Unboxing Google Pixel 3 & 3 XL | LIVE By SUPCASE

Aug 14, 2021
Unboxing Google Pixel 3 & 3 XL | LIVE

Hey guys we are back with a surprise, live we got our Google pixels in you might have seen us on Instagram. We got these in I just wanted to unbox these check out some new cases. Thank you. So much for your patience. I know a lot of you been patiently waiting for our pixel three cases: pixel, three Excel, so we've finally got those up there on Amazon. They should be on our web store in the coming days.

You know it just takes a little of time to inventory everything, get it all up there officially, so that when you click that shop button it just automatically gets processed and sent to you and everything's all set up. So we got these cases so far we have the UP Neo and the UP Pro the award-winning newbie pro that wanted CNET's drop test this year with the most feet drop. So these are the cases that we currently have and trust me any guys any of you guys that have been with us for a while know that if we don't have a case for a device that we will have it eventually, especially as we get more and more in demand, you know we don't take it lightly. It's very serious when we add a case to our line, so we can make sure that the design for that particular device- it's like a glove, and it fits it perfectly so that when you hold it, it's seamless everything works, fine and, ultimately that it protects your phones. You want you to be confident and when you drop your phone or if you drop your phone, it's going to be safe and protected.

So there's a lot that goes into that with military-grade testing and quality control and quality checks. So you want to make sure that our cases are the cases that you guys deserve that we have known for. We live up to our reputation. So thanks for your patience, thanks for bearing with us, but these cases are alive. They are available now.

I'll put some links in the description so that you can go shop these right now, and I do have word. You know, don't want to confirm anything, but I know. A lot of you were asking what about a clear case for the Google Pixel, so we do actually have a clear case coming the UP style that some of you guys might be familiar with we're working on that now to get the UP style and get it out to as soon as possible, so can't say, win exactly, but we're working as quickly as we can trust me as quickly as we can to get these cases out to you. I know: Google Pixel fans are some of the most rabid, and I've. Had a pixel I had a nexus I'm.

A big fan. I know why I know what all the hype is about. These are just really great phones that just get out of your way and provide a really great seamless experience. So, let's unbox these. What do you think you want to box this pixel 3 or the pixel 3 Excel first I would say: let's do the pixel 3 Excel, because anything this has the 3 will have, but this will be even better, so one of our guys open it just to put it in the cases and just see how it looked but hasn't actually gone through everything? So you guys having gotten a googol, pixel, yeah you're thinking a getting one.

You want to see what comes in first, you get this gorgeous phone, oh my god, Wow gotta stop because the texture on this- it's just it's really weird. It's like metallic, but it's also texturized like a rubber at the same time. So that gives you some grip when you're holding it, but it doesn't add any bulk. It's very thin, and you can see this phone is just like impossibly thin, it's thinner than a cracker, here's the front of it. So let's turn that on.

Let's see! Oh, no, don't tell me it's not charged up there. We go got the notch. That notch is very, very controversial. I guess I might as well. Do the three at the same time, because I know about the three Oh No, so the battery is dead on that one, so they don't come out the Box charged up.

That's one thing at least not this phone. Let me see this one: oh okay! So this one's white. This is just a three it's kind of nice little texturize on the back. It's already on, so that's a good sign. At least we can kind of check it out.

There's the screen! There's the camera. Let's check that see how that looks, how's that it's ooh man really easy. Oh, it's going to video okay, so you can zoom. Now it's got these points, I like that you can just click it zoom in and out. You can go right at where you want to zoom.

Oh I, like that. Look at that, and I want to go a little out all the way up. That's very cool, and you can even do it manually, there's the camera mode. Let's snap a pic brightens up, so you guys see. Oh, let's go check out that picture.

You see orientation lock right now. There you go I have to, tell you it's kind of hard for you to make out from camera to camera, but for me, in my view, in real life, it's very crisp by the way. Look at this. It's like a green button on the white on the 3. That's a little odd wonder why they would just put like one green button.

There looks like a mistake: a little shot at a camera. Can you see that very nice, it's kind of like reminiscent of the 10r which we just did a life on, but as far as the camera, it's like the 10 Arica got flipped to the side? It's very light just to tell you how this feels I mean. This thing is like it's so light. I forget it's in my hand. After a minute like it's, it's noticeably light, tortured mode.

You know you can play around the cameras, but at the end of the day you just want to you know you can learn all the settings and see how it works, but you're like it is a camera. Is it a nice picture? It's a nice quality am I. Going to put this on the grand and people are gonna, be like what camera is that I think so. So it's very fast kind of looks like you swipe up from the bottom kind of like a iPhone. Look at that speed.

Good, that's pretty much! All I do with my phone. All day makes sound effects cool, that's the pixel three, oh I'm, really bummed, so the pixel 3 XL is it's dead. They didn't send it to us charged well. What I wanted to show you guys is so when you saw when the screen turned on briefly, you've got that notch, like the iPhone 10, but I guess with the pixel 3. It doesn't have that notch.

It's its I mean to be honest, it's kind of like an iPhone, oh I could see the 2 speakers. You got surround sound, but it's kind of like that cut there, and so the screen really starts here, whereas you've got a lot more screen on the 3xl. You just got to deal with that notch. I think that's so different I mean I, don't know if you guys seem like the Galaxy a7 and the a8 they've got three cameras: four cameras, five cameras, they're just adding more cameras lenses to the backs of these phones, but Google pixels, like hey, we're just gonna, stick with the one camera. That's all we need.

We can do the job with one camera and then on the front. There's two. So you got one two, and then you got one two. So in completely unconventional as usual, Google Pixel, you got one camera on the back two on the front, because you know selfies are really where it's at most of the pictures that we take with our phones are selfies, so you guys want to see. What's in the box, what's in the box looks like we got here all the paperwork.

All the necessary paperwork is in order. Got our SIM card key. Look at that cool little sticker, Google sticker teen, pixel hashtag teen pixel! Are you guys team pixel, very nice? It's very nice I'll spare you my Borat impression it's just so hard to say very nice and not go into it. Okay, you don't want to watch me figure out how to stuff this back in. So you got that, oh, so these are the headphones comes with some headphones, some Google headphones, so its proprietary headphones.

Guess they didn't partner with anybody, but they're pretty nice. Looking the material is like really nice and soft, and it's got this adapter, so no more headphone jack and just plug it into the charger. Adapter, the charging port and there's your headphones. So still sticking you could still do headphones. I know that you know not.

Everybody has Bluetooth headphones or, if you do they, it might be dead on you, and you just want to listen to something. So it's nice that you can actually plug some headphones. You have that option if I want to plug in headphones. If I want to do the Bluetooth. Is your charging cable? Oh, okay? So look at this.

You can actually plug in into the adapter and then plug in the old-school headphones now, I'll tell you from experience. It's kind of a pain when you have these I mean it's great, taking out the box but like where you going to put it you're going to carry this around with you everywhere you go, you got to usually have a place that you put it, and so when it's time to listen to your headphones or if that's your setup, you just always have that set up, and then you got the adapter from USB-C to the USB, no suggesting I'm, trying to think why you would need that. Is that because you just have a regular cord, you don't have like a USB, C or Android. You just have USB to USB, so it comes with all the fixing's all the trimmings. Anything in here whew.

Look at that. Okay, there you go, there's the power a little tiny little notch in it, but I like it. So it's clean, simple I like dude, there's no branding I mean that might be kind of weird. But you know I kind of feel used when I walk around and like somebody's brand is really huge. Oh, somebody's saying go, color are the phones.

We got just joining us. We got white for the three, and it's got it. It's got this green power button which I don't understand that that it is just a very interesting choice that we all have to live with and then the three XL we got in black and this material feels really cool. I've, never felt this. It's like rubber, but it's metal at the same time as I guess it's got the rubber texturized feel, but it's also cool to the touch like metal and this one didn't come charged up, which I'm really surprised about.

So we want to do some tests with these cases and see how the touch sensitivity is with the screen protector. So we'll have to do that with the three. Let me just carefully place that down beautiful though I got to say that's what I really like about these phones is that they're, very simple, very understated I mean look on the outside. You can't even see the buttons this buttons kind of disappear. You've got like one opening for the pork I, don't even see speaker, speaker, cutouts or anything like that.

I guess they've got the know, be a stereo speaker here, so I think as soon that's. Where everything comes out of I, guess you don't need a vent. This thing never gets hot, which would be unusual so if you're on Google, Maps, and you're streaming Netflix at the same time, you're in that kind of situation. I guess this phones not going to get hot. It's going to stay nice and cool it at the touch.

So that's: what's in the box, beautiful phones, I, definitely dig it. You know, I think that Google pixels got an interesting place. You know iPhone people always going to be iPhone Android. Furthermore, you can kind of go any way. Furthermore, you might go from the s9 to the note 9 to the a6.

Furthermore, you might stay with the galaxy line and then there's everything else. The LG's are really kind of coming up and everyone is really more and more interested in the LG's. So let's check it out with the cases on it. I want to do the UP Pro. This is our UP Pro.

On most famous case, everybody that has this case loves it. It comes with a holster, of course, so you can clip it to your belt or your backpack, wherever you want to clip it and just hang on there. But this case I mean like this thing is just serious heavy duty. It's got this polycarbonate back shell, which is harder than stone the way it feels even in this whole trim, I mean everything's, very rigid and firm. You know you hold this phone, and it feels light.

It feels delicate, like a Faberge egg, and you have any hair, and it's not bulky it's its not. It doesn't add any bulk, but it just feels solid. Like you just know, you guys have seen you run over phones, we've run over, add a note 9 in this case, people tell us all the time. Some guy just wrote us the other day that he left it on the highway, or it fell off his car on the highway, and we went back and saw cars running over it right into the highway to grab his phone and the case was a little scuffed up, but the phone was perfectly fine, and you know that's why we do this. You know we want.

The phone is our life now. All of our data is on their whole. Lives are on there. We do everything from there, so you need to have case that you know is gonna, protect it, and it's hard to tell these days with some of those name, brands you're still not sure if they're going to hold up, but so there it is in the UV Pro unicorn beetle Pro looks very nice with the white I like that. Nice contrast, you know you can see the case.

You see the phone, you can still get access to the fingerprint scanner I'm not set up. So let me see, is it even telling me I'm, not right, I guess I have to set that up, but you know it's like nice and smooth, perfect cut out perfect cut out for your lens and you're light. You got these port covers to keep out dust and debris. It even keeps out moisture. Let's see the buttons very cliquey.

Look at that I guess you can take a picture with the volume button. That's pretty cool! So you don't. You know when you're trying to do a selfie, and you're like trying to reach, and you're like holding the're trying to like to take the perfect framing and then touch this button. That's nice I like that. You can just like hold it out, take your selfie and then go MMM.

You guys want to see what you look like. Look at that boom very cool, so buttons feel good power button. Very click, P, perfect cutouts for the two cameras on the front. You know you drop this. It's totally fine people always like! Oh my god, knows we're so used to it now.

I've seen I've heard so many stories, and I've seen these phones go through so much and all the testing that we do that, like this thing's, the real deal, I'm pretty confident. You know we did alive with the 10s max, but you know the iPhones are the most vulnerable phones and that things didn't even flinch. Okay, so I know I have no nails, so I empathize with people that have trouble getting off this case. Listen if it was easy to get this case off. You know, I, don't know if you could trust your phones protect it.

If, at least you know if it's a little tough to get the case off, that your phone is fine, but it just takes some finessing, and you're getting under there, and once you feel back that corner. Look at that. It all comes off now. I have no nails, so I usually got to find an instrument like charging plugs are pretty good for me. But if you have nails shouldn't be a problem, you can even get a coin.

Stick it in there. So it looks like on the UP Neo, so the UV Neo another dual layer case with a screen protector wood. You can do a touch sensitivity test you might have noticed because we're just using it seamlessly like normal, but screen is totally fine. So let's do that with this case, we'll do the screen protector make sure that that's nice wrapped up tight in there that feels nice, alright ready for the reveal, let's see how it looks, looks pretty nice I like that. That's cool, it's a little different! So the screen, let's see, swipes everything, swipes perfectly seamless I mean you forget instantly that there's a screen protector on it.

It's just so seamless so and if you want you know we, you can always get a. You know a glass screen protector and some people like 2.5, D or 3d screen protectors. But if you don't want to go through all that or until you get one you have the screen protector built in. If you have a case compatible screen protector, you're just going to have to you're just going to double up your protection, so touch sensitivity perfectly seamless, fine, don't even notice that there's a screen protector on here I can just enjoy my phone and yeah there. You go I, think that looks cool.

So there you go guys. That's what's in the box, that's the Google Pixel, so I mean we've already seen what it looks like, but we're here. Why not? Let's just see what it looks like with the three XL. Let me see so I got big hands. I think this would be good for maybe most people, especially women, but this phone feels very comfortable and natural.

In my hand, it's its it's not that much bigger! You can see the difference right there. You know I mean what is this like screen might be bigger a few inches, but you don't even clear an inch there. So we got the UV Pro I'm gonna, see what the black-on-black looks like snap, that on there pop it in well I guess my point was: if anyone thinks that it's hard to get the case off, you know, once you go, you kind of figure out how to finesse it and get that corner out. It's like! Oh, okay! It's not that it's difficult! It's just knowing how to do it and having done it and just having that dexterity that muscle memory of doing it and then your body goes. Okay, I see how much pressure I have to put, and you're not going to break your phone.

You know I mean, like I, said you just peel off this corner, and you're good to go. That looks really nice I, like that I'm going to say it again. I mean it's not bulky, but this thing just feels firm. It's just so this thing is a block. Well, no, don't do that! Mike, you're, going to break it! No, it's fine! It's in the UV Pro! You be pro got it.

We got the raised. Bezel's, keep the back and the front off got these little bumpers. Here just keeps the edges off. You got these bumpers to absorb shock the polycarbonate hard shell on the back to just reinforce the whole thing. You got a nice little grip here, so that's the UV Pro and last but not least, let's check out the UV Neal you know and if you're just joining us again, if you're a Google Pixel person, and you're looking to get the pixel you like subcase thanks for the love and the support, we love you guys.

We want to get you cases that you guys want that. Looks good for your phone, that you need. So we are working on a clear case. The UV style right now. I think these are just getting on Amazon the UV Neo you won't find just yet.

You know we have to get that in and get it in, but we're racing as fast as we can to get it up there. So you guys can order these and make sure you're not walking around naked, with your Google, pixel, and you're all protected, so the UV style not sure when exactly will have it trust me when I say we're going to get it to you as soon as we possibly can, and we want to make sure that it has the perfect fit that your phones, protected and everything's tested and the quality check and everything before we feel confident in delivering it into your hands. So you'd be Neal another screen protector. This phone came dead in the box. Unfortunately, so we can't really test that, but there's a look of it looks really nice I, like the UV, Neal I, think this is a personal preference, if you like just a nice simple case, well, the gloss, something maybe a little futuristic looking.

This is the kind of case that you would get so there you go. That's our UP, Neal run, Pro I'll, put some links in the description like I said, so you can find these on Amazon. We should have them on the web store before the end of the week. So you can place those orders and get your case in as soon as possible. Of course call us if you have any questions: google, pixel, 3, Google, pixel, 3 XL.

What do you guys think if you got, would you get the 3 XL? Would you get 3? Would you get the white? Would you get the black? Would you get the UV Pro? Would you get the UV Neal a lot of choices and just kind of interested and see what everybody thinks and if we like to get feedback, so we can kind of know going forward what you guys like what you expect and make sure that we meet your expectations? So leave a comment. Let me know, let us know make sure you like to subscribe share, and thanks for watching its Mike from subcase.

Source : SUPCASE

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