast as the s20 and then, of course, like it's, not an all glass design, but I think that's kind of like a benefit, because if you drop it, it's not going to crack on the first drop, the s20. However, you know, even though I didn't really show any photography for both phones. You know the s20 is definitely like one of the best cameras out there. You know for recording video, taking pictures the 51 it's good, but I mean you know it's also a $300 phone.

Furthermore, you know trying to compare to. Furthermore, you know the s 20 it's kind of hard, but you know as far as eight holding its own I definitely think it did. If you want to check out the latest prices for either these phones I'll throw some links in the description and comments you guys could smash legmen subscribe the channel. If you haven't thanks for watching it, and we'll see you in the next one.

Source : Fliptroniks

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