Samsung Galaxy A30 vs Huawei Y9 2019 Speed Test! A30 Killer? By Dynamic Tech

By Dynamic Tech
Aug 21, 2021
Samsung Galaxy A30 vs Huawei Y9 2019 Speed Test! A30 Killer?

Hello guys welcome back again to YouTube channel dynamic tech cigars. Today we have the Samsung Galaxy, a 30 up against the Hawaiian and 2019, and we are going to do some speed tests on both of these phone, and we are gonna, see and find out which one of the phone is going to edge out on the other one. So guys, let me tell you some basic specification of the both of the phone guys ace per specification. Both of the phones are almost the same. Both of these bodies have got pool gigabytes of RAM, 64, gigabytes of storage and outscore processor. On both of these devices, the Samsung Galaxy activity has a chip set of Oksana's 7/9, a full of a 14 nanometer architecture, while on the other hand, the Havana and 2019 has a chipset of high silicon, current 7 10 with a 12 nanometer architecture, so guys, let's start with the speed test, so guys I'm going to turn on both of the device in exactly 3 2 & 1, and let's see which one of the device is going to edge out on the other one.

Well guys, as you saw, that the log of the Hawaii came up fast, but let's see and wait what happens next, guys for all those who haven't subscribed to our channel. Please do subscribe for upcoming mobile phone comparison and much more well. The Hawaii go disappeared, fast, and I guess it will turn on faster than the ES is I told you because it, the Hawaii, also came up fast, and it also went off us. So the Samsung Galaxy have lost this test so guys, as you can see, that I have set up some application here on both of these phones, and I'm, going to turn each of the application at the same time, and we're going to see the result from both of the devices that which one of the device is going to edge out the other one. So, let's start with the pin out, and I'm going to click on it right now and let's see what happens here, which of the phone is going to turn it on faster? Well, Devon goes to the Hawaiian iron.

That is actually quite amazing from the Hawaiian on that still a very good run by the HAWA Hawaii nine. But let's see what happens next, because there is a number of tests remaining behind, moving out towards the temple run, and I'm going to click on it. Right now and let's see what happens here well, the loading appeared fast on the Award. Once again, the wind goes to the heavy one I'm 2019 and the Samsung Galaxy, a 30 was still lagging behind then the cabala. Why not? So? That is quite amazing from the Hawaii.

Now we're going to serve this earth and now and let's see what happens here well till now, the two of the wind goes to the plus D sort of test. It will be three of the wind goes to the water, while none for the Samsung Galaxy a 30 once again, the HAWA Hawaii 9 is rocking, and it has won and a test again. So still, none for the Samsung Galaxy, a 30 and all for the Ohio vine and moving us toward the sound cloud, and I'm going to click on it right now. Let's see once again, we have I 1 and 1. The test going on to add is edge and, let's see once again moving on to the flip card, and let's see what happens here, which one of these device is going to edge out one again, the Award, when I'm, actually quite performing extremely well, is supposed to the Samsung Galaxy 880 should perform.

It is quite disappointing with this Samsung Galaxy a 30, because if you look at the price of both of deep devices, so the Havana is actually quite cheaper than the Samsung Galaxy, a 30 that is quite expensive as compared to the Havana and so moving on to us, the Netflix, and I'm, going to click on it right now and let's see which one of the device is going to edge out on the other one is, it is taking quite a long time it shouldn't be taking this much time well. Finally, finally, there was something from the Samsung Galaxy, a 30. Finally, it has made a backup so moving on to the Amazon, and let's see what happens here. Yes, once again, once again, the Hawaiian eye has worn. So that would be the last game applications.

Then afterwards we are going to move towards the internet, speed connection test. So now and let's see a well the elf Samsung Galaxy, a 30 was showing to be slower at start, but it is actually hiring on faster than the Hawaiian an. But let's see both are now in the same position so which one of these devices is going to edge out on the other one. Well, both are stuck at the same point. They shouldn't be taking this much time whoa.

That was amazing, so the Samsung Galaxy, a 30, is back in the race, some moving on towards the'm going to turn on Google Chrome, and we are gonna, see what happens here. I'm going to. Let me just get over with this okay so guys as we are set up right now, so I'm going to click on the Wikipedia page, and we are going to see which one of the devices are going to open it up fast and now, and let's see what happens here and well, that was actually quite the same for both of the devices I put on myself. Not the difference between either of the phone. Let me just do that again, and we are going to see and let's find out what happens here so again.

Yes, we are gonna, see well. That was once again the win goes to the HAWA Hawaii Nan. Let me now just open the dial pad on these phones once again. So the basic conclusion of this video is that the HAWA Hawaii 9 has rocked this all of these tests. The Hawaiian was almost 90 on the 90% of the test, the Hawaiian and was faster than the Samsung Galaxy, a 30, so guys, if you are going to buy between both of these devices, as you can see the camera and other specification, the display specification are almost the same.

But if you are game lover because gaming need high performance of obviously you should go for the guys. Thank you for watching this video and keep supporting us.

Source : Dynamic Tech

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