Motorola One 5G Ace Poetic Case unboxing and Drop test By Marcos

By Marcos
Aug 14, 2021
Motorola One 5G Ace Poetic Case unboxing and Drop test

What's up guys welcome back to the channel. My name is Marcos, and today we're going to take a look at some cases. These are specific to the Motorola one five g8s, which is a new device that launched a couple of months ago at metro. It's a 5g device with multiple cameras, front-facing screen well-rounded device. So we want to protect this device right. So our friends at poetic cases uh they actually sell these on Amazon, and they have their own website as well, and they also have an Instagram and Facebook and all that good stuff.

But today we're gonna, do an unboxing and check out these cases and see how good and how well they work on a motor roller, one 5g ace. So let's get started okay, so we have two cases. This one's called uh poetic revolution series, uh case for the motor one, five g ace. So the difference with this case it does have like a kickstand built in on the back uh. It feels like a lot thicker has these edges so like bumpers here on the side um, it also covers the headphone jack and the port, which is perfect for protection uh.

This does feel like a heavier case and then here on the right, we do have the guardian series case. The both these cases come with their built-in shield and then in the box. They also give you another front plate where you can use your own tempered glass. I would say, use this after this shield kind of get speed up, scratched up and stuff like that, but other than that you get two cases with built-in front uh front shields, uh this one on the left. It's the revolution series and then this one on the right is the guardian series.

So, like I said, the revolution on the left does have like a kickstand built in. It feels like more rugged more protection and then the guardian series is more like of a transparent, back uh shield, uh less profile, so less bulky, and it also gives you the protection as well, where it covers the ports on the bottom. So two good choices and um, let's test them out on the phone. So here we do have the revolution case and then pretty much the way that these cases are built. They kind of uh wrap the center shield all around.

So you want to take this. This uh this rubber around the case off, so you can take the front shield off. So it's telling us right here at the bottom, uh from casein from the rear casings to separate them. So we have to separate them through here um you can tell it's like they're they're strong made. I mean um, it's not that easy, sometimes to take these apart, but yeah.

So the front shield separates and, like I said, there's an extra one in the box in case you want to use your own tempered glass, so you can see its drop protection military design in the USA made in China uh some military proof. It says because it's stronger case um built-in shield and then the phone, the phone, the way to install these. You would put this on the phone itself, and then you would snap you would snap the phone around the edges, and then it will click together. So, okay, so the case is installed, you can see all the edges are covered. It gives it a nice bumper in the front, so it doesn't hit.

The screen itself covers the ports. That's this kickstand and let's try this out. Let's see what it does. Let's see we have a broken phone, or we don't which these drops are a little dramatic, but they're dramatic, because most of the time our phone breaks from just dropping it from our pocket. So let's do some crazy drops so yep revolution case military grade so like I like, I like that it has this bumper here like it gives you about like keeps it off from the flat screen.

So it's very nice. So if it falls on the edge it doesn't. It doesn't fall on its screen, making it easier to break so, and then, let's see what's this, it looks like it has a plastic still on the inside. Let me test out the kickstand and there's what the case looks like so perfect for YouTube videos. It has kickstand in the back and yeah.

You can even stand it like this, so nice, nice case nice design, like I said it has like a rugged, a rugged feel so not bad at all. If you want to watch a video, you can tilt it there. We go now, let's check out the other case, the guardian case, which is this one right here, less profile, but still protecting so similar design. On the guardian case. What you would do you would grab this top shield, and you would put it along the phone like this, and then it would look like this, and then you would grab the bottom part of the guardian case that has the see-through plate in the front and the back, and then you would pretty much just push this in uh corner by corner until all the phone is snapped in and all the edges hug this frame, this top frame so very easy to install um here's.

What the case looks like. I didn't clean up the fingerprints, but you can tell that it's protected, and it's not so super bulky uh. We don't. We don't have a kickstand in the back uh, but we do have uh a nice. You know like bumper around the phone, and you know you can easily stand up on anything so very nice design, sleek design, but protective.

I love these covers because we always get lint on the ports and headphone, jacks and stuff like that. So now time for our test. So let's do a quick drop. There we go and then let's do another. One billion looks like it survived, so a couple drops it does give that give it an edge on the under the front.

So it's not hitting the screen itself. I like this one because it's sleek it's not as bulky, but it protects so not a bad design. Uh for under 20. These usually sell on Amazon for 20 or less right now I saw them they're on sale for 18.95, and then I'll post a link of my affiliate link for Amazon. So you can buy these uh.

I do make a couple pennies, you know, but it helps out the channel. You know here and there, if you buy the, if you buy the case using my link, and I'll put it in the description below. So, if you have any questions on these cases, let me know they're quality, uh poetic has been nice enough to send. Send us a Sand us some, so we can test them out, and they're great quality cases, and they look good. They feel good.

You can't go wrong with these, so if you have any questions, please- and let me know in the comments below thanks for watching- have a good one.

Source : Marcos

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