Unboxing & Comparing iPhone XS MAX vs. iPhone XR !!!! By Waltzin

By Waltzin
Aug 14, 2021
Unboxing & Comparing iPhone XS MAX vs. iPhone XR !!!!

What is up. My ride is so, as you guys know, I have been using the iPhone XR one for me and one for a giveaway. Now for almost two weeks, I am gonna, give you the most in-depth personal opinion, but also unboxing on the XS max that I just picked up to see the differences to see if it's worth it and give you guys my honest opinion and also to just give you guys an unboxing in an enjoyable video today sit back, relax, and I hope you guys enjoy. This got it in the mail today we're going to unbox it. Here we go guys. We're going to have to deal with my gaming setup here.

I want to show you guys it and all its glory. Also, if you haven't already check out my live streams, you guys are gonna really enjoy that I am getting better and better at gaming, I'm playing it all the time up to 6 hours a day, so I think you guys would enjoy, and it's pretty fun to watch I need a sharp all its glory out of the box there. We have it excess max. You guys already know I had to go. The extra distance pad Space, Gray I've had white in both X and I tried, both of them out when I gave away then before now we have the excess max.

If you guys want me to give away one of these phones. Let me know this is a 64 gigabyte without further ado, I'm going to shut up and open it up for you guys to hear first things. First, before we open it up, I want to just say: I've been super, super nervous using the XR being it's the sweet spot for size comparison and, as you guys know, the phone before this. That I was just dallying because of me. Switching over to straight talk was the 6s plus, so I come from plus size phones, I, like the plus size.

So the XR was a happy medium, as you guys can see in the back, I am actually using an XR, I told you. This is going to be interesting. I can compare it to plus I can't give it parented, rather than just you guys. Trusting me because I'm using it to record is what I've been super, super nervous about. Everyone has mixed emotions about it.

People say it's the best thing ever they love the size they get used to it just like they did the plus, and it's not that far from a jump and then other people are saying it's unmanageable regardless, because it's all screen and the excess is the better choice. I, don't know, the XR is really feels good. For me, difference is this is going to be thinner, whereas the XR thicker, so I think this will be easier to wield around because of its thinness. It should help me grip it a little more like with the case even on a 6s plus I can easily manage, whereas the XR it's an it's an amazing worst 8 like screen a body and the size fits good it, a good transition from the Plus, but III don't award where, and I just have to see, and I'm going to have to I'm. So in awe right now, ok, so there we have it ? gold excess max holy crap, the stainless steel.

That is one thing. The stainless steel is cold to the touch. I'm going to have to get case on this ASAP size-wise from the plus almost exactly the same, but if we're talking and thinness it is thinner than the XR I would tell to tell you that right now. Let's start it up everyone's like or this is always a two-hand phone you're not going to hold this with a single hand, but I, don't foresee me having an issue say. The good test is, if you're, coming from a plus try to touch the bottom corners, because you're gonna now have to, and as long as you can still balance the phone in one hand like I've always been doing with the plus.

You should be fine. Now it is a little more uncomfortable than the XR, because the XR will feel better for a happy median if you just don't, have huge hands or, if you're not coming from a plus, but you want something that's closer to a plus. Let's, like a super good look at this phone, and now that I have the XR to record with. It is very gold. Shimmers I actually am charging up I wizened up I'm, going to charge this up to use to record the two side-by-side AMOLED display.

Okay, guys, remember we're switching over from us XR to a 6s plus, so the image might not look as good, but it's still going to be something that's worth showing you also, if you guys haven't already I, just want to say, if you saw the COI CBD video I did with the tropical popsicle, we got another flavor to try. I'm going to make a video on that. It's a pink lemonade. I'm gonna, give you guys my review on the taste and everything like that. But, as we have right here, we have excess, Max and the XR screens side by side, and this is a point I want to me.

So this is the point that I want to make to everybody: okay, guys, so I'm gonna just go right ahead and show you guys the AMOLED there's the AMOLED panel in all its glory and there's the X R with its LCD and I, want to stress this. All right do I think this phone is worth the price tag of eleven hundred dollars over this being 749 and then with tax on each no okay and listen. This is why they did such a good job with the size of this phone being manageable, but still feeling like a plus they nail it right on the head. Do I miss 3d touch after two weeks of not using it? No because there's simply an ability to have gestures, all the same where you just hold down and long press, and you get the ability to adjust such do. I miss having a second camera to zoom, will I miss having a bigger battery as far as like usage time over this to this, yes, I will miss that, because the XR is actually going to be the best battery for the iPhone of the LCD panel versus the ohm Allah.

Is this going to be harder to get used to handling versus the XR yeah? It's definitely going to I. Do like green real estate. Don't get me wrong. This is a 6.1 inch diagonal. This is a 6.5 inch diagonal. Is it impossible to use? Know it will get easy to use.

I have no fear that it will be easy to adjust to, as you guys can see the slight thickness difference as far as the price tag for this just for a couple features: Apple, I think to be as successful in the next coming years and such either. They have to do something huge and revolutionary, or they need to start cutting cost for that. The overall thing I am genuinely impressed, and this is my first impressions I will do an after of the excess max -. Look at this yeah. It's stunning I mean look at the color on the back and look at the size, stainless steel, but to almost kind of feel a little sad inside to give up the cool, nifty colors the perfect battery life in screen real estate, just to sacrifice beady touch and camera differences.

I, don't know you guys make decision, but this that's going to be as in-depth and opinionated as I am going to be for this. Video I really am excited to start using this, but almost kind of sad to see that go. So, if that tells you anything, and you're in the market, you don't really have the money to spend for this. I would go with the XR. No, if and or buts, about it.

You're going to love this phone, and you're going to love the cool neat colors, the amazing battery and the perfect hold ability of the XR. If you have the extra money- and you want to try something out like this- definitely do, so I'm, not saying it's a bad phone by any means that I am an Apple fan. As you guys see in this room alone, I have three iPhones, and then I have a giveaway over here -. Is it going to be worth it if you were struggling with money, and you want to choose between one no go with this? If you want to go the extra distance want that extra screen real estate, you like the telephoto lens and you like the little nifty features like the 3d touch and stuff go with this, but I'm telling you guys. You aren't going to be disappointed with the XR either I.

Hope that clarifies a lot with people that are confused. We're going to switch back over to this camera to end out to show a difference. Alright, guys I thought it would be neat to end it off with the XS max I actually did record this before, but somehow, and it got all synced up with my new stuff. I lost it so I'm. Sorry about that, like I said, if you guys want to check out the COI see BB well, if you guys are interested in that I'm going to be testing out, the new flavor I will have to let you guys know how I think of the new phone it's definite ache.

Some getting used to I've been using it now for about like 20-30 minutes, and it is huge. It is literally huge for my hands like to use it every day. One-Handed is going to be a struggle for the majority. Yes you're like six five or six and have enormous hands yeah. It's its something different and I, don't know if I'm sure I like it or not, but we'll find out with due time make sure to also come out to my live streams.

I will probably be doing gaming later tonight. I love, you guys, make sure to be happy, Stressless I'll see in the next one. As always,.

Source : Waltzin

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