iPhone X vs iPhone 11 Pro Speed Test! By Nick Ackerman

By Nick Ackerman
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone X vs iPhone 11 Pro Speed Test!

Ten verses, I, fool, 11pro, speediest, that video is coming up right now. Let's go guys Nick here, helping you to master your technology and welcome to the iPhone 10 versus the 11pro speed test, beginning with a boot up in three two ones. Now the iPhone 10 is rocking the Apple, an 11 CPU, and it does have three gigabytes of RAM, whereas we're looking at the iPhone 11 Pro with the 13 Bionic chipset with 4 gigabytes of RAM, both of them have an in-house apple GPU and the iPhone 10 says hello. How are you doing and the iPhone 11 Pro says: I, don't know I'm going to boot up when I feel, like it Nick and the iPhone 11 Pro is done so iPhone 10 faster on that boot up over the 11pro, go ahead and see how fast they are with the face ID in three two ones. You could see pretty similar performance we'll do that again. Three two one you can see pretty similar stuff here now.

I do have to mention that the iPhone 11 Pro does recognize me a little faster on different angles than the iPhone 10. But overall you can see that the face ID was still pretty polished and pretty good on the first generation of this type of phone in the iPhone 10. So not a big deal of difference there between both of these and speed of unlocking face ID. Although Apple is claiming it's faster, it doesn't really feel that much faster as you've seen right there in that test. Okay, guys so quickly confirming the software iPhone 10 has iOS 13 point to an iPhone 11 Pro iOS, thirteen point: two official versions: you arrive at the application portion of this speed test.

Everything is closed out for iPhone 10. Everything is closed out for iPhone 11 Pro. Let's begin with the clock, and you could see clock was that the 11pro was so close. Couldn't tell let's go into calculator that looked like the 11pro. Maybe let's go into setting and again so close.

This is really tough to call let's go into whether you can see extremely close once again. Let's go into Snapchat and Snapchat was first there for the iPhone 11 Pro, let's go into you Amazon and you can see Amazon first year for the 11pro, so a little snappier there on that application. Let's go into eBay, but I've been testing this day to day and I have to tell you. The performance is almost indistinguishable. If you're not doing this side-by-side, let's go into Best Buy and you could see Best Buy wow.

That was really close. It looks like the ten hatted on the 11pro came back very close there. Let's go into you Pandora three, two one, and you can see Pandora look to be first there on the 11pro and let's go into Twitter and by the way, guys when I'm calling the speed test. If I say something wrong, go ahead and point it out down below I'm, just calling what I'm, seeing if I'm missing it. That's: okay, I'm human! You guys can go ahead and say no Nick Instagram was first on the one side, or you know.

eBay was first on the other side, but Instagram looked pretty close on that that application open time, so I have to, say so far. These are man. These are really, really close in performance. Let's go into prime video, and you can see prime video, which one okay, that's the 11pro, but again what is that? Like half a second, a Miller, a few milliseconds, it's not gonna, be a big deal for you. Let's go into the games, here's where we should see a better performance for the iPhone 11 Pro.

The pub G is ahead. Therefore, the 11pro and we'll wait till we get to this prompt screen. And yes definitely you can see that the performance is definitely up there for the 11pro, and you're going to find it be a little smoother in gaming and because it has better battery life. Of course, the 11pro is a nice update for gaming over the 10. Just because you know battery is a big concern when you're playing games and that's not gonna- be as big of a concern on the 11pro.

So let's go into the next game and see how they perform 11 Pro. Just a little snappier, but that's enough to say it's a little faster and then the 10 gets in first. So that was strange. Let's go ahead and see how they perform in game, and you could see not a great deal of difference. This is not a super graphically intensive game, but still I mean the performance on.

This is perfect, alright guys. So let's go into Call of Duty and let's see what happens here so the iPhone 11 Pro seems to be ahead here over the iPhone 10 and well the 10 catch up. Let's see what a guest here confirm, guest here and see how fast they can load this up, so we're ready to go here. It looks like just about here for the iPhone 11 Pro and now on the iPhone 10, so lets kind of see how they do in gameplay when in gameplay you can see very smooth performance here for the iPhone 11 Pro, and then it wants a timeless out there. Lets at the X, let's go over here to the iPhone 10 see how this one does.

You can see also pretty good gameplay I'm, noticing slightly less smooth, not quite as smooth but still very good here for iPhone 10, so gotta say that if you guys are gonna, be playing Call of Duty or games on either one of these it's going to be a fantastic experience. Both of these are very fast, but I think there's a slight edge to the iPhone 11 Pro, but not a large margin like you might have thought we're going to go through the application, see if we get any real O's on either one of these Call of Duty ready to go the next game ready to go. Pusey Mobile had to restart the match, but it was still ready. Let's go into prime video Instagram, let's go into Twitter a little of a delay there on Twitter, let's go in the Best Buy and that was ready to go. eBay also ready a little of a pause there on Amazon, so iOS still pauses app.

Sometimes, let's go in the settings, calculator and clock, so the efficiency of iOS is still very present even on as the older iPhones. Here it's going to pub G again that match had to quit, but let's go into prime a video, that's good! To go Instagram good to go see! We get a pause here, not might much of a pause there on Twitter Best, Buy eBay. Let's go into Amazon a little less pauses here, so the four gigabytes of RAM, showing a little better performance overall, both very efficient, still very smooth here in 2019 on iOS 13 point to 17. Second 4k clip on both of these. Let's see how they do with this export I'm hit, save video and put them both in 4k and see how fast they can export.

So you can see the iPhone 11 Pro, definitely ahead here over the iPhone 10, and it seems like by a substantial margin. The iPhone 10 is catching up, but it's not enough to take down the 11pro. So when it comes to rendering exporting doing video work, things like that photo editing things that are gonna actually tax. The processor, the 11pro is definitely the more powerful phone. Let's go ahead and run a synthetic benchmark.

Now, on deep bench, 5 I'm going to go ahead and CPU will hit this run, benchmark, and I'll be back when the final scores are in hey guys, so the final scores are in, and you could see that there's not a major jump about 400 points here for single, but we get into the multi-core. You start to see the bigger jump for the iPhone 11 Pro. So yes, technically, you knew that before coming in the speed test, the 11pro is a faster phone, but you wanted to see kinda in the real world and you have seen that the 11pro feels slightly faster, but I think this video is good, conclusive proof that really what you're upgrading for is again those cameras in the better battery life, the iPhone 11 Pro dropped 3% when I started this test. I didn't show you, but the iPhone 10 had 88% is down to 79% and yeah. So battery cameras major upgrade.

That's the big deal here between these two. If you can live without that, I would just hold onto the iPhone 10 until next year. When you see a redesign on the next iPhone. If you guys found this video helpful entertaining enjoying and forming click, the like button for me, if you haven't, subscribed, make sure to do so. I turn that Bell notification on I will catch you all in the next episode.

Thank you very much for watching be sure to be well and peace.

Source : Nick Ackerman

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