Speed test for Windows Phone 8 1 using Lumia Icon and Lumia 822 By Nokiapoweruser

By Nokiapoweruser
Aug 14, 2021
Speed test for Windows Phone 8 1 using Lumia Icon and Lumia 822

What's, going on guys Jeff with no keep our user here, and today we're just doing a quick little speed test, its 8.1 on the Nokia 22 and the Lucia icon. Now we know the icon is going to be faster. It's just a how much faster Kemp thing we're looking at which you can open a few apps pull down the activation or not the Action Center, and see how everything acts and see if upgrading with the 200 dollar price tag on the icon is really worth it. Let's get started, alright. First we're going to pull down the activation center. One two three again seems like everything's working set games.

One two three just a little faster, can ask Cortana something set a reminder in 30 minutes. Take a nap at 518 p. m. today. Sound good sounds good.

Great I'll, remind you, you can see it in the notebook anytime holy 822 seemed to beaten, be right there. I don't know if that was just luck of the draw or not we'll try it one more time remind me in 30 minutes to take a nap. Yes, that's right! Yes, it doesn't seem better. Next, we can just open up hold your phone, because these are phones in the end. Everything well, there will do mix radio make sure I do is faster on the icon, see what else we have on here.

Let's do ESPN last one much faster on the icon again now you know that's exactly we're expecting. We just wanted to see how much faster see if you know you have an 8 22, or maybe you have a 920, and you don't want to upgrade to the 1520 something with the top-of-the-line specs like these. Newer phones have, you know, just see if it was worth it, but that's the price tags really up to you so go ahead and give us a thumbs up and subscribe. If you haven't thanks for watching.

Source : Nokiapoweruser

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