#OnePlus 8 Pro vs #Note20 Ultra | Camera Review and Comparison By Bunch of Tech

By Bunch of Tech
Aug 15, 2021
#OnePlus 8 Pro vs #Note20 Ultra | Camera Review and Comparison

Hey guys welcome to the channel today we're gonna, compare the cameras of the OnePlus 8 pro and the Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra. So, let's get into it. The Samsung Galaxy note 20 ultra is a glass and metal sandwich comes with a gorilla glass, weak disc on both sides and a steel frame and a huge camera bomb. Let's talk about the specs, the phone has a front camera, which is at a 12, megapixel, f 2.2, a 12 megapixel ultra-wide on the back, f, 2.2 again with a 120 degree, field of view, 108 megapixels, wide, f 1.8, which is also the main lens and a 12 megapixel telephoto lens at f 3.0. This is a 5x periscope lens can zoom up to a 50x, I'm not sure who's going to use the 50x zoom. But when you want to it's there, the entire camera system is driven by a laser autofocus which helps get subjects into focus really fast.

So that's a plus point. Now, let's talk about the design, so, as I said, it is a glass and metal sandwich on the top. You have a microphone hole and a sim card tray on the bottom. You have the s: pen, housing, the speaker, grille, USB type c port and a microphone hole, of course on the right of the device you have the volume rocker and the power button on the left. There is nothing now, let's move on to the OnePlus 8 pro the OnePlus 8 pro is a good design and that camera bump is there, but not as much as the note 20 ultra.

It is also a glass and metal sandwich, and now, let's talk about the specifications so on the front you have a 16 megapixel wide at f 2.5. Then you have the 8 megapixel telephoto at f, 2.44, it zooms to 3x and has a hybrid zoom to 30x, not as much as the note 20 ultra, but I guess it doesn't make too much of a difference. Then there is a 48 megapixel ultra-wide at f 2.2 at 116 degrees. Now this is lesser than the note 20 ultra 120 degrees. Then we have the 48 megapixel wide, which is also the main lens at f 1.7 and a 5 megapixel color. For filter camera, which is for those Instagrammers, as I always say so, the OnePlus 8 pro also has a laser autofocus.

Just like the note 20. Now, let's talk about the design a little. As I said, it is a glass and metal sandwich, but this has a gorilla glass 5 compared to the Vitus in the note 20 ultra, and it is an aluminum frame compared to the stainless steel frame there. So the right of the phone has the mute, switch and power button. The bottom has the USB type c sim card tray and the speaker grill, along with a microphone hole on the left.

We have the volume rocker now, that's all with the design before we get into the actual comparison to subscribe to the channel and click the bell icon to get notified. Both the phones have a lot of modes to explore right from a pro mode to photo to the normal panorama and other mods um. The Samsung has an extra mode, which is a single take, which is quite interesting. Both have excellent night modes, so we'll be testing out the cameras in detail, but overall both are pretty similar when it comes to the camera, viewfinder and the amount of features you get, starting with all three cameras. That is the main lens, the ultra-wide and the zoom lens, I'm going to keep the OnePlus 8 pro at a 5x, because that is what the note 20 ultra will give you, when you click the telephoto lens and do let me know which phone is better in which picture now in the main lens or the wide lens.

Both the phones are doing really well. Both the pictures are really sharp, and it is really difficult to say which one has been clicked with which the note 20 ultra has got enhanced colors, while the OnePlus 8 pro has kept them as they are now. The telephoto lens is much better on the note 20 ultra. This might be because of the 12 megapixel and the 8 megapixel difference between both the phones and also that the OnePlus 8 pro is on a hybrid zoom compared to the note 20 ultra. The ultra-wide is pretty similar and both the phones have kept the detail, but the colors are still different.

The note 20 ultra is a little punchier here. I would prefer the OnePlus 8 pro because of the transitions in the greens and the OnePlus 8 pro does capture it really well. So let's do one more wide: ultra-wide and telephoto comparison between the both before we move on to the 108 versus 48 megapixel test and the portrait followed by the video. So the main lens again here. You can clearly see that the colors in the grasses are different.

Uh, the OnePlus 8 pro is less punchy compared to the note 20 ultra though I would prefer the colors, but the OnePlus 8 pro has kept the detail in the reflections really well now, let's look at the telephoto here: I've kept the OnePlus 8 pro at 3x and the note 20 ultra is at 5x earlier. They both were at 5x and the note 20 ultra here just feels more cropped in, but the OnePlus 8 pro has got a good lid photo, which I prefer. The ultrawide is better on the note.20 ultra, it has got better detail and a wider field of view, which I would prefer compared to the OnePlus 8 pro it lacks detail and also that the field of view is not that good. Now, before we go on to the portrait mode, one last wide lens comparison. Both the phones have done exceptionally well here, and I cannot find a difference between both of them.

Do let me know in the comment section below which one do you prefer? Suddenly, the OnePlus 8 pro's colors have also come out, and it is in comparison with the note 20 ultra now, let's talk about the portrait modes, both the phones have got a zoomed and a normal portrait mode. First, let's look at the normal portrait mode. They've done really well. The foreground and background detection is perfect between both these images, but the Samsung has lit up the subject, which is the flower in this case, and I prefer the OnePlus 8 pro here. It has got a better blur next, let's look at the zoomed portrait and they both have done really well.

I cannot see a difference between both of these. The Samsung still feels a little punchier compared to the OnePlus, so it really comes down to whether you like natural colors or you like enhanced colors, but both the phones have done really well now, let's compare the 108 megapixel and the 48 megapixel, so the earlier shots were 12 megapixels and now this is the comparison between the 108 and the 48 megapixel. As expected, the Samsung has more detail compared to the OnePlus and the colors are still enhanced here, but I'd prefer the Samsung here. Next, let's look at a video comparison, so I'm going to be quiet so that you can hear it. Oh, both the videos look really similar shot at 4k 60 on each.

I have not gone up to 8k on the note 20 ultra, but I still found the note 20 ultras, autofocus, better and far superior compared to the OnePlus 8 pro. You can see the flower which is blurred on the OnePlus video. These are the simultaneous comparisons between both the phones. Here you will be able to make out a difference between the stabilization. Also, the OnePlus 8 pro is a little smoother compared to the note 20 ultra.

But that's me, but do let me know in the comment section below which phone do you prefer and do subscribe to the channel if you haven't already and as usual, thanks for watching.

Source : Bunch of Tech

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