Purple Iphone 12 Mini vs Iphone 8 - 💜 By Fliptroniks

By Fliptroniks
Aug 13, 2021
Purple Iphone 12 Mini vs Iphone 8 - 💜

What is going on guys, father of electronics, I'm going to be doing a quick comparison with the purple iPhone 12 mini versus the iPhone 8. Now I got to say I love my purple. iPhone 12 man thing looks awesome now. The first thing you'll notice about these phones is that you know the display is going to be a little cut off on the iPhone 8 right. So you got that you know big notch with the home button on it.4.7 inch lcd compared to the 5.4 inch Dr OLED display on the iPhone 12 mini now other than that man um. We're going to see how these phones compare a little.

Basically uh we're gonna check out one of the pictures I took on both of them just this morning. It's my Jason Voorhees coffee mug. You know I'm sure you're, probably thinking wow, it's kind of weird. You have a Jason Voorhees coffee mug, but this is like my prized possession so just doing a little of a zoom on it. Now the camera on the iPhone 12 mini is awesome.

I'm not gonna lie, but you know just for the sake of comparing it to the iPhone 8. You know, I think the iPhone 8 the camera on it is not bad at all, especially for how old the phone is, but just kind of doing a little more of a zoom here. Getting on that nose. Man look at that nose right there, so awesome right. Let's make it a little smaller, okay, yeah.

The other thing too. I mean price comparison on these you're. Looking at your know, uh 700 bucks for the 12 mini compared to your know, probably like 100 to 150 for the iPhone 8. So I mean huge price differences for sure. Um next thing here we're going to check out a quick apple, arcade game world of demons.

This game is awesome. I'm just going to do some gameplay, but you know the iPhone.8 can definitely handle these games. Just fine. You know it runs uh. I mean Cody mobile, good pub g, I still play on it, and it's still getting all the iOS updates, uh and of course, the other thing I forgot to mention the 12 mini.

I had to switch my wallpaper to the purple uh wallpaper on. You know a purple iPhone 12 right. You got to have that purple wallpaper one of the things I just switched recently anyways um. This game is awesome too, if you've never played it before. It is just like, probably one of the coolest animated fighting games on Apple Arcade right now and uh, we'll kill a couple creatures up top, and I'll switch to the 12 mini, and then I'll give you like my final thoughts on these phones all right.

Let's chop it up. Yes, all right, nice little slice and dice right there and uh. Now we're going to check the same exact level out down here on the iPhone 12 mini uh. The other thing too, I would say these phones are about pretty close to being about the same as far as like the volume goes on them with the loudness. It's not too much different.

Honestly, I would have expected 12 minutes to be a little louder than it, but not really hearing too much of a difference. Anyways, let's chop some of these uh, these dudes up, it's a nice chop right there slicing them up come on all right. I hope you guys enjoyed some gameplay. That game is called world of demons. Like I said it's probably one of the best animated fighting games on Apple Arcade right now, uh, but bottom line um.

You know, I love the purple. iPhone 12 mini for sure, like I said, had to switch the wallpaper to purple, of course, but the iPhone 8 it's still a decent iPhone, especially for the age it has on it. You can see it's actually held up really well, not too many scratches on the one I've had for you know a few years now, all right uh, if you guys, could smash a like button on this video subscribe to the channel thanks for watching, and we'll see in the next one.

Source : Fliptroniks

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