Pocketbook Color: Unboxing And First Impressions By My Deep Guide

By My Deep Guide
Aug 16, 2021
Pocketbook Color: Unboxing And First Impressions

Hello, my name is Goya and welcome to my deep guide today we're going to be doing an unboxing and first impressions of the pocketbook color six inch color e eating reader. That's using the same ink kale do screen that we checked upon in the recent poke 2 collar review. So let's check it out here it is its the pocketbook color. It's a six inch uh e ink color e paper technology. It's using the same six inch e ink, kale do color screen that I have reviewed and checked in recently on the poke 2 or the books poke 2 collars, and what I was very much interested in is to see that the experience that I had with the poke 2 collars was less than optimal. The screen was dark, and the ghosting was horrible and all these kinds of things and the question remained because poke 2 collars was like a prototypes type of device, and this is a full-on production unit that you can buy.

I'm just wondering uh are the negatives that were associated with the collar and ghosting, and all that kind of stuff is that the e-ink kale do screen or how it was implemented. But for now, let's unbox this and see, what's it like, and let's see what we get inside, hey it's the real life-size of the image on the cover I love. When that happens, we have the device itself. We get the warranty card, weird little hello, thingy that I read before it's the same thing: registration card and a quick start guide and a quick start guide. Is this short so basically from English to Deutsche? That's it turn it on personalize and that's it.

The full user version can be fined on you found on the official pocketbook website. Well, I sure hope it's included on device because there are zero reasons not to then in here we have stuff as well. We get the USB cable. This is a micro USB, and we also get the micro USB to 3.5 inch audio adapter, which is kind of cool, because then you can hook up your traditional audio stuff. These are the contents of the pocketbook color package.

You get the device, USB micro, cable, micro, USB 2, 3.5, inch, audio adapter and a bit of documentation all right. So now, let's focus on the thing that matters which is getting the device out and checking out the first impressions. So since the device is so tiny, I'm going to zoom in so that we can see things more properly there. We go that's better, so right off the bat, it's uh, it feels a little heavier, but it also looks a lot better as a manufacturing type of design and the design overall. First thing that strikes me is yes.

We of course have the same indented screen and the big bezel, but in this case this is not a problem because we have buttons, so you have home back forward and menu. All that you need. So if you're going to add a bezel into your design, then you really need buttons and the poke 2 really did not have any of those, so it had the worst of both worlds. This is already a big plus the build quality and the materials that are used here are very, very fine and very nice. So you have this soft type of rubberized plastic almost, but it's not sticky.

So it's just really, really smooth and nice to the touch, and then we have this silver moon. This is a silver moon version where you have a very clean background here and nothing on the sides or anything on the top. On the bottom, we have the USB micro, USB connector power on power off and a micro SD slot. So it's definitely an expandable type of device, which is awesome so as a design, um and build quality and pretty much everything else so far. This is superior to poke 2, pretty much in every way, but then again, poke 2 collars was a prototype device for sale, which is a little strange.

This is a proper production unit for sale, and it fills it. It definitely feels it now. What about the color screen itself? It's supposed to be exactly the same, and personally my first impression is that it's yes, it's absolutely as dark as the other one, but maybe not that dark. Let me just take out the poke, 2, color and compare so here is the poke 2 collars and no, they are pretty much exactly the same to my eyes at least, of course, I'm going to be comparing with the exact same images, and then we'll do that in a later video, but the first impression is yeah. The screen looks pretty much exactly the same on both devices but overall design and everything.

I really prefer on the pocketbook color. Let's do the first power-up and see how things are, because one of the things that was fairly bad on a poke, 2 collars was the front light itself and the front light is a huge, huge aspect in this e-ink or on this screen particular screen. So we'll see how this works so far, um looks okay, very, very slow, but that's that so, let's connect to Wi-Fi only 2.4 gigahertz supported and not 5 gigahertz, all right connected to Wi-Fi agreed to terms and conditions. Initial setup so far, I'm not seeing too much ghosting in its most definitely not as bad as it was on poke 2 color. So, let's see what we get, I mean it's there, but it's not horrible and great.

Exactly what I wanted to see and exactly what we talked about when I mentioned. I hope that the user guide is on the device and guess what the very first thing you see is the color guide and that's awesome. That's properly, probably awesome somebody's thinking very nicely regarding this now the speed of the device, not that fantastic, but I have to say that the implementation of the screen, my first impressions are that this is a lot better than what poke 2 color had to offer. As I suspected the front light is the crucial element on this screen and the front light on the poke two collars. Simply isn't that good and the ghosting as well? I'm not seeing any ghosting here because they're refreshing it all the time so addition of buttons and these things this is a much better implementation of the e-ink Caledon screen than on the poke 2 collars.

The speed of the device- well, that's always the problem with these little guys, but as a reader. I think it really works nicely. So I'm not going to go into any huge uh, uh review. Now I'm gonna, be I just wanted to unbox it so that I can start using it and that I can start uh yeah the testing process, and then the review will come at a later point and also another later point. We're going to have a direct shootout between these two and yeah.

I just wanted to check the brightness here, how it works and there's a big range with the brightness, so you can actually set it up to very, very low, but the colors still pop, and they still show, and they're far less intruded by the harshness of the front light, which is certainly the case on the poke 2 collars. So now I'm going to do like to set the front light to half on a pocketbook color, and I'm going to add this guy here and let's just open up an uh front image of either on both devices yeah at fifty percent and yeah, I'm I'm. It's just looking better, and you can see that the white is better and no it's not just the intensity. It's, actually. If I adjust the intensity on the poke two color, and it starts to glow blue.

So most definitely the implementation of the front light seems to be far superior on the pocketbook color and therefore the color interpretation as well is far better and of course, I can just press home while here I have to go and do these things so, yes, they're using the same screen, but the initial impressions are in every way the design, the economy the presence of the buttons, the screen itself, how it's been implemented and how the front light is helping. This technology is a lot better than the first impressions that I had with the poke 2 color and the conclusion that I had with the poke 2 color. So I'm actually looking forward to uh using this guy, because it's yeah the first impressions are it's looking really, really good all right. So that was for me at least not that surprising, because the impression the strong impression that I got from poke to caller was that the front light was simply not that good and from my previous experience with the ink pad x, pocketbook ink pad x, which I thoroughly didn't like. But one of the strongest points of that device was the front light.

How uniform and smooth and really well-balanced. It was so. My expectation was actually that the pocketbook color, at least on the first look in first impressions, is that it is able to handle the ink Salado technology uh with its limitations and all that kind of stuff it's still present, but that front light seems to be helping quite a lot and on the first impression as well. I did not notice as much of that crippling ghosting that was present on the poke 2 collars. So I think that this was a good decision to actually get this little guy and check it out, because it might prove to be a very interesting comparison between the two when we get there.

For now. This was the unboxing and the first impressions and the first impressions are really, really good, much better than poke two callers. First impressions, I'm looking forward to spending time with the device and yeah getting ready to test it and all this kind of things. So I can bring you the in-depth review and, after that, we're going to do a back-to-back versus comparison so that we can definitely nail down and see what works better or are they the same, or you know just basically, what's what but from the get go, I prefer the pocketbook design the concept with the buttons you don't have to deal with the bezel and the screen seems to be better implemented in this one, we'll see what it happens in the in-depth review. Thank you so much for watching if you like, the video please like and subscribe, and also, if you like what I do, and you want to support the deep guide platform even further consider checking the uh Patreon and becoming an official Patreon.

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Source : My Deep Guide

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