Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 - Main camera selfies on the outside screen By Burl Solomons

By Burl Solomons
Aug 22, 2021
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip3 - Main camera selfies on the outside screen

Right one cool feature: we've discovered is the um, the small screen selfie camera, so the selfie camera uses these lenses, and you double tap the power button to activate it and there you go hello. That's me with my camera and um, you can uh hello, you've taken a picture of me, so you can um. You can use this um front screen here. Let's get a bit closer to swipe between the two lenses wide and telly, and you can swipe between video and still and uh. You can. What else can you do with it? That's about it, isn't it that's it, that's it, but you can shoot using the main cameras, not the selfie camera and shoot selfies.

That way through that screen, which is very clever.

Source : Burl Solomons

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