NEW Samsung Tab S7/ Xbox game pass review By LiveAction Gaming

By LiveAction Gaming
Aug 14, 2021
NEW Samsung Tab S7/ Xbox game pass review

All right what is going on everybody man welcome back to the channel with your boy, man, it is live and, as you all see from the uh thumbnail and the title, we are going to be playing a little of game pass today. But what are we planning on that new Samsung tab? S7 uh tablet, man, it's I just got this thing: man, I'm loving. It matter of fact run the b-roll all right. Man, like I said man, we are on the tab, s7 right now, man, if you all didn't know the tab can play, you can download uh game pass if you have the membership. I do, of course, and we have the game pass membership, and we're going to play a few games. Man we're going to actually run some games running off the tab, s7 uh, the setup I have this is the tab right here as you all see what you all see on the screen is what is right there and that's what's moving me right here.

So I do have the tab. Uh s7 right here in front of me: Xbox controller right there we are gonna, be playing we're. Just going to play a few games. Man uh just to see how it runs, how it runs streaming, because it's really is that's what you're doing man you're streaming the game, so I mean we're just going to jump into a few games and oh Mortal Kombat, let's jump into Mortal Kombat. Let's just see: what's up, okay, go, it's got a little of lag in it a little of lag in it, but I do got a lot of stuff running on the internet right now.

Hopefully I don't know. Oh, come on bro, oh, okay, okay, okay, oh, oh, oh he's, going to whoop me bro, oh even a woman. Oh, he got luck. Oh, he got me. Okay come on, Scorpio, go get him come on Scorpio there you go.

Okay, we got a little lag right there. Oh, bro! Oh, you see the big lag right. There. Big lag waves that might oh come here. Okay still did the job with a little of lag.

Man like I said we on the tab. I got it connected to a monitor, so you know I'm saying you see a little of lag here and there, but not bad, though not bad, and it's something that they're still working on. Let's try something else. Look at the massive library that you can get from game pass. Man look at this.

I mean you got just old games classic games. You got newer games gears five come on man. I mean its doom, eternal all right, guys, check it out. Another game, Minecraft Dungeons, come on. Bro, look! Look at this you all Minecraft Dungeons! We're running big shots.

Oh, oh, oh, oh a little of like I said it has a slight bit of lag on it every once in a while. I don't know it's saying that it's having an internet spike and that's what's causing the lag, but the fact that we can run Xbox games bro on the tab is crazy. I just want to run a few games. Man show you all the tab, see what you all see. What's up man, I mean boom that game pass.

Bro we get the games you get to play, and it's all running off the tab. Man take your tab, bring a controller, have fun with it, but man you all know what it is. Man makes sure you all hitting that thumbs up button. Don't forget to subscribe man we're trying to get to these 2000 subs for the next giveaway and uh you all already know. What's up man, keep it going and growing your boys out I'll catch you all on the next one.

Man tell me what you all think in the comments below we're going.

Source : LiveAction Gaming

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