NEW Color Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra By GregglesTV

By GregglesTV
Aug 14, 2021
NEW Color Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra

What is going on guys welcome to Greg list V daily. Let's get into the tech news fully got one story today was actually super slow for tech news, but we have a kind of interesting story. It's about the Galaxy S 20. As you know, you can get this the ultra version. You can get it in black, and you can get it in gray, but there's also a new color as well. That is launching right now, at least in China, and possibly other countries as well in it is white.

It's a glossy white color. It's a color I, probably would have definitely chosen if they had this available at launch here in the States. But this is look. This is from China. The photo is anyway, it's got a little of a rainbow color on there, I don't know if that's just the roof, I'm I guess it's yeah, it's some kind of reflection of camera on there's a rainbow, so maybe it's some kind of slight or a color, or maybe it's just the way he took the photo.

It's reflecting on something I don't know, but regardless it's white. It's kind of cool-looking, it's glossy. Furthermore, it looks like those old-school white colors that Samsung used to put out back in the day for some of their phones and I wish they more companies, don't really put out white phones anymore. If you remember back in the day, Apple put all white phones and even at times the white phone would come out like a couple of weeks or a month later, because they couldn't get the color right and now I, don't know other phone other manufactures put out white phones as well. Now it seems like to be a dead trend.

Most people are just doing black or like these, you know amazing, aura, colors, or they're, doing just blue color or red or whatever. The color is they're just doing kind of standard colors, but they don't include white a lot of the time. I still get white iPhones if you get like the iPhone, 11 or whatever, but yeah just interesting, interesting stuff with what they're doing here, and I hope. This eventually makes its way over here to the United States, thanks for watching guys, don't forget to subscribe new videos every single day. My question out to you guys is: what's your favorite phone color to get I never had one of the ORA colors, so I would like to get one of those um which is pricey.

That's my favorite color. So what's your favorite phone color fight, if you have to go with a straight hard-on color that sounds gross all right now, I do like the blue on here for the 1+8 Pro. It's a really, really nice. Looking color black is boring at this point. So I'd go with the blue I.

Guess, thanks for watching see you down the road.

Source : GregglesTV

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