Galaxy Tab S6 Benchmark and Speed Test! Two Tablets Enter, One Tablet Leaves By Syed Bytes

By Syed Bytes
Aug 15, 2021
Galaxy Tab S6 Benchmark and Speed Test! Two Tablets Enter, One Tablet Leaves

Today I'm benchmarking, the best Android tablet and the best Apple tablet that you can buy right now. So this over here, the brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab s, six, it's rocking the snapdragon, 855 processors and six gigabytes of ram. This over here is the iPad Pro it's rocking the well-known a 12 X Bionic chip and four gigabytes of RAM now I know a lot of you think that I should be comparing the tab s6 with the iPad Air, but I disagree. So the tab s6 starts at a retail price of $650 the iPad Air $499, the iPad Pro the 11-inch model at least starts at $7.99, but it's been on sale for a while, and you can frequently pick it up for right around $650, so same or similar price as the tab. S6 now I know, of course, the tab. S6 comes with the S Pen and with the iPad Pro you got to shell out an additional $129 so take that into consideration, but at the end of the day, I think it's a lot more fun, comparing the best from team Android with the best from team Apple and just for good measure.

I'm gonna, throw in the brand new 2019 fire 7 tablets from Amazon just to see what 50 dollars or fewer is gonna. Get you these days off to the races. The first thing: we're testing is Geek bench, so the fire seven tablets obviously has a little of an older version of Geek bench and the tab. S6 and iPad Pro are up-to-date. So let's go ahead and see what it shows us you, okay, so we've got our CPU scores.

Let's go ahead and run to compute benchmark. Does not compute does not compute does not compute okay. So the next thing that we want to test is an tutu benchmark. So let's go ahead and do that all right. So we've got our scores for the iPad Pro and the tab.

S6 I think the fire seven is dead or malfunctioning or something, so we're going to go ahead and stop that test and let's see what we've got next. So let's try 3dmark all right, so I think 3dmark, slingshot is loaded up on all the devices. Let's go ahead and give it a try all right. So something strange happened. The iPad Pro crashed the first time I closed that the program started again, looks like it locked up again, so it's not completing the test.

The s6 is done, and the fire seven is still chugging along nope, and it's done so. The iPad Pro definitely lost this test, just by not being able to complete it, even though it was running much smoother at a higher frame rate. Let's throw up some graphs and look at the results. The first test that we ran was Geek bench and in a CPU test, the fire seven tablets got a 644 on the single core and 1824 on the multi-core. The iPad Pro got 1120 on the single core 4650 7 on the multi-core.

The tab s6 got 719 on the single core and 2501 on the multi-core Geek bench. On the fire, 7 tablets was a little outdated, but it was the newest version available, so there was no compute test available. To compute test on the iPad Pro yielded 9217 and 2326 on the tab. S6 next was an tutu, and this test just didn't run properly on the fire 7 tablets. So we did not get a score.

Yeah, I've had pro the total score was 550 3324 compared to the tab s6, which got 360,000 754. Finally, the last test that we ran was 3dmark slingshot the fire. Seven tablets got 195 kind of laughable; it was blowing it with one frame per second, the tab s6 got 7177 and the iPad Pro could not complete the test. It just kept crashing I'm, not sure why so there you have it the 12 X chip and the iPad Pro really walks away with this one, at least in terms of pure benchmarks and processing speed. I'm going to have to give it to the Apple fanboys this time, not to say that the Galaxy Tab s6 is slow far from it.

But then again, it's always fun to compare of numbers in benchmarking tests. Anyway, that's it for me, bite that subscribe button and check back for some new videos on Samsung decks that I'm going to be doing next. Thanks for watching.

Source : Syed Bytes

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