Poco F2 Pro Unboxing Neon Blue . By ilovetech ALOT

By ilovetech ALOT
Aug 22, 2021
Poco F2 Pro Unboxing Neon Blue .

Got, the Poco f2 right here just got it in water: the eBay get an um European wall adapter for the USA. Let me open it up. Real quick, oh come on! Well, let's see, if I can do it sealed there, it is there we go nice and pretty black and yellow black and yellow yeah. My freaking scratch the out of it. Damn look at that scratched the hell out of it. Freddy cougar got up in this, I'm going to say nothing.

I was going to fix that the swear word here. We go. Oh, here we go. We got a yellow goddamn. That was a phone.

Well here we go again. Oh, now we're getting somewhere got the Poco f2 pro damn did it already come with scratches uh six point: seven inch full AMOLED screen, 64 megabyte. That's my same 64 megapixels, like pixel, yeah, 4700, William, battery 30 watt, fast charger, and I got the blue one. Oh, I better take that off god, damn see! That's why I pull the plastic off here. Oh yeah, it looks real nice, real nice.

I'm going to take this little serial number off in case you wanna. Oh damn, this blue is badass. This is not oh, my god. He weighs a lot. This is a nice phone.

This is what I'm talking about. Damn that blue looks badass. Damn it's like a turquoise blue that is thrown. Damn is nice. Oh man, that is real! Nice lord, have mercy hallelujah, you think! Damn that's nice, god lee damn! Just to think about it.

I want to get the Pixel 4a, but damn that color is like just damn. That's all I can say damn damn damn I get a snapdragon 865 and six gigs of ram. I mean damn. This is what you get in the box, get a European charger USB to the regular USB uh, that's about it, and it's the little wall, the little European adapter. Damn that blue looks badass.

So that's what I'm talking about, but what I'm going to do is I'm going to power it up. That's just a little unboxing, but just look at that blue. Just look at that. Damn! That's nice! Damn polo, hoc god! Lee lord, have mercy that looks nice just think about it. Like I said, I thought I was going to get the picture for it.

I know everybody seen the cameras were cool, but then again everybody's just saying that got the freaking phone for free. So I'm not saying they're, not they're lying, but it's just. I don't know man. I know they tell them probably to say nice things, because I know it's like. If I got it I mean, if I said negative things.

You're going to send me something. So I just want to say: uh big ups to Jerome Gerald Ortega that dude he's real. You know I mean he doesn't care. If he's going to lose his uh team pixel, you know he tells it like it is. You know and uh, I'm not saying every YouTubers like that, but most YouTubers, I wouldn't say most of them.

Some of them don't they'll, say good things in order to get a free phone and a lot of YouTubers are getting free. Phones- and all I hear is positive things, but when I go check out the phone and use it, it's not what they say it is. But then again who knows what? If I was in their position, maybe I would do the same thing and say good things in order to get free phones, but then again, then I'm just basically telling lies. Telling sweet little lies. Then I don't know I mean like.

I said it's a damn. If you do damn, if you don't, because if you don't say nice, things, they're not gonna, send you a phone and if you do say nice things they may think you're lying. So its like can't win for trying, but uh like I said I got the Poco f2. Damn look at that red pop button. Just look at that.

Lord have mercy. It's got the headphone jacket with the pop-up hole, I'm going to power it on later, I'm going to type USB with the micros. I don't have SD card. You know where you put the stupid sim card, but yeah. It's nice beautiful phone, beautiful phone sexy just like uh.

What's that one guy that one YouTuber my project, 17 yeah, because it's sexy well, this is sexy. Damn it look good, and hopefully it works on 4g LTE, and if it does, then I'm going to keep it, but if it doesn't, I'm going to throw it in the trash. All right, see. You all later and uh have a good day have a good night wherever you're at and remember be safe love. I don't know what time I'm talking about.

Source : ilovetech ALOT

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