The Pixel 3a Camera By Tyler Stalman

By Tyler Stalman
Aug 14, 2021
The Pixel 3a Camera

We just spent all day testing these three phones- Jordan hates this, but I hate this phone. So we need to buy a new one. It's time for you to decide, it's done what you get will get back to Jordan in a second. But first, let's talk a bit more about the pixel three I'm working with Best Buy on this video, and they're a perfect partner because they allowed me to basically choose from everything they have and just talk about it, and they have all the electronics you want, and I wanted to talk about the Pixel 3a, because this is a fascinating phone as about to call the camera interesting phone, but because of its camera, when this first came out, Brandon have art, did video talking about how this is a perfect camera for a lot of people like they should be buying it as a camera, instead of most other point-and-shoots and I. Think he had a really great point, and I've been thinking about it since and finding more and more when people are asking me what camera should I buy a lot of the time, they're looking to buy something under $1000. They want something that is going to look better than the cell phone.

They have, but they're not always ready to go, buy a full-on DSLR or a bigger mirrorless camera. But it's also where the camera market has gone, because camera phones have gotten so good that the point-and-shoot market is kind of disappearing. So all of a sudden for people that aren't interested in spending the money on a flagship phone, the Google Pixel 3a- becomes a great camera choice. Camera choice, not just phone choice for a lot of people, and if you don't already know it already, has the exact same camera as the Google Pixel 3, which a lot of people consider to be the best camera of 2019 personally I didn't, but it is an amazing camera so having it in this, smaller cheaper body is crazy, so first I'd to prove to myself that it is actually that good. So we went to the Calgary Stampede, which is an amazing festival.

Carnival Fair in Calgary that we go to every year took a bunch of sample photos and surprise prize. They look great. There are tons of dynamic range in these photos. They are sharp. The colors are great I'd say they have a little more contrast than I prefer in my photos.

The first thing, I do every time: I pick up an Android phone as they go to the display settings, and it changed the color to natural. If you're, always looking at the super saturated colors that an Android phone encourages, you might adjust your photos to be less saturated, so other people using say iPhones won't see the same saturation. You were seeing when you edited it. So after spending some time testing it I can safely say this is the best non flagship phone that I've used. If you've watched my videos before you'll know that I am primarily an iPhone user, but as curious.

How would this perform against the other most affordable, iPhones, which are still way more expensive than the Google Pixel 3ei? So this really I mean it shouldn't stand a chance. Because, it's like half the price. Let's see how it does well, hi Tyler its Jordan. Would you be able to help me choose a smartphone without yelling at me, iPhone you're going to join that cult again, I. Don't want to learn new things, so I've got Chris and Jordan here from DP review? TV Jordan needs a new phone.

He doesn't know what to get I need to test the new Google Pixel 3a, so we've also got the iPhone 10 R and 10, and we're going to compare all we're going to compare these three Chris is behind the camera today, I'm amazed, I think you're doing a great job. No, it's okay I appreciate that I do enjoy being behind the camera, sometimes usually, when I don't have to do my hair, and now we're going to download the photos all right. Here's the first shot we took, which I mean it's illustrating what we're going to see again and again. Basically, the both of the newer phones are giving us quite a bit more dynamic range, the 10r and the shadows there yeah. So in the 10 it's funny because, the clouds are retained, like the HDR is working pretty well in those clouds, but yeah I mean his shirt.

Just disappears, yeah, there's so much more detail happening. So if we drop out the tent I mean yeah get rid of the tent. You know what it's great yeah, dad, no more 10 stuff, I'm still gonna look at the photos, but you don't have to buy it, but you know more or less. These are kind of a draw to me, yeah they're, very comfortable and again this was done with the default pixel mode, HDR endearing as ice, and if we just pixel peep for a second I, don't want to it's over sure they both they're, both like pretty sharp the pixel three is much sharper, especially the background. The building is a little mushy err on the iPhone, but it is sharpening I.

Don't think that the sensor is actually sharper on you'd know because I think it's just a processing choice, it's a lie, but that's okay, which one makes my gut look smaller I! Think the pixel! Oh no, wait! No, they all do. This is one of the most interesting examples because you're testing, so many things yeah. We got a lot going on here. In this example, we do actually have a little of clipping up in these clouds here in the 3a. This is using HDR plus enhanced mode right.

Well then, this is the kind of shot it's a little more deliberate. It's slower I would use the night light for that color wise, like we can see some differences in the yellow, especially the pink. It's funny, yellow pops more in the Google in the pink popcorn and the red here is shifting hard towards like an orange yeah yeah. But you know what they both look good. If either of these images was posted online like nobody would not enjoy the other one, they wouldn't know what they're missing, but their tour, now except Russia and Chris's, preferring the pixels I like that shot at Chris, Milan spray, yeah, so Jordan and Chris therefrom.

DP, review, T, V DP review is the place I've gone for camera reviews. My whole life like it's the number one resource, but you guys haven't really done cell phones before you haven't known the site's done them, but we have never reviewed smartphones before its time. Jordan you tell me you need a new phone I do I've got this success, that's been with me. First, God knows how long like four years at this point, there's a river over here if you want to skip, but we're doing, Instagram, and I'm actually using my phone to record like view finders and stuff like that, so I need something with decent image quality and the image quality now on. This is so much better.

Let's look at some portrait modes. I! Don't shoot in portrait mode a lot because I find that if it makes a mistake, I just don't like the photo. So I'll pick up a DSLR, the natural cropping and like the way that the iPhone 10 looks it's its decent, like the blue. Blur is okay, the blur is as good as the others, but the dynamic range is where we're totally out here: yeah really blown out. Let's get rid of the tension, get rid of the time, but you just said: 10, hey I'm learning, I mean I, really see the Pixel 3a as doing a better job of isolating now, but the way that the iPhone does it is more natural.

It leaves some fall-off, so there's a harder edge around the pixel, like it really yeah. Like his shirt is really the shirt to jacket there, just like sharp e sharp gone. Yes, we get that nice move, except like it's still doing. Weird on this hair overall I think with the two approaches to port remote. Here, more average people are going to like what the pixel 3 does.

It's kind of more punchy yeah, but the iPhone I think appeals more to photographers that understand what a natural fall-off looks like I think it will appeal if you care like this, could feed on me. You know where this yeah I feel like this is convincing yeah yeah, always in portrait mode. You get these crazy little things that kind of break it's interesting to break in quite different ways. This is the iPhone it like smudges and blurs it out and then looking yeah very yeah. This is this kind of broke.

Worse weirdness yeah right a highlight there. It doesn't always do that. I've looked at both photos, sometimes the pixel does better, but in this example, I mean the pixel draws more attention to itself. Alright, looking at low-light photos, we know that the pixels nitrite is the absolute champion. Every other reviewer has already talked about this.

It does an incredible job and Apple really needs to catch up here. I think these shots weren't actually dark enough to really show what it can do. Basically, just turn all the lights off in a minute you can see in the dark. I haven't been allowed to touch any of these cameras today, so our sort of calls is or have any fun or really get to. You know, enjoy my day the front of the cameras, a lot of hard work.

You know it's if you're going to do a well it's difficult. So no, this is like a vacation, you're gonna. Do it well, yeah, it's like a vacation for me. Now. Let's look at our big dynamic range test here we see a lot of what's happening and this is like the exciting thing about new cameras is how far they can deal with dynamic range.

So I like this test, looking over at the two examples of the ten here, one of them goes to dark, and this is when I tapped on the clouds, so we're exposing for the clouds yeah, and then this goes to like yeah in the back alley and stuff there too. Yes, yes, just did nothing, and now here I tapped on the building, we have detail in the building, but the clouds are blown out so yeah 10 is not performing as well hotel, and now we've got over here. These are two examples from the Pixel 3a. This one is shot using HDR plus mode what it would default to yeah exactly still HDR right. This is using night sights.

We start getting some that, like extremes, I, never a much better and then over here is using smart HDR on the iPhone, which is on by default. You have to go into the settings and turn it off. It's not quick to turn off, whereas these are meant to be like flipped between them more easily right I mean if I just push the button. This is what I'm going to get the majority of the time when ya digging in tonight, site mode and the big thing your camera feels like its operating normally when we're using the XR, but then once we jump over to the pixel there, you can definitely feel like you're making it work. I'm surprised how bad the HDR+ is, let's just ditch it and look at the night sight.

I would also say the HDR is pushing it a little. It's a little heavy-handed for my taste. You can see it start to like to create some weird contrast, but I would say that a lot of people, if they just glance at these two photos on Instagram, let's say mm-hmm I bet the pixel would get more likes after you get a less wobbly table. Here's the shootout I actually haven't done before is the video on all three of these cameras. I've heard that's a place where the pixel falls down, and the iPhone really has an advantage.

Obviously that's true Jordan is making sure the stabilization, and all these cameras is about the same. So what we should be seeing right now is the difference between all three of these cameras and video mode. They all have optical stabilization. They should do a pretty good job of that. Furthermore, they also do some digital stabilization of post Jordan, it's time to decide dramatic, I'm, just waiting for Jordan to arrive at Best Buy here or whatever Jordan ends up choosing.

This was a fascinating comparison. Obviously, these cameras are priced very differently. The iPhone is way more expensive, but I wanted to put them next to each other because they are so often compared, so now we're choosing between price. If you go for the pixel and kind of our preferred images, if you go for the 10 arm, I mean the pixel. Images were amazing, but I don't really want to switch systems the end of the day, and this was available in coral Jordan.

Thank you so much for joining me on this adventure anytime. If you want to see the rest of the story, you can check out DP review with the link in the description below. In the end, Jordan decided to stick with the Apple ecosystem, but I have to say that pixel really held up well, especially considering it's half the price of the foam that he bought, and it actually beat the iPhone 10 in most cases, and it's half the price of that as well. So the Pixel 3a may not be Jordan's next phone, but I think it could be yours if it fits the right price point. They made a lot of the right compromises and I think this is a fantastic phone.

If you want to see Jordan's perspective of the story, go to DP review TV on YouTube, or he also came on the podcast, and we did a review of every single camera that I use and owned, and it was really in depth in really funds go to Stall man podcast. com. For that, and thanks again to Best Buy for sponsoring this video see you guys next time. What's next alright! Next we have the a7 three best Sony, yet yeah other than I mean they've made so much. They keep talking about how we're number two now in the photo business, and it's all because we're number two.

It will be that chant at the next press event and that I'm sure you.

Source : Tyler Stalman

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