Google Pixel 4a Vs iPhone XR Speed Comparison By Tiny Alpaca

By Tiny Alpaca
Aug 14, 2021
Google Pixel 4a Vs iPhone XR Speed Comparison

Now go and hit on the performance on both, and I'll. Tell you the specs right now. The pixel 48 has a Qualcomm snapdragon, 730 g chipset, outscore CPU and six gigs of ram with the iPhone 10. It has that mp12 bionic chip x, core CPU and three gigs of ram on all the models. So let's go and see which one is the faster one. Between these two okay, let's go and clear all the apps in the background, and as you can see, we have a couple of them.

So let me just get these out of the way, so they're both cleaned up right now. So let me just load up these third-party apps that I had downloaded a while ago. Let's do Facebook three two one and the iPhone 10r was actually a little faster than the Pixel 4a twitter. Three two one and I think the Pixel 4a was actually a little faster there and right here you can kind of tell I think the Pixel 4a screen looks a little better than the iPhone x in this specific case, and there is like direct sunlight right here, but you still may see that the reflection is a little higher on the pixel 4. Now let me go ahead and turn this screen up a little.

Let's do temple run three two one, and I think we might be in the game on both if I am a hunter restart, no I'm not okay, great and the pixel 4, I think, was just a little ahead of the iPhone 10r. Let's get into some gameplay and as usual I don't think, there's going to be that big of a difference at all yep. They look almost identically the same. Let's do Netflix three two one, and it looks like the pixel 4 was faster, followed by the iPhone 10 or just a little behind it. Quizlet three two one and Pixel 4a faster, iPhone, 10r, again a little behind right there.

Let's go and do temple run two three two one, and I don't know- maybe it's just me, maybe the pixel four iPhone, actually, I was gonna, say iPhone 10, but then I misspoke, and then I ended up being the Pixel 4a, but they both seem kind of close. Okay. The pixel 4 is definitely faster. The iPhone 10 was definitely behind it, which it is what it is. Let's get into some gameplay see if there's any big difference, and I don't think there is going to be, but it's still worth playing and yeah they're about the same.

Let's go. Do Instagram three, two one: okay pixel for you faster! Let's go! Do real racing three, two one still a little itchiness on the pixel 4, it's totally okay, and I don't know why I keep getting these random glitchy like things happening on the iPhones. For some reason I don't know why, but it's all of them that are on iOS 14, so that might be a little of an issue as well. As you can see, the pixel 4 was already loaded. It was pretty much loaded from the beginning with and the iPhones.

I think this one still needs to load. So I think what I can tell you from just the beginning of this comparison. I think the iPhone 10 is just a little slower than the Pixel 4a, but I think that's pretty temporary and that's kind of expected, because the iPhone 10r is, you know, an older device. It's not supposed to be compared to this necessarily, but it's still pretty interesting to see how well a budget phone holds up compared to an older. You know budget phone from another company, but again these are going for two different demographics, in my opinion, 350 dollars here, 750 dollars here.

So with that being said, you.

Source : Tiny Alpaca

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