Sony Xperia XZ3 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs iPhone XS - Gaming Comparison! By Tech Trinkets

By Tech Trinkets
Aug 21, 2021
Sony Xperia XZ3 vs Samsung Galaxy Note 9 vs iPhone XS - Gaming Comparison!

Hey guys such wants to do a quid or gaming comparison here of the new Sony xc3 compared to the note 9 and the iPhone 10s here just to see if the gaming is up to par, we do have the sniper in 845 with the four gigs of RAM paired in this beauty, so not the highest and specifications, but it's still quite recent I have put all the phones on the max graphical settings. So you can see you know how they really do. Compare here and yeah, let's say get started, so we're going to start with the iPhone 10 here which, as you can see, looks very nice. This is a 10 s Edition and let's play, so we're just going to jump right in here. All of them have very wonderful screens, I think here we have some copyright with this particular game, so we're going to leave it on mute, and you can see the graphics here. So this is a pretty nice game here with some very realistic graphics, easily rivaling, console quality, and with these you know beautiful displays here, you can see how good the games look.

Although some people have been saying that the iPhone 10 s has a little washed out display compared to s or the AMOLED screens, but I don't really see that much for a problem with it looks I. Think it's pretty good here, so yeah I'm holding it as you can see, I mean frame rate, looks absolutely fantastic here, and I'll just quickly show you, the speaker is very nice and loud on the iPhones. That's one really consistent thing about iPhones is that they have really great speaker, setups, I, think since the iPhone 7, it was really improved with the stereo setup, but you can see here, there's no actual graphical settings with the iPhone turn S, but it looks out to be fantastic when you are using it. With your note, 9, you are getting a massive display here: six leagues, a ram and Snapdragon 845. You do get the ability to improve the graphics as well to the highest setting which we have done, and we can just see the can already see.

I think the screen is a little more HDR II. Should we say with this one? It looks a little nicer and there's no annoying notch as well, so that is another bonus here, and I think eventually, they're actually going to start putting the speakers in the actual display, because Sony and Samsung have been doing some like technology testing, where they're putting the same thing in the TVs, so you won't have any speaker grille or anything. It just literally be the screen and that's it now, which I think is pretty interesting. We do like to see innovation here and that you can see here again very nice and smooth graphics a little unwieldy, maybe compared to the iPhone a little more pocketable just try it up a little. So you can see.

The sound is also pretty good here, not quite as good as the iPhone at say for the base. I think they could definitely improve it with you know the speaker inside the display. That would be pretty awesome. Finally, we do have Sony boy yeah, and we've got four minutes to test this before I run out of video. So this said that most people are saying that this is going be.

The best display can get on the phone right now, and I'd have to agree really I mean the colors are just way better than what I've seen before. It's not so for K as I thought originally, but it doesn't have to be I mean truly amazing. This OLED kind of soap here bra via technology, took them long enough, though, to get on a phone have been with the LCD for a long time, but yeah it looks stunning really high-quality. Hopefully also you won't get the burning issue you do get with some other headphones. Maybe Sony's got a way around that as well, but you can see the in terms of this particular game, very nice, smooth again on the Sony yeah and because a little smaller it feels a little more pocketable.

You know a little nicer to hold on to, and you can hear the speakers do get quite loud as well, which is always nice to see. We can see absolutely fantastic graphics here with the Sony XD 3, which is coming in much cheaper actually than the other two phones. So I'd say it's probably the best value from when he is like true flagship here in late 2018 I mean yes, you've got one plus 60 on the horizon, and you've got the pixel 3. Well, the pixel 3 is a little disappointing, really I mean a smaller one, looks good, but the bigger one. It's got like a notch on it and looks pretty ugly I mean you can't really compare it with these phones, but I think these Sony's definitely a win this year.

There are some things to improve on I, think you shouldn't put six gigs of RAM in, but maybe they'll do that for the next one, who really knows Tony pulls out phones pretty quickly, so I'm sure it won't be long before they do get one out again, see ya. Hope you enjoyed the video found it helpful, and I've seen the next one Cheers.

Source : Tech Trinkets

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