EVERY COD Mobile PRO is switching to THIS PHONE! By Bobby Plays

By Bobby Plays
Aug 14, 2021
EVERY COD Mobile PRO is switching to THIS PHONE!

What's, good everybody. We are back with another Call of Duty, mobile video hope you guys are having a fantastic day today, as most of you guys, probably know based on the content both on this channel and based on the content in the bobby react channel as well. Currently, we are in the middle of stage four of the call of duty mobile championships for those of you who don't know that is a one million dollar Call of Duty mobile tournament going on right now and actually sponsored by Sony Xperia as Call of Duty mobile moves more and more into the competitive side of things. We do actually have a switch coming from tablets to primarily on phones, so we actually have one primary phone that all pro players are going to be using from now on in stage four and in stage five of the call of duty mobile championships, and that is the Sony Xperia 1 mark ii. I want to give a huge shout out to Sony for sponsoring this video. If you want to find out more about the Xperia 1 mark ii, you can check out the Xperia YouTube channel, but today we're going to be talking about some specific gaming features of the phone, as well as looking at some different huts and layouts for phone gameplay, and how I personally play on a phone.

We'll have some three finger: claw huts, some four finger, claw heads and messing with the sensitivities a little as well, but already loving the phone without any more talking. We're going to go ahead and hop into the overview so right off the bat one of the huge features that stands out about the Xperia one mark ii. Is it actually has a 4k OLED display, one of the few smartphones on the market with a 4k display. It also has a 21x9 aspect ratio rather than the 16.9, that a lot of smartphones have right now that actually does give you a wider for than you'll have on most phones, because of that you'll actually be able to see more of your surroundings and will be easier to spot enemies in Call of Duty mobile. More specifically, it also has motion blur technology which, even though it has a 60 hertz refresh rate, gives it the appearance of a 90 hertz, refresh rate, which does make for a smoother gameplay as well.

On top of that, whenever we swipe down up here, you can actually see we have a game, enhanced feature which allows us to do a lot of different things. Number one. We have game mode which allows you to decide whether you want performance preferred whether you want balance or bad battery life preferred. So this all really comes down to how competitive you want to be at that point in time, and also whether you're trying to say battery another option. You have is HS power control, which limits performance reduction and battery degradation caused by device overheating during charging.

So some of you may have noticed that whenever you charge your device, while you're playing it tends to get really, really hot. That's not going to happen with the Sony, Xperia 1 mark ii. You also have the ability to disable touch on certain areas of the screen, so something that you may experience is a lot of times. You'll accidentally swipe down and bring down your navigation bar. Furthermore, you can actually disable the navigation bar as well as a number of different things, such as side, sense and camera keys.

Furthermore, you can see over here on the left. Furthermore, you also have the ability to hide notifications, hide calls and also release your ram and optimize. Your touch area for those of you looking to create content, there's a lot of good options as far as recording goes as well number one. Obviously, you do have just a base recording function, but they actually include a voice changer, which is really cool. That's not something! I've ever seen on another phone before could make for some great content opportunities and honestly, I might try that out for a video soon, but obviously you have an audio mixer right here.

That'll allow you to change your voice, recording sound game, recording and media volume. It also does give you the option to include a front camera as well. If you would like to record a face cam as you're playing, it also has true front-facing speakers, which means you don't necessarily need to use headphones when using given that you're going to have very exact audio from both sides. Unlike some other phones, it does also have a headphone jack for those of you who would like to use it or maybe, if you don't have Bluetooth headphones and the phone is also compatible with the PS4 dual shock controller, but without any more talking about the phone. We're going to go ahead and actually hop in some gameplay and talk about some huts that I use as well as see.

If I can match up against some legendary interior players. Oh, where did he go up top? He did all right good for you, man, good for you man. This dude is always jumping on my head. We have nobody with top control, and it's killing me we're on weak side. So it's not like game is guaranteed over.

But it's not looking great right. Now. There we go there, we go there. We go UAV shock, RC, okay, let's not give up c, that's not ideal! All right! I'm not going to pull that out, yet I'm going to save it for the right time. Wait! Oh, okay! Oh, got some damage on him.

Above all right. We keep the flag for the rest of time, seven and six bobby objectives in the house. Advanced UAV, oh my gosh, the timing advance UAV. Let's go what? Where are those shots going all right? I mean honestly. If I get that shield down, I wanted to make sure I got like max width on it with the shield down.

It's going to be really tough for them to do anything we get the transform shield, kill right. There get a shock RC down RPG. Are you kidding me that was actually kind of a perfect play right there? Oh, that's a guy! I didn't even realize that was actually a big play there as well bobby objectives. Let's go UAV we're getting the assist right there from the freaking shield, this dude's going backside. We predict it hit the spray.

Let's go! Oh my gosh! Oh, I have to win that come on team. Come on team come on team. I think we got him off that, let's go all right, oh yeah, look at the sprays we're starting to get things figured out. You love to see it. Teammates are getting it figured out.

We've got them in the spawn trap right now, they're receiving the business thoroughly. As far as my actual HUD. This is what I ended up landing on playing four finger claws. I tried playing three fingers, and it just didn't feel natural, especially not having the ability to control each of my different slide and jump buttons just for right now. I did end up sticking with ads to shoot just because it is a lot more simple.

It didn't require as much coordination between the two of my hands and definitely made things a lot simpler. So, as you can see, we've got the shoe and the jump button in the top left. We actually have the crouch slash slide button in the top right. We've got the ads button up there as well, but I don't actually end up using that and then obviously we do most of our movement with the left thumb we do most of our aiming and also the reloading with the right thumb so not too complicated. As far as hoods go, it's not very clean, primarily because I didn't want to change too many things, knowing that I would have to go back to playing on tablet eventually, but this one worked pretty well for me would definitely recommend giving it a try if you are looking to make the switch to four-fingered claw relatively simple to use, especially if you are going to use ads to shoot which, for all intents and purposes, is not a bad option at all easy frag, all right, wow they're, just giving me free kills.

Thank you. I appreciate it. Perfect termite get one off there. We go the assist on the other, get some progress right here. Trophy system is down, we get a smoke.

I saw somebody and shield going down right there, we'll get some value out of that. That dude was not prepared to receive the business. All right and, like I said, big value from our shield, we get the transform shield, kill, oh all, right and not sure what that dude was doing, but we'll take it all right, easy kill, Shibuya, probably gonna, be pushing top side soon here, actually they're going to be trying to take that back down easy frag. Ah, I thought maybe I could slide away right there. I thought maybe it was possible honestly feeling all right that was actually one of my better sprays.

So far, all right, all right! Oh, I get the assist or the cat points we'll take it. Oh, I want to add the guy dang all right, 11 and six look at that chad not playing like a potato. You love to see it. That's honestly, that's such a big value play for the shield right there, because not only does it block off the top side, but people won't see it from the start as well. No more samurai sword for you, goodbye yup, that's big value right! There he's got no idea.

What's hitting him. Oh, there's so many their entire team's pushing it at once. Oh, we get that one. Oh, I saw him. Oh my gosh.

I got the kill. What all right we'll get some more value out of it right there, they're gonna, all be pushing up from this side, easy points. Wow. I did not do anything to get those, but I will take it. No less they're spawning this way, York any Yonkers in the chat, any Yonkers in the chat, see if we can get an assist off of that shield play right.

There hit him with the flank, drag onto that guy get a little uh a little of shield damage as well. Hello. Thank you. I think somebody's going to be pushing from right here. Oh no, he hit me with a drop shot.

Dang. I thought he was dead. This is definitely our best game. So far, I can feel the improvement just from one game to another. Wow.

Source : Bobby Plays

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