Poco f2 pro vs redmi k20 pro display comparison indepth review By Sai Tech Guru

By Sai Tech Guru
Aug 22, 2021
Poco f2 pro vs redmi k20 pro display comparison indepth review

Hello ham sizes now welcome to Switch in this one I'm going to compare the display of the Poco RF to pro versus the right knee our k20 pro device. So both the phones are having the full screen our displays so in this video, let's compare which displays the best display and which adds more brightness and Simon levels and everything. So, let's get started with the video and don't forget to subscribe our to my channel SAI tech guru and also to check the links in description also for the playlists of the Poco have to provide the right media 20 pro device and recently, when I finish the one year of anniversary with our. Let me create on the pro device, so do check those videos, and if you want this kind of good-looking wallpapers also there is a playlist available only for the wall purpose, so try to check the wallpaper playlist. So, let's get started or with a display. Our comparison, friends and first thing you will notice- are definitely the Poco ff2 pros display is a little bigger than the Redmi k20 pro's display.

So you can see if significantly how much difference it is, and one more thing is that the red maquette on the pro feels very light. If you are watching the videos with a single ad. So where is the Poco f2 Pro? You do feel little of heavy while watching videos. The reason is because of the huge screen 6.67 inches so right now you can see. I am playing the same.

Video in both the phones, and one thing you will notice is that right, knee are sorry a Poco f2 pros. The display is slightly more saturated and bright. The reason is, there is a slight bar option on the top so which I will be doing in depth review. So there you do get option of selecting the increase in the colors as well. You can see that difference in the brightness and saturation levels.

Oh, it's increasing. So if you want or to increase the brightness, you can do that and if you want to increase the color or certain levels, you can do this. So this kind of video tool ball helps you to are increase the colors whenever you want. So this is another best application which is inbuilt in the Poco f2 Pro. So right now, with this update other it mica tin Pro doesn't have this feature so overall or by using this feature, then definitely the Poco f2 Pro is a clear winner and not only that in the default settings.

There are plenty of options where you can trigger, and you can use increase the colors in the promo f2 prose and by using this kind of video tool ball option which makes the Poco f2 Pro is a clear winner. If you are using this kind of good-looking cinematic review, so you can see a friend clearly, the Poco f2 Pro display is a slightly high saturated if you are using this option, and even I am very much big fan of a big screen: mobile phones, not the small ones. So if you are watching for the movies or playing games, you do get this kind of good display so, which is my favorite display till now. Definitely friends, the Poco f2 pros so, which has very good advantage, so I'll be doing in-depth review on this video tool ball. What is that and what it will be useful and where it will be useful in which scenarios so right now I am playing the same video you can see how good the colors look in both the phones.

So even though read me Kate on the pro is not bad, but it's little advantage for the Poco f2 or pros display slightly advantage. But overall, if you want small screen, then definitely the with me Kate on the pro is the best phone, so there is no other option without this kind of powerful chipset and with small screen size. So let me try to decrease the brightness to 10 and show you, so now the brightness is at 10 and 5. Both the phones perform good and 0. Both are pretty good in zero brightness.

So now what I will do I will try to all show you the default settings of what it is in the Poco f2 and what or much it is different with our red make it on the pro. So you can understand how many more options you do get in the Poco f2 pros. So you can see a friend. The top 3 options are quite similar in both the phones. You can see top 3 options if you drown in the Poco f2 Pro.

You do get this kind of advanced settings, so there you can trigger extra more options there. Furthermore, you can increase colors in this way, which is another good advantage if you want to watch change its kind of colors friends so which will be very, very best advantage. If you want to choose see, you can see how many more options you do got here so which are very good, so you can increase whatever colors you want in the in your device without any problem. So this gives an extra of bonus points for the Poco f2 pros are display. So definitely if these options are present in the, let me create on the front end, the phone will also have a very good advantage, but overall red McLaren deploy is also not too bad at all in terms of the display, and there is another hidden option as well, where you can increase your colors in this phone by using the game turbo so which I did another video on that one.

As well stay tuned for more or comparison videos with other smartphones, so that's it for this video so overall, my conclusion is that Poppy have two Pro as slightly advantage in terms of the color of saturation levels and more options where you can change and big screen. So where is the rhythmic gate on? The pro is also very good if you want our single and uses and small phone and compact size so are, these are all comparison with our between both the phones and that's it. For this video don't forget to subscribe and, like the video so see in the next video until then, bye.

Source : Sai Tech Guru

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