Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra vs Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro - Camera Comparison BLINDTEST! By TechMagnet

By TechMagnet
Aug 15, 2021
Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra vs Xiaomi Mi 10 Pro vs Huawei Mate 30 Pro - Camera Comparison BLINDTEST!

You guys what's up Steven here and welcome back to another video, we fear in Vienna in the ROG park. This is Jonny, he's Austrian, YouTuber, running a YouTube channel about text and make sure to check it out. Okay, so today we're checking out some of the latest smartphones. We have you to show me meet Emperor from training, gen, big thanks for borrowing me the phone, and this is the galaxy s 20 ultra from Johnny, and here we have to me 20 pro, and today we will compare the cameras and check out which smartphone is the best. Some of you, alright guys so don't forget to vote for your phones, because we won't tell you which pictures which phone we'll label them with ABC and bolt it down below in the description or either up in the info card, and, let's see which smartphone has the nicest pictures so guys we're now doing a little portray shooting for our new Corona line. So if you're interested in suits in masks make sure to check out the links down or choke yeah, let me know which smartphone you think is the best, so guys we're right now doing a macro test.

Now the Xiaomi has a macro mode because well it also has a macro lens. The s20 ultra intimate very pro. They don't have a macro mode, but also a very humble, oh focusing distance. So we can try it with the wide angle mode experiment a little of the lenses. But let's see which phone is the best, and let me know down below in the description so guys we're trying right now to do a selfie with all the smartphones and for sure they're mixed up, so they're, not in this order, but let me know which smartphone you think is the best now I'll keep all of them normal settings, no beauty effects, no wide-angle mode, so yeah just write down below which one, you think is the best so guys we're now checking the zoom on the May 24 and the s20 ultra so guys.

Here's now a quick front-facing camera test on all the smartphones. So let me know which one you think is the best now one of the smartphones is really one of the smartphone. All the smartphones are actually in normal mode, not wide-angle mode, but one of them is really nice and perfect colors. Also, here in the shade and yeah one smartphone has pretty good dynamic range, so let me know which phone you think is the best, alright guys, so we're now here at the end of this video and well, that was the comparison now, let us know which phone you think is the best so Johnny which phone you liked. The most yeah me not same girl yeah, so it's actually a pretty good phone for the money.

You can check out some links down below once again big thanks to trading in gentle boring est on the phone for me personally, I think the made Fairly Pro is still a killer phone, but you know without Google, for me is YouTube, but it's sometimes a little tricky to use, but I'm also very, very excited about the p40 pro next week. There will be some awesome videos and the galaxy s, 20 ultra definitely also great phone I'm, not the biggest Samsung fan, but it's a fantastic phone. So let us know down below in the description which phone you think is the best check out his channel swag cell, it's down below in the description and don't panic too much about corona, because all the people here looking at us like it would be super to see, can't they keeping a hundred meters distance or hey guys. So big thanks for watching and catch you in the next one. Bye.

Source : TechMagnet

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