iPhone XS Max - Real Day in the Life Review! By UrAvgConsumer

By UrAvgConsumer
Aug 14, 2021
iPhone XS Max - Real Day in the Life Review!

What's going on guys, it's ravage consumer, and today we're going to be spending a real day in the life with the iPhone 10s max, and for those of you who have never seen one of my real day in the live videos you're pretty much going to be spending the day with me and the 10s max, and we're going to see all kinds of things like its performance battery life. What that camera is like, and we're going to put it through its paces in the real world and see how it does so. Here was our day. Okay guys, so we are starting the day. I'm actually headed to the studio. But if you see behind me, there are a ton of people.

That'll know what's going on, but I just happen to pass by a huge crowd, but either way we are shooting with the front-facing camera of the 10s snacks right now. So this is the audio and the video quality that you guys have come to expect. But I have to leave the distracting crowd head to the studio and get the day started. We are at a hundred percent. I use the phone for like a phone call, but yeah not a big deal, and it is 12 o'clock having a late start, who would've thought right, but I think that's enough testing of the video capabilities of these cameras.

Now we're back on the regular camera and I think it's time we head out. We launched a video. Today we got what we needed to do do in the studio. It's actually a budget edition version of some cool accessories. You can get for the phone I'll have that link down below, so you guys can check it out, but let's get on out of here and have our day right, ARI, alright, and I'm, not listen, guys I'm, not walking around with this phone, like this mother ain't raised no fool.

Let's get a case on this bad boy. Ain't breaking over $1500 phone come on now, all right guys, so we are on our way to the mall, and we've been driving for about 27 minutes now actually been driving for 25 minutes, and we've been using GPS for that long and, let's see 84%, so I think we got in here when it was around 91, so took a bit of a hit with the GPS, but we still got a lot of battery left and a lot of day left, so we'll see how it goes, alright, guys, so we're in the mall and areas over there looking at shoes. So this is good a time as ever to play some games, but there's something that I noticed. That is a little unfortunate with that 10s max I, don't know if you guys can see the notch is blocking some content on this game and that isn't something I've dealt with on the iPhone 10, but it is visible here. It looks like we're.

Going to have to wait for app developers to update for the resolution of the iPhone 10s max, but I will say guys from a performance perspective. This thing still does do its job, the a12 chip- oh snap, talking too much you guys are messing me up again: hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, go, buy your shoes please! So this is one of those games that I love to play is called hyper heroes. But look up here guys you'll see that my currency I can't see any of what's going on there. This is actually pretty unfortunate, and I can't get out of here. We already got all these boxes here.

Well, yeah, so that kind of stuff. It kind of sucks that I'm not able to see it. Okay guys, so we are finally out of Macy's IRA took forever in there. It is like four o'clock right now, and we've got 72 percent battery left I was playing a lot of games, I had to keep myself occupied because I was falling asleep, but uh yeah 72 still got a lot of day left. Let's see how it does, and I just realized the Sun and I, even though it's kind of cloudy, but this would be a perfect time to try out the smart HDR feature.

I want to see how it does with the portrait mode effect using the front-facing camera. So, let's see if I can get a decent shot off here, try another one like this get some color. In the background, all right, let's take a look and see what we got. It's actually pretty nice. Now it is super cloudy.

The sky does look a bit blown out, so not bad. The selfies actually look pretty good, though nice and sharp backgrounds, bored out, looks good and, while we're out of here taking pictures, I figure we'll take a picture of some flowers. This wouldn't be a tech review without one. So, let's see if we get a nice cool picture in here, let's see what we've got here for just a random snap I liked what I'm seeing here colors are nice and vibrant looks pretty sharp. This is the portrait mode, one some good detail.

This is pretty nice for just a flower by the sidewalk. This is perfect, and we have to stop by the Apple Store real, quick guys because listen I want to protect this phone at all costs. You see that Welkin screen protector I got one of the tempered glass ones from the Apple Store. They actually install it for you, so you don't have to deal with making it perfect or anything like that. Just let them do it.

It cost a bit more, but I'm telling you guys it is worth it scratched my iPhone ten screen pretty bad, and I'm not doing it with this one. It is way too expensive. So just stop to give some food, and this is actually the perfect time to see how the max feels with one-handed usage- and it takes some maneuvering I'm, not gonna, lie I feel like I'm shifting my hand a lot more to reset in places, but one feature that I use on almost all. The iPhones nowadays is reach ability, and that is playing a huge role, especially now, since the top of the phone is just so far up so just swiping down on the home button, I get access to the top of the screen and I can just do whatever I need to do. Reach ability I feel like it's very important now, especially on the max, or you can use a pop socket like HRI says, but I'm not gonna.

Do that now we have to take a picture of the chicken. It is not going to pick this up. Let's do this Apple bottle. Instead, portrait mode now there was supposed to be an improvement to portrait mode for those finer details that kind of hard to capture. They never claimed that it was going to be perfect, but they said it was going to be improved, but it does still struggle a little, especially when it comes to determining certain edges.

So it got the sticker pretty fine, but it blurred out the bottle and the top of it as well. So not so hot, but something that's actually pretty cool about the new portrait mode effect is now. You can go ahead and change the aperture, so I can change the aperture here and make it even more local issues at the box. Oh yeah, bringing it all the way to the front nice and clear I got some decent bouquets on its own. Well, you know gotta make it bow knishes baby back, and do you guys see that sunset, so I want to see what kind of dynamic range we can get out of the camera are supposed to have that new, smart HDR.

So let's see what we get here, yo the colors, though dang, that is nice. So let's look at some of the darkest points. This car over here looks pretty good. Even some of the brightest points like these lights, they don't look completely overexposed or not being they're, not too harsh on the picture. But let's see what the non HDR version looks like you know, honestly, even the non HDR version looks pretty good yeah.

Maybe once we put on the computer I'll be able to tell a bit better, but as of right now, even between the smart HDR version and the regular version, they both looks really solid. This is a perfect camera, not to mention this is pretty low light. So guys area is on FaceTime right now and there's actually a feature, and it's more of an iOS 12 thing, ?, absolutely just hate. It's not really a feature. It's just the way they changed.

FaceTime like I, always got her an emoji going right now guys check this out when you want to switch the camera, you no longer just press that button right there, and you can't even do it over here. You have to swipe up or press the screen, hit this button and then hit that button. That's a lot of work compared to what it was before. So now he's got me being her camera man as usual. I'm, always the one who gets her nice Instagram photos cred ? Jed.

Always that is absolutely true. So now, I'm going to put these through a little of Lightroom, see if I can make them look perfect and ready for Instagram all right. We rendered that out really quickly, and it's headed your way. Stop plugging yourself! So right now we're trolling the basement I'm watching Mr. Ken bonitos video on Austin's Channel and the screen looks perfect here guys, but that's not what we're really checking out here.

What I want to hear is the sound quality. Now Apple has improved the stereo speakers of the new iPhones and I have to say guys. It's actually pretty impressive, so check this out. So this right here sounds good, but bringing it up all the way to the max is actually really solid. Now I've tried this out with other shows and whatnot, and it sounds really impressive.

It's much louder than your typical iPhone, and it is actually really impressive when playing a game like asphalt.9, it just sounds crazy. Oh, and the crash is epic. So just to give you guys a battery update, it is 848 p. m. and I've got about 33% less all right, so we're looking at 3 hours and 57 minutes of screen on time and honestly, that was a lot lower than I expected for the max yeah I do have 33% left hmm, so that's kind of interesting that we're getting a lower number in terms of screen on time, we'll see how it lasts throughout the rest of the night.

Hopefully, I don't clunk out before it does, but so far I've I had to put it on the charger. So we'll see so one more quick update. I was just looking for a picture to post on Instagram, and I was looking at the portrait selfies that I took, and actually I see a huge difference between the smart HDR version and the normal one. The smart HDR version I see a lot more detail on the sidewalk to the right of my body, and you don't see as much over on the selfie without HDR, so you're, seeing a lot more detail, and that's actually very nice you'll also notice that my hoodie, it doesn't look as faded as it does with the regular picture. So this is an overall better shot, a lot of the things that might be a little overexposed.

You get all that detail back with the HDR shot. That's actually really impress and could be a game-changer I think everyone should have that HDR feature on when they take their photos. Unfortunately, it looks like we have to go back to the studio. We have some more work to get done. A couple of videos.

We've got a wrap-up, it is currently 9:57, and we've got 13% battery left. So I don't think this phone is actually going to beat me today. I'm, probably going to be up longer than it will I really don't even know why we teased ourselves coming here. Ara now, I'm, tired I, am exhausted, but duty calls, and I was pretty much our day guys. Now.

That was a pretty interesting experience. I have to, say I did expect a little more with the 10s max right off the bat I wasn't super impressed with the battery life. I really thought that I'd see a lot more than I got with the iPhone 10, but it was probably the same for me. Furthermore, I, don't know why that's the case. Furthermore, I saw a lot of other tech YouTubers mention it having really great battery life.

Some saying the same as me that it matched their 10, so I'm not really sure what to think of the battery life as of right now, but through my current experience it hasn't been really an upgrade, which I will say is a big disappointment, because that's what I really got the max for now, of course, with the max you have that bigger display. What content? Just looks really, really good on it. Of course, you have those nice BIG's new stereo speakers that are improved, and they sound amazing guys. I mean really, really good. So this is a huge improvement compared to the 10, and it definitely makes watching content or playing games that much more enjoyable at full volume.

Now personally, for me, where I did have an issue with this new bigger display, while it's awesome and the sound is awesome, all that is great. I really had a hard time using it with one hand, now every day, regular stuff, wasn't so bad. You do definitely get used to it, but what was kind of a deal-breaker for me guys? It was not really even what happened throughout the day throughout the day was pretty fine, but it was at night where I ran into my real issues. So me personally, I do tend to use the phone a lot in bed and where I had. My biggest issue was just kind of laying on my side scrolling on my phone I had a real time holding the phone in a position that wouldn't make it fall out of my hand.

Honestly, it was a lot of shuffling with the phone in my hand, trying to get to the top of the screen and do all kinds of stuff that would I feel like I'll have a really hard time getting used to, because just maneuvering the phone like that with one hand it's just not for me, and it's not really the size of the body. That's an issue there for me, because I've come from the iPhone 7 plus 8 plus, so those were no problem because they had smaller screen now, with that much larger screen, you're dealing with swiping at the very bottom or swiping at the very top. To give you notifications, there's a pretty wide gap between the two of those, so navigation as a whole is pretty difficult with one hand unless you're willing to do a lot of shuffling with your hands. Now when it comes to performance, who are we kidding, these phones are absolute beast I'll be able to do whatever you want them to do. There's absolutely nothing that you're going to be able to throw at this phone and, if not be able to handle heck.

I could even say that with the iPhone 10, but of course having that eight 12 Bionic chips and all of its power does allow the phone to do a bit more than it used to before in the past, and it's more about what can developers add to their apps to take advantage of this power and that's why we're seeing the growth of AR and things like that? We're getting way more power in our phones, and we're able to do a lot more, even really cool things like using the measure app to figure out the distance between things in your home that to me that is a mind-blowing app guys, it's kind of crazy, but yes, now the iPhones can do more than ever, whether it's the iPhone, 10s or 10s max now, let's talk about those cameras and I will say: I am very, very happy with the cameras they performed really, really well. One thing: that's really cool is that portrait mode effect now portrait mode is a big feature for me. I did find that now all the pictures I took came out perfect in terms of edge detection and things like that. There is still some room for improvement there, but there definitely has been improvement from previous iterations. You now also have the aperture control feature.

So if you want to add a little more bulk into your shots, make it a little more blurry. In the background you can do that. I think that is a very, very nice touch and as a portrait mode fan, I'm happy to see these improvements and new features added to it. I also found that photos came out a bit brighter liking, the mid-tones and the shadow areas. There's a bit more detail in there now and with that smart HDR feature there's of detail everywhere.

Whether your frame has something really dark and something really bright, you'll be able to see and distinguish what's actually there, because there's just a lot more detail and smart HDR. That's a perfect job at stitching together all those different photos and making it a really nice single photo, and one thing I noticed. That's pretty interesting about the cameras. Are they pick up a lot more lens flare? So if that's something you like, then you're going to see a lot of it here, but it is something I noticed quite a bit more in my photos, so whether you love or hate it, that's something you're going to want to know, because it's definitely more present. Now when it comes to the front facing camera, it did a solid job.

I didn't notice some people complaining on Twitter about it doing a smoothing effect and I. Guess it's like those beauty modes that other phones have for me. I, don't got no rule issues with it. It didn't bother me I are even noticed on herself once you took a couple of selfies, so it is there if you hate that feature. Unfortunately, the camera settings don't really allow for you to turn that off.

I don't know: I posted a selfie on Instagram for the first time in forever and got mad likes, so Who am I to complain. Something else that was pretty interesting. That I noticed is that the lens seems to be just slightly wider than the regular tens' camera. So if you have the 10s or 10s max, you do get a slightly wider lens, which is nice because you're able to get more in your frame. That is a welcomed addition.

I always want the wide lens to actually be wide, and the telephoto lens go ahead and be a telephoto lens, but Apple moving in that direction is really, really good. Overall guys where I stand with the iPhone Menace max, is that I've used it trying it out and I honestly, don't think it's for me. I'm, probably gonna, go down to the iPhone 10s I honestly prefer to just have an easy one-handed experience. The screen being bigger, didn't really do much more for me than the regular iPhone 10s, so I feel, like I'll, be more comfortable using the 10s instead of the 10s max, even though the 10s max has that nice big, beautiful, display great speakers, but the iPhone 10s. Pretty much has a beautiful display and great speakers as well.

So I'm just going to go for comfort here and probably downgrade since I wasn't able to see a huge benefit in battery life, which is probably the biggest reason why I went with the max in the first place, but that is my take guys. I think I'm going to end up switching to the 10s they're, both great phones- oh just a matter of comfort, which one is more comfortable to use for you what's going to be more comfortable for me. I think is the regular 10s, so I'm going to be jumping on that train I'll! Keep you guys updated if I actually make the jump, though, because I got all my stuff on my tennis max right now, but we'll see I'll, keep you guys posted make sure you follow me on Instagram Twitter, all that stuff, so you can know what's happening and if you haven't entered into my giveaway of a brand-new iPhone, 10s and 10s max I'll. Have that video linked down below in the description for you guys to try it out, but that about wraps it up for this video guys. Hopefully you enjoyed it.

If you did be the cool guy or girl that gives this video a thumbs up, and I will catch you guys in the next one. So that is your average consumer piece that that's really long, intro outro! That's a really long! I'll try I have to top that down these guys.

Source : UrAvgConsumer

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