Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 Gaming | PubG. COD Mobile. VaiinGlory By BooredGamer

By BooredGamer
Aug 14, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 2 Gaming | PubG. COD Mobile. VaiinGlory

Hey guys thunder here and welcome to my gaming kind of like walkthrough on the galaxy z42. Now, if you've checked out my main channel, I did my first gaming look at the device. This one I'm going to give you some longer as of course, the shine gameplay the light. This is the galaxy z42. It is Samsung's latest foldable device successes to the galaxy 4 from last year and, as the title says, we'll be playing some Call of Duty, mobile PUBG, mobile, no Fortnite, because here's the thing I tried to play some Fortnite on there, and it just kept on crashing. Don't know why I'm not sure if this has to do with the whole fight with Fortnite in google.

I can download it separately install, but then, whilst trying to play the game- or maybe it's just because it's a brand-new device, so we'll see that as well now the z42 has a cover display, that's 6.3 inches. It is a lovely looking display. I still have the kernel face here on there uh, but it's a much larger display. It gives you more room to game, which you see also has an internal display 7.6 inches. Now the cover display is 60 hertz refresh rate, the internal display is 120 hertz and when we look at the benchmarks, which I'm going to show you right now, so you can see more of the gameplay.

Is that um? You know what, in terms of the in terms of the internal display that 120 hertz does justify, so games like vainglory, you will see that it does 120 hertz in terms of its frame rate, uh 120 frames per second, I apologize for that uh, while games like called unimobile PUBG model, it's at 60 frames per second, because that's where those games are capped now in terms of temperatures you're looking at something that runs a little higher 100 101 degrees, because I don't think this device has any special cooling. But speakers, though, on the other hand, this is where 2d shines. It's really loud. Uh. You hear yourself because it's got some really solid, dual stereo speakers, so without wasting any more time and continue rambling, I'm going to show you gameplay, and you're going to see.

Gameplay from PUBG mobile Call of Duty mobile, both the cover display and the main display you're also going to see vainglory on the main display, and then you will see some gameplay from Xbox game pass as well. So I threw that in there, which, by the way, also runs at 57 frames per second, so game pass also hits at least a high frame rate uh for you to play your Xbox game, because those games also only run at 60 frames per second anyway. Anyway. Let's not waste any more time. Let's start gaming and enjoy the rest of the video standing by ROG is inside reloading government.

We lost the lead, inbound targets inside fight harder, we lost the lead. The blue team has scored for the first time, bring up voice, chat and quiet killing spree for the red team, so uh a killing spree for the red team. The red team is in the lead. You are my workout enemy heroes evening. Ugh entry, allied hero killed 30 seconds, one remaining.

Ah uh, um death comes to all accept me supreme. Thank you. Um foreign.

Source : BooredGamer

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