SAMSUNG A31 UNBOXING {WHITE} !!!!! By Felisha C.b

By Felisha C.b
Aug 15, 2021

So, hey you all, welcome, welcome back before pressing the sub screen. Welcome! Welcome back to my channel. So in today's video we are going to be doing another unboxing this time. It's actually realistic, so we are going to be unboxing the Samsung a31 okay. So we have the phone right here: the Samsung a31 in the color white. To me, it's a beautiful white with like a holographic, so you see on the side the box.

It matches Samsung Galaxy a31. So let's get into this unboxing put the phone to the side, we're putting the phone to the side for a while. You know that's what all the other YouTubers do, but yeah we have in the box. We have the charging. Then we have the charger.

Is this supposed to be the charger for the phone wait a minute? Let me see something. This short thing is supposed to be the charger for the phone like what this is so short. Come on, Samsung come on Samsung. Let me put this to the side. Then it comes with a headphone which is really nice.

You know I'm not going to take this out because I already have a sound from heaven like this, so I'm just leaved it in the packaging. Then inside this box right here it comes with the little um thing to put your sim card for you to open up the thing for you to have your sim card yeah. So I guess everybody already knows what this is now. I guess you guys are wondering what is in this box right here. Well, let's, let's find out Samsung on the box.

You know, okay, so let's open this and see what's up she completely from any side, I guess but my successes this side, so we're just going to follow her. What is this a phone case? I see you, it comes with this, then probably never gonna use but anyways. Yes, a Claire phone case, which I think is really thoughtful of Samsung. You would never see apple include a phone case with their phone they're, not even including the chargers and headphones anymore. Well, I guess for some other phones, I'm not sure, but yeah, let's go to the actual phone now phone.

The part that you all been waiting for, as you can see the screen protector, whatever they come with on the screen, I've never unboxed a Samsung phone before so yeah and, as you can see, there's what one two three four cameras: oh wow, that's different. Four whole cameras more than mines. I have two cameras on my iPhone 11. The color in the back is gorgeous wow. The phone actually feels like a pretty this decent beautiful phone, and it's holographic.

If you can see holographic, I'm sure you can see now, let's put on the case and see what's going on with this now, the clerk is that the phone came with wow. It doesn't make much of a difference, but it's really nice. So, yes, this is the finished unboxed Samsung a31 take a look, and these are all these things that it comes with headphone. The case is already on their charger. Yes, boo.

This is everything that it comes with, and now it's time for us to unbox the an in blue stay tuned for our next video you'll. See this one uploading right after this one, hopefully, okay, also as you can see, that is the finishing unboxing of the Samsung 831 in the color white. Okay, it's really nice, though it feels really modern. I'm not going to be setting this phone up simply because I this one does not belong to me. I'm just unboxing a couple of things that you've got, but just not belonging.

Hey guys! Welcome! Welcome back to my channel this video. I hope you enjoyed make sure you give this video a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel for more videos. If you would like to see the Samsung Galaxy a81 in the blue color that video will also be uploaded to my channel later on. So let's go film that video right now.

Source : Felisha C.b

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