Speed Test : Redmi Note 9T vs Nokia 3.4 By MJ Reviews

By MJ Reviews
Aug 21, 2021
Speed Test : Redmi Note 9T vs Nokia 3.4

Hey everybody how you're doing today we're gonna, do a speed test between the Nokia 3.4 and the Redmi Note 90 here on the left, uh and Nokia. Note uh Nokia 3.4 on the right. So let's start with the speed test. As you can see, let me turn off the Wi-Fi, so both phones have their Wi-Fi off nothing working in the background. Let's just see, if we have anything running, nothing is running at all, as you can see. So, let's start with the first off on the picture or the messages.

So three two one Nokia did this faster. Let's take a look at um, let's say file manager over here file manager with the file manager, and here it is what is it filing manager? Oh, let's just look for the calendar is better oops. Sorry, let me just turn this off. Let's look for the calendar here as it's available, not really anyways. Let's look for the setting.

Okay, let's open the setting, there's the setting and from Realme the setting is over here. So three two one go yeah Realme is faster in the opening the setting. Let's open the camera, see who's faster. Three two one go: okay, real makes two: oh Redmi Note 9 t is faster. Let's take a look at the uh say the gallery make it together, where's the guys there's no gathering here.

It's just photos, um, let's open play, store on both phones and see how it's faster, so play store. Uh three, two one ops, my bad, my bad reset. So, let's turn off play store. Let's turn off everything here. Okay, play store.

Three two one Nokia is faster when opening the play store um. So it's very, very interesting to see how fast is the Nokia compared to uh um? You know the Realme notes 90. So there are some games that open up faster. So let's open games and impact. Let's see the games three, two one: oh yeah, there's no Wi-Fi! Let's not just check no problem.

Three, two one: okay they're both still loading- maybe it's! Oh okay, so obviously the Redmi wins so overall, the most applications that requires heavy-duty work is going to open faster than the Redmi uh. Note 90, but I see the pure uh things that we have messages calls sometimes is working faster here on the Nokia, because this has android one pure android, no additional things going on here, while the Redmi uh note 90 has some additions, as you can see so, but overall the winner, I would say that not Redmi, note 90 because of the faster processor here. Thank everybody for watching, take care and see you later.

Source : MJ Reviews

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