moto one ace 5g vs Samsung a52 5g vs OnePlus n10 5g By The Ian West Network

By The Ian West Network
Aug 14, 2021
moto one ace 5g vs Samsung a52 5g vs OnePlus n10 5g

All right welcome back to the channel, so today we're going to talk about the motor 1, 8th 5g and, let's click over here, the a52 5g. Now these are two devices that are being sold under metro by T-Mobile and also the T-Mobile website itself, but we're going to talk about just the actually. The variants are exactly the same when it comes to T-Mobile and metro by T-Mobile um the met they both the metro, T-Mobile models in both phones to be very clear, has six gigs of ram, so 128, six gigs of ram is the standard. This is the model that we'll be talking about um, I'm not too sure about the model that came in different models. It did actually it came in a 64 gig model which the metro version again has 128 gigabytes. So let's specify that right now before we even move forward in this video.

Now, when you look at the price, this is one of the things that I talk to people about all the time when it comes to phones, because you tend to want something that works better overall, and it's impossible to know that unless you've actually tested a device or if you look at a device's history, typically, you can tell how the performance is going to be, to a certain extent can't always do that. But sometimes you can so first thing we're going to talk about is price under metro by T-Mobile. The phone is 500.4.99 or 504, basically 499 dollars to own outright. If we talk about T-Mobile um, it's 249 is the new line. If you have an ID, and it's 199 as a port for metro by T-Mobile, then it's 399 as an upgrade.

On the other hand, you have the metro device, which I'm I'm just talking about the metro pricing right now, uh. So, even though we're looking at this website, the metro pricing is entirely different. Now the motor actually originally was a 400 399 phone which under metrics the phone is about. I think, 250 something dollars or 270. Something straight out: it's 29 as a port, if you're bringing your phone to another carrier, when I say a port, we're talking about a cricket, ATT sprint doesn't exist anymore, um, Verizon, not simple, mobile, not uh, I'm not sure what a network mobile uses, but certain of cert any company that doesn't use the T-Mobile network you're eligible for that deal.

Uh new line it'll be 89, and I think it's like 179 as an upgrade if you're uh just doing a regular upgrade you're already a metro customer. Now. What matters in these phones to me are the specs see. For me. I do a lot of uh gaming Call of Duty uh, not so much ginger and impact because these phones can handle it, but on the lowest setting, not you, so you'll, you'll get choppy graphics, it'll still look decent you'll still get your uh spotty lag from here and there, but for the most part, you're going to need a better phone in order to play more higher-end intensive games, but this can handle Call of Duty war, the visions, uh final, fantasy board divisions and some other titles.

Actually, let me name a few just since I'm doing an informative video. Let me not uh okay, uh, let's see what this game is called yeah, so Call of Duty war, the visions Final Fantasy. Obviously you can handle Pok?mon Go um what else phone apps we'll get back to the phone apps anyway? It can handle quite a few games right now. The most defining feature, in my opinion about these two phones, is that the Samsung phone is using a super analyst screen with 120 hertz and 800 nits. Now, 800 nits isn't a super uh bright phone because I think I know the galaxy notes are like the 1300 or 1500 one of the two.

Don't quote me, but it is up there while the motor. I don't even think they even tell you what the motor is to be honest, but the motor is very low like this like, even though the PPI isn't too much of a difference. It's a huge difference when you look at the phones, because it's a super AMOLED screen substantial, better quality on the Samsung 852 screens. If that's what you're looking for, and it's going to be a much brighter phone now, I personally don't turn the brightness up in my phones, because I have glasses. My eyes are bad, but for some people, if they want a screen, that's going to work better in sunlight.

It's definitely going to be the Samsung 852, especially if you're in bright sunlight at the beach. You don't have an umbrella, or you know just give me a little example. It's going to work better um, the a52 comes with android 11 standard, while the motor is still on android 10. Now I do suspect that it's going to get um, android 11, eventually probably toward its end life cycle, like a lot of the phones do, but the a52 is guaranteed three years worth of software updates and um android updates, so meaning you'll get android, 12, android 13 or whatever it's called android 14, just like three years worth well, you know what honestly I don't know, I don't think they even come out with a new android every year. So let me resend that you will get three years worth of updates on the phone, so you're getting android 12, probably 13 when it comes out at least wow.

The motor is probably only going to get 11. Be honest with you. This is the motor is kind of one of those phones where, if you're concerned about software you're going to end up buying a mid-tier phone every year, so up until last year with the uh 851 Samsung. Actually they didn't really do software updates, it's a 852 that they're promising it on now. So that's one of the reasons to kind of look at this phone and say you know what well I don't want to buy a phone next year.

I just want to make sure that my phone stays up to date. Again they have this practically the same processor 752. You look at the specs right here I mean the GPU. It's practically the same. Let's see, let's double-check, sure 570 yeah, it's the same thing, so to be honest, you're going to get the same performance in terms of gaming on this phone and just everyday usage.

Now this is where everything that differentiates, because the Samsung has that 120 hertz screen, which you do have the option to turn it on 60. I wouldn't because it really makes your phone underperform. If you do, it's meant to be 120, hertz boy, the performance, the speeds of just going through apps swiping through the screens, it's so much easier on the eyes. When you play games, they run substantially smoother. It's just a better experience.

All around on the phone processing power is going to be the same performance and apps are going to be the same for the most part. But I cannot stress enough that that screen is beautiful. On the 852 love, it love it love it um, let's scroll down! Actually, let's talk about this one too. This one is ip67, so you will be able to you know your phone will be to take a little beating when it comes to a rain and a rainstorm. I don't suggest submerging it, because who has a reason to do that? But if it falls in a toilet or something happens, you can pull your phone out.

You'll be fine with the motor again it's water repelling coating, so it can take a beating in the rain. You can have your phone out in inclement weather, where there's water dipping it in the toilet if it drops is it falls, and it just sinks, I'm sure it'll survive, because I had an older, older, uh metro device where it was uh before the g stylus. As a matter of fact, and I dropped the phone it was outside, I thought I meant effect with the g7 play as a matter of fact, I'm glad I got the name and I, without I couldn't find my phone for, like 20 minutes went outside pouring rain. I couldn't even see I take my glasses off. I found the phone picked it up.

There were no internal issues whatsoever. I just wiped it off and kept going. So most phones do have some type of water resistance, even though it doesn't say it. But again it's not something that I would suggest you should ever. Try on yourself um.

When we talk about the cameras it can record, the a52 can actually record um in 60 frames, but only under 1080p, while the model can't it can only do 30 frames whether it's in I don't know. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I actually can't. Furthermore, I don't know why I was thinking of the Moto G stylus, so they can record in the same specifications for the most part, but I will say that the a52 camera is better. It's way better.

It focuses better. Furthermore, it's a better phone. I've actually recorded YouTube videos with the uh a52, a couple of them and um. It was easier it. The focus was much better, especially when it came to showing certain specifications on the box of a phone or showing the settings of the phone.

It did come out better um one of the issues which we're going to scroll down here real fast. I had with the a52 versus the um the model that the a52 is battery life is worse. It has a smaller battery, and it's worse but but it's the big one. It does support 25 watt charging and just similar to the iPhone 30 minutes will give you 50 battery life while with the motor. No, it only supports 15 watt.

Now I am using a 50 25 watt Samsung battery charger and, to be honest, I am seeing slightly improved speeds. Uh, I'm going to switch back to my Motorola charger just to be safe, because I don't want to burn out the phone or anything. But again, most phones to me should have at least 25 watt, or at least 30 watt charging similar to uh OnePlus with the WAP charging hell. Even 18 watt charging seems to be more ideal but again um it's a budget device. So in order to keep the price low, that's why the Motorola screen on this particular phone isn't very high-end.

That's why it doesn't support wireless charging, or I mean a52, doesn't support wireless charging either. But that's why the wattage charging you're paying more money when you up certain specs and Motorola, I will say, has done an amazing job of making mid-tier phones that are affordable for carriers like penny to the dollar, when you switch over while Samsung again, this phone is 199. If you port from a network 249 at the new line, 500 straight out, if you're not eligible for upgrade, if you're just buying it unlocked, while the Motorola, you can get this phone for 200 something dollars. So again, it's the same processor. It's the same amount of ram in the US you're going to get the same performance in terms of processing power, but that 120 hertz screen does make the difference, and it makes your experience just going through the phone so much smoother on a52.

Now what the a52 doesn't have that the motor ace motor one five g8. This name is ridiculous and what this phone does have is the fingerprint on the motor is extremely accurate, I'll say about 95 of the time you're going to get your phone unlocked. The a52 over here uses an on-screen fingerprint. Where you see the cursor is, and it's not accurate at all, it's a terrible, terrible fingerprint. It's just bad, it's its not worse than the 850 ones, because that one was beyond bad honestly, I'm no! I'm going to say that it is as bad, because when I tried out the um s21, it's it seems like Samsung decided to make their fingerprints worse on their phones, and I don't know why they did that, because I know with the note series the s8 s9.

I never had a fingerprint problem, never had it. Furthermore, I skipped the s10. Furthermore, I did use s10 plus for a little um. Just before I started a YouTube channel and the fingerprint was pretty accurate. You know like I know the note8 had that the retina display, along with the face, unlock and a few other features, and it's like Samsung, is taking away some features, and they're, not upgrading on your experience on unlocking the phone.

Now, if you had an OnePlus, the on-screen fingerprint has been amazing. Also, just throw this in there. OnePlus phones can actually uh unlock like the OnePlus n10 5g, which is also under T-Mobile metro. We throw that in there can actually unlock your phone in the dark. Uh try it.

If you have the phone, you can actually sit in the dark room turn the light out in the bathroom hold the phone to your face. It will unlock your phone same just like it's with the same accurate speeds as the iPhone 11 12 10 XR in a luxury phone anyway. That phone is in this category I should have in truth. I should have added this into the phone. Actually, you know what I am going to add this into the phone.

I want to talk to you about the um: let's call it OnePlus and 10 5g. I might just throw this into comparison. Furthermore, I know I'm like 13 minutes in, but for anyone seeing this video guess what you got a third phone, that you could take a look at and compare so the thing about the OnePlus and 10, which I also have this device. Well, I used to have the device I used it I'm going to get another one just for review purposes, and it supports 30 watt charging and the OnePlus does have the're. The only ones that have the warp charging you can get 0 to percent in 30 minutes.

That's how phone should be especially mid-tier, like that's a game changer to me that they're able to do that um again. The only problem with this phone is that it starts off at android.10 it'll probably get the 11 update. Eventually it actually has a higher pixel density than the motor's, like Motorola phones have awful screens. When you compare them to the competition, but again they tend to have decent processors and the phone can manage the battery life very well. It's actually a feature in the settings that helps you with that.

Excuse me um. It's a snapdragon 690, while the others are snapdragon 750s, and you may say: well, you know it's not that huge of a difference. If I use my phone every day, I should be fine, and you're right. Every day, users won't see a huge performance drop and, oh it also. This phone does have 90 hertz.

So let's not forget about that. It's its a 90 hertz phone. So it's much smoother, but I noticed a little lag here and there, with switching between applications like uh. If I switch out of Call of Duty it'll give me a one-second lag, then I'll, finally, swap out over I'm swapping between multiple games, because I do stress tests on the phones to see if multiple apps can run at the same time and kind of stress the processor um it did lag in that aspect. It did get a little warm, but I can honestly say that uh, if we're talking about performance, the OnePlus, the modal is going to be the better overall phone than both of these.

No I'm sorry a52 in a mode are going to be the top choices for me. If you're talking about processor, speed, and you're the type person where you know what I want to um play games on my phone, I want to be able to do BCD, upload videos, yeah yeah, they're, all three more 5g, let's be very clear, all three or 5j um, the OnePlus and the Samsung are going to have the better and sharper screen with the better colors. The OnePlus is going to have the fastest charging out of both of them. No contest um, the thinner phone OnePlus speaker wise, I'm going to say the OnePlus speaker is going to be better than the eight. You know what the a52 had a pretty good speaker, but I'm going to say that the a52 and the OnePlus are gonna, have the better speakers out of the three.

But if again I listen to everything through Bluetooth, or I use a headphone jack. I don't listen to anything with my regular speaker unless I'm on speakerphone- and I have to be honest- I don't know who listens to the speaker out loud. If you do go, buy yourself, a Bluetooth speaker, because it's 2021 and uh, we should be mindful of the people. They all have six gigs of ram um, 128 gigs, all three phones, a couple of hundred twenty-three 128 gigs internally, um they're, all under metro, PCs and T-Mobile as a carrier during six one, nine processors is not gonna. Be that much difference.

Yes, these two, the one eight and the a52 are gonna, have a better processor, especially for gaming. You're going to notice it. If you download something like inch and impact, and then you download that on the motor or the a52, oh boy, you're going to see a difference same with black desert and um a few other titles, but like there's a mobile for anyone that needs that wants to know about that phone that game it is, I own a mobile game. The mobile gaming apps are all over the place, but um the only downside, is no, it's not a downside. They all support 4k.

I will say that the OnePlus and the Samsung to me have better cameras than the motor, but again price, wise um. This phone is about two something 250 269, I believe under metrics um. It has a it's its I think, of 109 at the new line. Uh 49 dollars at the port in- and I want to say, 199 is an upgrade, so you are paying a little more money for this, even though it has worse. Specs, remember one plus to me is a more trusted brand at this point, the Motorola, because they really came out with the fast charging put this way they get more press than motorola hasn't really had a flagship phone or anything in years they tried it, and they just stick to the mid-tier market.

Don't become the next lg Motorola, you don't know what you're doing, but OnePlus has had better phones over the recent years. So it's a more trusted brand, and you know what happens with brands that trust it more guess what prices go up so again, if you're into speed of battery life, camera OnePlus is for you, the word n10 5g, if you're into the best battery life- and you want performance and uh- I mean again- the screen is only like 60 hertz, but if you're, okay with that, I mean, if you use the iPhone 60hz, it's perfectly fine, but the iPhone performance compared to a model is obviously way different, and you're going to still have a sharper screen on the iPhone and your apps are going to run better. It's better optimized. So that's why you have a better experience sometime on iPhones than androids, and that's why some people don't mind 120 hertz, but if you're looking for just a stable phone with a decent camera, decent battery life, sturdy device, um motor's the way to go. That's what I'm using right now as a matter of fact, eventually I'll switch to the n10 5g, just to do a review on that one.

If you're looking for a phone that has it's going to get you at least three years worth of software updates, similar to the pixel, where it's going to have. This phone is going to have the best longevity, the a52 you'll get years worth for updates software updates. Uh um carrier updates they're going to take care of you if they're going to be if they have an issue with the phone with an update. Guess what they're going to fix that, especially given the fact that this is probably going to be one of Samsung's, most popular phones for the mid-tier market, because the 851 last year was, and that wasn't a great phone, and this one looks premium it feels premium. It has that, like matte back finish for metro, they only give you the black color, but it's a beautiful looking phone.

I can't stress that enough, like if you're talking about cosmetics, the OnePlus is nice. Looking too, the motor looks cheap. It feels cheap, but it does come in black. So this great color, you won't be getting on the metro, and it does look way better under black. But the a52 feels and looks like it's a premium counterparts like the s20.

It looks to me. It looks better than an uh s20 f8, the fan edition, which I don't know why that exists, especially with I mean the processor is good on it, but that that's as far as we're going, but they all have their pros and cons. If, if price is an issue model, one you'll get that seven dragon set, uh 750 g, if style and looks and fast charging is your thing, and you still want a 90 hertz display, so you'll be in the middle ground. OnePlus. If you want all the features minus a decent fingerprint, because the face unlock is good on the uh Samsung with the fingerprints awful and given that movie is out there you're going to have problems, unlocking this phone, I know you are, I did I had it on 851 852, my wife had a problem.

That's one of the reasons why I wanted to get rid of the phone, and I did because the fingerprint's horrible, but everything else is fine. So again, I ramble long enough for this video. If you have any comments like subscribe, if I forgot something or some type of comparison, hey constructor credit, something that's the best so see in the next video.

Source : The Ian West Network

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