Metro by T-Mobile CoolPad Legacy Software Update 1D By DominicanPower100

By DominicanPower100
Aug 15, 2021
Metro by T-Mobile CoolPad Legacy Software Update 1D

Hi everyone: this is the cool pet legacy from match by T-Mobile, and today we have a new sofa up there below for the device. If you would like to get this news of our update, let's go into settings scroll all the way down, tap reset system type recess about fun and, as you can see here, we have under version 9, and we have the Android security patch level from August 1st 2019 and the build number ends on 0 B. So now, let's go back upwards as a bands top where it says software update. Then you gonna show for obtaining when we get in this window that says system update available. Congratulations! A new software update is available for your device. I hope that will take approximately 10 minutes.

You're going to be able to use the device during this time, including the ability to call or text to 9 1 1 to begin install, so let update, so the new version is going to end up 1. The update size is going to be 70 point one megabyte so top where it says we start now. You, okay guys we're back. We have successfully updated the coupe and legacy from Metro by T-Mobile and, as you can see here, we had a notification saying finishing system I'll place another source for this. To finish, as you can see, there is just finished so now, let's go back into settings scroll all the way down top where it says system tap.

Where says about fun, and as you can see here, we have under version 9, and now we have the Android security patch level from October 1st 2019 and the build number ends on 1d. So that's going to be all for this video something much watching my video. If you like my video, please click the like button. You can subscribe to my channel to become a content. If you have any question, please leave it down below.

Thank you for my video bye, bye.

Source : DominicanPower100

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