TCL 20 Pro 5G 4K30 front video sample By MobileTechTalk

By MobileTechTalk
Aug 16, 2021
TCL 20 Pro 5G 4K30 front video sample

And this is the front-facing camera. This is 4k 30 on the TCL 20 pro 5g I'll be moving around. So you can see the white balance with the light changes behind me. It's doing pretty. Well, I really don't understand what it's doing with skin tones, I'm a very pale individual, but uh. I don't.

The bags under my eyes are not nearly as bad as they appear to be in this photo. I do kind of look like I've. Just been punched in the face. I promise you I haven't, but I'm sure some people would like to um but yeah, so you can see that whilst it's its doing a semi-decent job with detail in my skin tone, my eyes are almost completely gone. They're they're, very dark.

I have like gray green eyes on the lighter side, so these, at least in the preview, look very dark like a very dark blue to brown.

Source : MobileTechTalk

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