What's happening everyone, my name is Alex and welcome back to a new camera comparison. Video for today, I have the brand-new blackberry, key ? and the Samsung Galaxy S 9, plus no BlackBerry devices were never known as the phones that have the best cameras, but I feel that that may change the BlackBerry key ?, all right, so starting the Samsung Galaxy S 9 Plus. On the back of this one, we have two cameras: the first camera, it's a 12 megapixel sensor with a variable aperture, so it can either be an F 1.5 or F 2.4 and the second camera it's a zoom lens. This is a 12 megapixel sensor, the F 2.4, the BlackBerry KET has two cameras as well. These are on to 12 megapixel sensors. The first one has an F 1.8 and the second one has an f 2.6. Now keep in mind that the second lens is not being used as a zoom lens.
The second lens is only there for the portrait mode. Pictures I want to start by showing you some daytime pictures. They took both these devices. So the pictures that I'm about to show you are taking a couple of seconds apart and both phones are set on auto mode and the HDR was also set on auto mode, so the phones did as good as they could possibly do by themselves. Now, you'll notice that most pictures are sharper from the Samsung Galaxy s, 9 plus and dynamic range- is also better from the Samsung Galaxy s 9 plus, but some pictures are actually better from the key tool.
So there are a couple of them. Instances were the key to do a better job, but I'm definitely gonna. Let you guys watch those pictures some and see for yourself. As for the portrait mode pictures you're going to notice that the pictures taken by the Samsung Galaxy s, 9 +, have on sharper edges around the subjects, but the pictures taken by the key to RM bad either. So it really depends on your preference or at oles check those out and as you've seen for herself.
Most pictures taken by the Samsung Galaxy S, 9 plus, were somewhat better, but only somewhat better, and I can really say that the pictures taken by the key tour back, because a lot of them weren't bad at all, and I actually liked the pictures from both devices and I guess to depend a lot on your preference, because some people may actually prefer the pictures taken by the key to because they're, a bit more saturated and so on. So overall, both phones do pretty good for daytime pictures. Now we are moving on to some pictures they took during the night and for nighttime pictures. You're going to see that the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus, does better. So, let's check those out.
So as you see the pictures taken by the Samsung, Galaxy S, 9, plus or sharper, and they had way less noise now the colors from the pictures taken by the key to are more realistic because that's how the images actually looked in reality, where the Samsung Galaxy S 9, plus just over saturates the pictures in low light. So, if you're looking for more realistic, looking pictures the BlackBerry key tool to better, but if you're looking for pictures with less noise, the Samsung Galaxy S 9, plus rho2 better for that next, we're gonna check out some video samples that I've recorded both these devices, so both devices can record in 4k at 30 frames per second. However, only the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus has image stabilization for 4k recordings. The key to does not have image stabilization for 4k recording. So let's check those out all right.
We have our first term video test, the BlackBerry 9 plus I'm, currently recording in 4k at 30 frames per second, but this resolution only the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus has image stabilization, where the black body doesn't have any type of image stabilization for this resolution. Now, if you want them to have image stabilization of the key ? you're going to have to record in 1080p, so for video. Recording the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus, is the clear winner. There is no contest for video recording next we're gonna check out some pictures taking the front-facing cameras, so the Samsung Galaxy is my plus. We get the eight megapixel front-facing camera F, 1.7, and I put the BlackBerry key -. We get an eight megapixel front facing camera F 2.0 now. Neither camera is that great, but I feel that the pictures taken by the Samsung, Galaxy, S, 9, plus or overall, better.
So, let's check those out so overall, the Samsung Galaxy S 9 plus takes better pictures, but I can't say that the pictures taken by the kid too were bad because they weren't bad at all, and some people may actually prefer how the pictures from the key to turned out, because a lot of the pictures from the s 9 plus or a bit overexposed, which one do you guys prefer alright. So, hopefully you enjoyed this video. If you did like it thumb press that, like button, don't forget, subscribe, and I'll see you in the next one thanks for watching.
Source : Redskull