Sony Xperia XZ3 vs XZ2 vs XZ1 - Speed Test! By Tech Trinkets

By Tech Trinkets
Aug 14, 2021
Sony Xperia XZ3 vs XZ2 vs XZ1 - Speed Test!

Hey guys such wants to do a quilt in person here of the speed between the Sony the latest high-end phones family. So we do have the XE one on the left, which came out about a year and a half ago we have the OZ 2, which came out early 2018, and we do now have the best Sony ever made the BC 3, which is I'd, say you know easily competitive to everything else on the market right now, so I just wanted to have a look here at the build quality, as well as the performance progression you can see. The actual build quality has definitely changed. Over the last year, I mean you can definitely see a lot of HTC kinds of Samsung influence come in to Sonia's eye and, to be absolutely honest with you, I actually miss some old kind design here with the XE one, which comes with like an aluminum kind of around edges, which is very nice as well. As you know, this kind of OFNI balance design here, whereas it's very kind of slippery on some of the more recent handsets from Sony, looks nice. Don't get me wrong, but it feels a little plastic.

Obviously, the X III does make up for that with the much more solid size here, as well as a curved display, which is like the first in the Sony series. So let's have a look and see how they do compared shaman boot them all at the same time, here power buttons as well completely different on all of them. We do have the old kind of fingerprint scanner pad Woodson in the egg c1, which wasn't was widely accepted, really, as the best place for I've, never had that many problems with this side kind of mounted one boy. It was actually you know decent enough to use day-to-day. Obviously, if you in some countries actually get any fingerprint scanner which was terrible, but I think they might have sorted that out now, so you can see in terms of the start, show pretty much the xe3 beating the others.

Overall, you can see as well I see frequently very nice OLED panel. Now, although I have, you know, found that the old kind of Sony kind of displays were still fantastic in terms of you know the viewing angles, etc. , it's just a little outdated compared to what you're getting on the latest stuff as I. Look then at some benchmarking, so we do have. Where? Is it the geek bench up here? We go so just open this up on all of them, and you can definitely see the display differences here.

We are getting Android 8 on the X, C 1 versus 109, so slight difference there in terms of the software, and I've got to say you know there are some definite differences here when it comes to software. Actually, you notice it like, for example, on this area here which, on the Sony XD one is pretty kind of old kind of thing. It reminds me of how it used to be back on ICS, but you do get like a newer kind of area here which looks quite nice on the BC, 2 and BC 3, and that new kind of field does extend to the settings which looks a lot better on the latest model, and also you can see a massive kind of screen real estate here, even though the actual size of the phones are pretty much identical. You know in most respects I think the XE 2 actually a little thicker than the other ones. The XE one does look a little thinner over all.

It does come snapping 8:35 as well, which is slightly older than the 8:45 in the BC 2. But you can see, you know, is still very potent in terms of performance and with Android an absolutely runs fantastic so that you know it's not something too big to worry about. It had an amazing deal on recently as well on Amazon with the BC 1, you can get it for 200 euro, which I think is like the best price you can get for any kind of high. In phone recently, so don't think it's available now, but you know these deals do come and go quite quickly. Really impressive performance here.

I think the brown remains the same on all of them for gigs, although internationally can get 60 gram, xc3 I think that is the case anyway. Glossed track of specs is not hugely an important nowadays. I think the XE one also came the quite small battery, which was quite average in terms of the battery life, but the newer phones, much bigger, which is good, and you can see now in terms of the Geek bench XE to actually beats X III when it comes to the raw performance so as I correct, while just for the single core, the multi quoins going to X III. So that is quite nice, but still, you know quite solid performance from XE to here, and what can the XE one get so nearly 2000 and as you can see, which is quite decent score- puts it around, while put it way in front of the X C and X performance and I mean look. How many models Sony has man, X performance, BC, BC, 1, x, CS, Xperia x seriously? They have so many models nowadays you need to tighten up a thing a little, but you can definitely see here.

Some nice scores nevertheless from the BC one, which was a fantastic phone. Any real issue of how, with the hc1 kind of series, was that the backlight had some bleed on it. A little and I can definitely still see it here. With this model, as you can see, you don't get that with the latest xe2. They really have nailed the build quality, a lot better, which is good, so yeah, just acquittal comparison here between the BC, family and I.

Think quite a lot of people do like to see the progression here now and again. I hope you find it helpful, and I'll see you the next one Cheers.

Source : Tech Trinkets

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