Poco F3 GT Asphalt 9 Gaming review using Triggers and fps drop test🔥🔥🔥 By Sai Tech Guru

By Sai Tech Guru
Aug 15, 2021
Poco F3 GT Asphalt 9 Gaming review using Triggers and fps drop test🔥🔥🔥

Hello everyone- I am welcome back site or in today's video I'll, take you over to the asphalt 9 gameplay test in the Poco f3 gt device. So this is my first time playing this asphalt, 9 in the Poco f3 gt and during this time I'll try to use the trigger options as well, and I'll try to use the real-time floating fps meter, so you can actually track how much is the fps we are getting while doing the game play, so this exact poker, 3 gt, which I'm using as you can see, friends clearly, so another one more thing is a few of the users. They actually are telling that the asphalt 9 game really feels lag while playing with high performance settings. So let me just show you exactly what kind of settings I'm trying to use during this time. So it's a display option. I did select the performance mode, as you can see, so performance mode is enabled, let's see in my testing whether we can actually see any kind of lag or delay or any kind of issues.

That is what I'm going to check in this video. Let's start the game preference without wasting your time, and I'll. Take you to a couple of minutes. Only the gameplay of this asphalt 9 demonstrate, so there's a special lighting system available. That's really cool to see the trigger options.

That's very good! I did like it, and here we go, the game starts, and you can see the real-time floating up like fps meter, clearly how much it's displaying showing about 58 and 59, not bad! I'm going to keep exactly on the car 57 fps, I'm getting right now, as you can see 57 and 58 fps. So I'm trying to keep exactly on the car, because the background is very dark, and you will be able to see exact fps how much I'm trying to get I'm getting over 58 and 59. No problem, no issues, 60 fps, as you can see, fence wow, that's fantastic 59 fps! I'm trying to get 58.61, not no problem! 57 58 54! As you can see the real-time fps meter. Let me need to play the game again. I just want to do a couple of gameplay tests on this phone.

Then we can come to the conclusion. It is something wrong with the asphalt 9. Let's see, and overall my experience is perfect using the triggers. That's fantastic, no, not much big issues. I would say at this moment, so this is just the think day, four of using this poker f3 gt friend.

So maybe after one month, I will be able to come to the conclusion whether it's the durability about this one. It's it kind of good or not, but overall, whatever game, I try. I'm I'm trying to use the trigger options only most of the time, because this is my first phone, which I didn't get the trigger. So that is what that is the reason I'm really excited on about this phone 50 cent of pace. I'm getting right now, as you can see clearly 59, as you can see friends.

Clearly, 60 fps I'm getting not pass 60 fps, I'm getting 59 fps 61. So during this time of gameplay I did not see any kind of frame drops huge frame drops. I did not see anything like that happening in this phone, so apart from 56 and 57, that is a normal one. I'm trying to see during this time of testing 56 and 58. That's it as you can see if it's doing this time of gameplay.

So let me know in the comment section below what are the problems you are actually facing with the asphalt 9 so, but in my unit I did not feel any kind of issues going on in this phone. So one more thing, let me just explain now I forgot to say one other thing. Let me know to show you one quick thing: let's start the game, and then I'll try to show you what is happening. Yes, I forgot to mention this thing. Yes, so lets our game begin so later, I need to test plenty of other games, friends using this kind of triggers, whether it's kind of useful or not I'll, try to do in-depth testing using the triggers playing different, different games right now.

If you want to set the triggers that we need to go and try to select the trigger as soon as you select the triggers, what happens is that the background game will not get past. Let me show you what is happening, and the game will be. You will get this kind of sound, that's it as you can see, it will get freeze when you're trying to set this kind of button. The game will not get past, as you can see, don't worry about that problem. So it's nothing not much issue, but when you click save everything, the game is resumed as you can see, but you will be kept on hearing the sound coming in the background.

That's the one thing which a lot of just addressing its, not an issue, but just a lot of addressing to you so doing this testing. I did not see much frame drop strength and in case, if you have any other queries, let me know in the comment section below, so definitely that will be really helpful, and thank you for watching this reference and see in the next video until you stay in for more updates. Meanwhile, the fps was renting perfect and for more information check the playlist for any other doubts. The playlist will clear all the dots for you all. So thank you for watching and see in the next video friends online studio for more updates.

Meanwhile, bye and before that, let's check the temperature. How much it is. Temperature is 35 degrees during this time of gameplay for five minutes, only no problem stay tuned, friends, bye.

Source : Sai Tech Guru

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