Why do Privacy Screen Protectors SUCK? By MobileReviewsEh

By MobileReviewsEh
Aug 21, 2021
Why do Privacy Screen Protectors SUCK?

Now I'll be honest with you: I do not like privacy screen protectors, which is probably why I haven't done a review on a privacy screen protector since 2015 this channel isn't sponsored so if a product class sucks I'm not going to review it so towards the end of September 2019, a company came to me and said: hey we've got a privacy screen protector, that's better than everybody else's, and so I decided. Maybe it's time for me to revisit this product class, whose sole purpose is to prevent people from realizing that you're looking at soft core prod. So in the last eight months, I have basically blown my brains out using these privacy screen protectors. I got a small pile, not too many there's not too many products out there. But the reason why I hate privacy screen protectors, I realize is because of the space between my eyes now at mobile reviews. A Monte and I base, all our reviews on actually usage and for this video it usually would have been lumped into the Giants' privacy screen protector.

Roundup I would do, but because it's koan nineteen seasons well it gets its own prime time spot and to review all these privacy screen protectors. I actually had to come up with a new piece of contraption made out of wood PVC pipe we've named it Edith. So when it comes to privacy screen protectors, they are basically like a Venetian blind. When you look at it straight on, you can see clearly through it. But when you change the angle, stuff starts to disappear, and so that's basically disappear like that.

So that, basically, is how a privacy screen protector works. It works in the same manner. You've got privacy screen protectors that will block out stuff from left to right, that's two dimensional I think or two whatever, and then you got ones that go up and down as well, and so it's just basically like a bunch of slats on the there's a film with a bunch of slats on it and that's how it blocks up the screen from different angles. Now most screen protectors, they've got like a 45-degree angle. Some have smaller, somehow wider, and it really depends on actually the quality of the film the wider.

It is the better quality I think it is. But the thing with the Venetian blinds is that everything kind of looks the north the same. But if I look at a privacy screen protector with one eye covered and the other one not I actually see two different images so to illustrate that difference, I've got a quick, tiny set up. I've got three foams, going I've got a picture of Monty, but I took literally a minute ago, and then I've got two cameras and the cameras themselves are about eleven inches apart. So not a big distance.

They're all pointed at the camera in the same manner. So if I was to start recording we'll be able to play it back, and I put it on a rotating table because you know stuff, like that's cool, so as the table is turning you'll see that the privacy screen protector blocks at Monty, we have to wait for it to come around, so you'll see, that'll, show up you'll, be able to see Monty there first right. So as it's turning this as it's going around, this image disappears first and this one then the one on the iPhone plus when it goes around really slowly doesn't seem like it would really bother you, but the moment that you start using your iPhone, normally look in your hands, and you're just moving around you're lying on your back, and you're. Moving around that flickering is like move. Your iPhone screen is moving a lot, and so it's that flickering that really bothers my eyes, and so that's the reason why I really hate these bright PC screen protectors.

So that's something the longest time to figure out, but now I'm a better reviewer for it. And now you guys know if you guys have had privacy screen protectors. Maybe that's why it just strained your eyes, because you are constantly seeing a different image depending on you know how much you move your iPhone when you use it, and so a lot of these products. They'll say: hey, it's a 45-degree angle, and they'll. Just so show one arc when in reality it should be two arcs, and you know it's actually not 45.

It's more like 30 degrees before the screen actually starts to fade out. Let's say so: that's all I got for this video. It's a short educational one I the roundup for the privacy screen protectors is eventually coming and yeah. Just something I thought I'd share with you guys. That's kind of all I got first time watching my videos I do encourage you.

Click subscribe. This is part of the Covey denied teen video series that we're doing we're just producing content every single day. New iPads are coming today, so we're going to do an unboxing, and we're gonna play around with the most one of the things with the iPads was I've got one of the original OG iPads, and this guy at my work at the time, was just like. Oh that's, a neat idea, it'll be even better with the most of it. Chosen that keyboard, and I was just like this is an iPad.

This is a touch device. That'll never happen, that's so dumb, while I'm eating my words. Ten years later, now, towards the end of September 2019, now towards the end of September 2019 I, come now towards the end of September 2019, a company said hey towards the end of September, 20 and 10 towards the end of September 2019 I've, been here since 5:30, and it's 718 in the morning, so towards the end of September, Twitter and I've kind of figured out that the reason why I hate privacy screen protectors is because of the distance between my eyes, not the size of my eyes, the distance break. Basically, where my noses I hate that distance, it doesn't make any sense protectors. We actually came out with another contraption to test everything, and we've named this contraption I, don't know where I put this contraption.

Where is this contraption? Oh, my gosh kill me now and to do the testing for all the I hate this phone. This phone is so terrible like it just and will buy reviews a multi nine basal reviews on.

Source : MobileReviewsEh

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