Unboxing of Sony Xperia 1 iii By Lamersan

By Lamersan
Aug 14, 2021
Unboxing of Sony Xperia 1 iii

Hi guys it's uh lemon again, so today, what do I have in house? I have this latest opera, one mark iii, okay spec. This is a Taiwan set, so the model name sqbc72, 5g manufacturing day was actually 21st week.19 okay from Thailand and the Rome is 256 and the rim is 12, so it should be powerful. This is dual sim card matter. Let's look at it and then one thing I don't like about Sony phone. They are wrapping with a very cheap, looking plastic. Unlike all the models outside other brands, they are actually using a very customized plastic to cover the phone together.

Okay, wow, this is purple color, okay, it looks not bad and the camera no scratches. This is matte surface huh, not the normal type, the black piano type, which you can leave a lot of tampering inside on it any type c. There's a microphone- and this is the camera button. This one will be maybe the voice assistant, I'm not sure if it's a power. This is a volume.

Rocker top Sony still retain the 3.5 millimeter for the audio jack, and this is finally the sim card. Tray perfect, it looks perfect. I like size, which is actually square off rather than nowadays the train is actually had a shampoo, which I don't like it getting beside the phone. What does it come with the box documents, documents and documents? And this is the important message SAR information. I think something is missing, which is the earphone, and they mentioned to me that we in this first batch.

They are not giving this so. Luckily, there is still the power brick okay, power. Brick is 30 watt USB pd, which means to say you can actually use this charger to charge your notebook as well. Okay, double bin. I don't like this.

Let's see the specs of the charger right, your output, the output is, there are three types: one is 5: volt 3 amperes, giving 15 watt the other one will be 9 volts, 3, ampere, 20 c1, the maximum you can go, is 15 more 2, ampere 30 30w. What else USB type-c? Cable? Yes, standard? Okay, this is a table. This is actually typed c to type c, yes majority. Today the charger all comes with type c to see. Okay, that's it come together with the box, I would say I'm not surprised.

In fact, I don't quite satisfied with this package. Let's turn on the scene, Sony actually Sony. Why do I like it? The phone design is much, much better, and I actually like a square of edges rather than rounded, so this is square of just like the Samsung tab s7, but the phone hasn't been scanned off. I don't know what they're thinking about wow vibrant. This is all that no bad to scream china.

Chinese is simply because it is actually it comes from the Taiwan. Okay, let's stop! Okay! Let me change to English for your benefits or Chinese foreign. Let me check it out. Okay. Finally, I changed the language game.

Enhancer power, optimizer, setting music cinema pro okay standard. What about the block way to see whether any block wear so far? No, not all google's. Let's say we have one. Prime video. Okay play service.

Okay, there is no block way at all on the Taiwan set, not bad photoshop um. What about the audio any test? Music? No test! Let me open up the YouTube by the way it has to be connected to my Wi-Fi first. Okay, that's about the information of this check, Wi-Fi! Okay! Let me keep my password okay connected to my Wi-Fi YouTube. It takes some moment for the pictures of the videos to be loaded. Okay, let's check it out.

Ah, it's rather fast this time. Let's look out for this song. Black IP music depends on defensive end, it's rather slow. I wonder why. Why is the YouTube presence come on? Okay at the moment, this is about ready for the unboxing.

Let's see whether I will do one review. I shall update on my account then thank you very much. Ciao.

Source : Lamersan

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