iPhone XS Max PUBG Mobile New Update Ultra HD Test By Entertainment Insider

By Entertainment Insider
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS Max PUBG Mobile New Update Ultra HD Test

Hey, what's up guys welcome back to my channel, so today's the video about the PUBG mobile gaming test again on this device. I have also already done the gaming test PUBG gaming test on this device. So but after the new update we will go to do it again, so the new update has been come. So, let's see what is the difference so guys, let's see so guys on smooth plus extreme balance, plus extreme HD, HDR plus stream still so. The main feature now in the update is that this can do ultra HD, so UHD is not available, but ultra HD is available. So let's see the just device can do ultra HD.

So if you want to see smooth plus extreme another game place, so you can, I will link the video in the description below so, let's see, so I think I will do the water reflection, so colorful everything. So, let's see if this can do this. So first, we will do the team that match test actually in arena training. So, let's see so guys, as you can see, the game has been started and the volume also so, let's see the graphics. So as you can see, the graphics are pretty lovely.

I think I like graphics, so the graphics are pretty good. Let's go covers point for the red team so guys, as you can see, pretty much expired killing spree for the red team. So guys you can see, the game is running pretty good and the graphics are actually pretty amazing. So it is a pretty good improvement. I really like it, so I am actually really excited so actually, I am pretty excited to do the classic match because in the classroom classic match.

So let's see the real graphics guys. So guys, as you can see, the graphics are pretty amazing. So actually there's a lot of improvements in terms of this, so very, very high graphics, so guys the game is definitely not that much smooth because it is not on 60 frames per second, but still it is pretty good, so guys, let's concentrate on the graphics and forget about the gameplay for a second. So, just guys look at the graphics, I mean: what more do you want from a mobile view? I think it is pretty amazing. I actually really love this.

They introduced this thing, which is actually pretty good, so guys, lovely graphics game is still pretty good. Then guys, as you can see, the gameplay is still pretty good. So the main thing is that guys, let's check one thing, people actually ask me that what if you're, recording and playing on maximum settings, so let's check this, so now it is also recording. So yes, so now recording is all has also been started. So, let's see, if recording can make this device, so you know guys actually still the same, even after recording.

So no doubt the phone is pretty warm, it is like burning my hands. Are you can see? My hands are wet because of the heat. My hands are sweaty. It is very much hot. That's why my hands are sweaty so guys.

I think it is pretty good. So actually you can see the brightness has been dropped automatically. So because of the thing so on recording it is pretty good stopping only, so thanks for watching my video and the device is pretty warm, and please stay tuned for more amazing and latest videos and peace. I.

Source : Entertainment Insider

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