Moving On... By Plainrock124

By Plainrock124
Aug 15, 2021
Moving On...

Ugh, don't you dare touch me with those fingers? What the hell is wrong with you, my previous owner, would have never treated me like that. This is why you don't buy used electronics. Then why did you buy me from the bookstore then? Well, usually, everything is overpriced there, but surprisingly you're the newest budget, iPad and you're only going for two hundred and eighty dollars compared to three hundred twenty-nine brand new. There must have been something else. Oh yeah, you also came with a Smart Cover, which is like a $40 value, but it kind of smells like cigarettes, though it's because my previous owner smokes because he was cool disclaimer, smoking is gay. So how did he treat you well for one thing, he always used me when his hands were clean, and he always let me wander around the city when he didn't need to use me.

Wait. What could if I hadn't even do in public a lot of fun things? Do you want to hear about them? Nope, don't care about the details and backstory? Well, he was awesome, except when he traded me in to buy more cigarettes. So what can I do to make you feel more comfortable? Could you let me go out to the city when you're not using me? Sorry I can't do that. I, never know what I want to use you out of moment's notice. So I need you here.24/7, oh well, you Dan I'm not going to change to the correct orientation. When you rotate me, then haha see, ok, I'll! Tell you what I kind of regret getting you! You seem like a great deal at the time, so I just impulsively bought you when in reality, I went in an iPad Pro and stay.

So why don't you trade me and again, so I might get a better honor. If you promise to behave one using you, I won't sell you when I upgrade instead I'll just so. You have complete freedom, and you'll be out all on your own without an owner, Wow! Alright. But when will you upgrade me? I heard that Apple is going to release a new iPad Pro soon with almost no bezels and home button. So when that releases, I'll set you free, oh boy, there's going to be an Apple education.

Keynote in March, and they might announce a new iPad Pro there I doubt that students can afford or need an iPad Pro, but we'll see then, so now our most affordable iPad has support for our most creative tool. Apple Pencil nope, it's just a new version of you that I don't need! Oh, come on. You don't need Apple Pencil support, nope I'm, a college dropout, not an idiot, the majors in art. Well, WWDC 2018 is coming up next, maybe a new iPad Pro will be announced. Then I, don't think so.

Usually it's only software, but sometimes there's new hardware. So maybe next big release of iOS is you guessed it iOS 12? Now our customers of course see it's all software. You excited for me to install iOS 12 1. You can't wait to be faster and less buggy, so you'll want to use me even more I know I suck at sarcasm, but maybe Apple will squeeze in an iPad Pro announcement when they announce new iPhones in September. The iPad Pro has been refreshed for over a year now, so I actually think that I've happened.

This is iPhone tennis. It is the most advanced iPhone we've just some iPhones, with some slight changes that I don't care enough about to upgrade yes another year. It will be the next keynote right. King. Are you paying attention? Oh, did you buy, but just to mark me, if apple nuts, new iPad Pro I would have bought that instead, but I'm still happy to finally upgrade for my series: zero Apple Watch.

Does that mean your series? Zero watch gets to be independent. Now, I, don't know. Would you like to go out into the world on your own series, zero Apple Watch? Is she going to respond all right? The series zero doesn't have a voice. I want to stay with you, no matter what you want to do with me now see she wants to stay with me, even though she was pre-owned all right into the drawer for eternity. How come you're the only one of my electronics that want to be replaced because I'm not delusional I'm okay, yes, I hate it.

When people say that love. This new watch, though, could I take a closer look at it, yeah sure, damn it not a hard enough fall to kill you. This watch has a feature bug default. It gives you a countdown before cause nine-one-one. Honestly, that's pretty neat, but I'm, probably going to turn off that feature later.

I, don't need a life alert on my wrist. Because I'm, not like a hundred years old I would love to stay with you for that long. I really do suck at sarcasm giveaway. Oh, please. We know that you would never do that.

You need a change of attitude. Maybe installing iOS 12 will do it or at least give me a smoother experience on you. Sigh please put me out of my misery already. Oh, my god, King yeah, what's going on, there's going to be an Apple Keynote tomorrow and the invite has an artistic theme on it. Oh, that's probably a good indicator of a new iPad Pro.

What time's the keynote 7:00 a. m. in this time zone I'm not giving up that early, but I'll watch a replay a bit later in the day good night, oh, come on I waited almost 10 months for this hey Siri turn the lights off as if I'm gonna, okay, the lights are off. Why must I be programmed like that? Kings King I said I'm, not watching it at this time it sounds like they're just announcing new max anyway King they're, starting to talk about iPads King, wake up the cotton I said: I'll watch it later new iPad pros. What do you tell me about this sooner? Please, let me short out.

Hopefully they won't be bad, ordered Oh. Thank you have a good day. It's here- oh boy, I'm, so happy for you and for me boxing time what a freak! What up you? What's that text on the back, oh I got an engraving of the name of the tablet in Super Mario Party, since I enjoyed that game. So much see that's the stupidest and most virgin thing. I've ever seen, I mean it will hurt the resale value, but it's worth it.

It's dumber than the stickers. You stuck on me. Sorry for wanting to make you look Corky and unique. Whatever can I leave this household now so can I go now wait. What are you doing? Don't put me next to her.

Oh of course, this disgusting process, so gross put me down ugh. My last moment in this house is just to be used like that I'm out of here. Okay, now you can go. Could you throw me my charger? Oh yeah, sure where's, my brick I can't charge from an outlet with only the lightning cable. You only came with the cable, so I had to provide my own break, and I'm using it to charge my iPhone and my new iPad Pro, whatever I'll make it work, bye, okay, see ya, gotta, get you to stop hey, wait.

I have to buy new docks and tables. Well. Finally, out on my own I'm, free I'm, free I can go wherever I want to do whatever I want wait, I'm, not familiar with this area. Let me check my maps, damn it I'm out of range of the Wi-Fi, but I can't go back now. He probably never wants to see me again.

I can handle this problem I'm independent now. After all, this is just temporary I'm, not homeless or lost at all. Ah, Who am I, kidding, I'm lost in homeless, and I'm about to run out of battery without a power, brick or outlet great at least I'm, not homeless, lost and dying in a bad neighborhood right. What is up guys tech Rely, so today we're going to be drop testing the brand-new iPad Pro I'm, not an iPad Pro. You leave me alone.

I cannot wait to see how durable this thing is. Let's do this gulp ahh, ahh, someone helped me screw this. Why does it suddenly smell like broke in here? King you're, right I? Don't want to be out on my own and I want to stay with you, I'm sorry, but, as you can see, I love my new iPad Pro and I. Don't think I haven't used for you anymore. Please, there must be something useful.

I can do for you. Oh all, right. I think I have something in mind. Thank you and there we go perfect. This is demeaning.

I am NOT gonna, be your always-on subscriber counter. Well, there's nothing else. I can use you for, but my lifespan will shorten with me being on and plugged in all the time who cares I'm out of here. Tell me what I hit a million subs stop I! Won't let you do this to me. Oh, please.

You can't shoot me and why not, because I made this house into up gun-free zone. How could have this happen twice? Yes, now I have my own house to live one victory royal son of a never turned that feature. Love must stop. The call includes the charger into my port in the wall. Why must he always come up with dumb ideas like this? What's up Brian song here and welcome to these Apple bits for everything, good and bad inside the world of Apple? Now this story, I never thought these words would be coming out of my mouth, but today, police have found a YouTuber that was murdered by his own iPad.

Now that's a bad apple! Well, at least I won't be homeless or around King anymore, I think I'll enjoy my lifetime or four-year prison sentence. Here, what's up guys Tehran your show. Today we got a cool video sigh.

Source : Plainrock124

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