iPhone 12 Pro Vs iPhone 12 Full Battery Comparison By Simple Alpaca

By Simple Alpaca
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Pro Vs iPhone 12 Full Battery Comparison

Welcome back everyone, I went ahead and did a battery comparison between the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro, and I found something pretty interesting now. This is not an end-all, be-all comparison. This is not like a once and done. This is just kind of to give you a ballpark of which phone will kind of give you better battery life. Now I did a battery scale, and it's this official one that I made. So if you see someone else use if it's mine and this kind of breaks down that you know.

If there's this big of a difference by the time the phone dies, then definitely one is either way better a little better, not noticeably better or extremely better than the other one, because if one is like five percent or difference like it's really not that big of a deal to be honest now between these phones, I did see something interesting, because I honestly thought the iPhone 12 Pro and the iPhone 12 were almost going to end exactly the same time, but that ended up not really being the case entirely. So what I did was, I put both phones, full brightness. I do everything on all the phones that I test exactly the same. If I load up one thing on one page, I do the exactly same thing on the other one and I just kind of see which one is going to die sooner. So what I did was I put the phones on max brightness, Bluetooth, all that stuff on, and I swiped out of all the apps, nothing in recent and 57 minutes into the comparison.

I saw that the iPhone 12 and the iPhone 12 Pro both had 92 battery life left. So that was something that I was really happy about. You know I was seeing that both phones were you know, maintaining you know pretty much the same battery life and honestly, I think, iOS 14, you know my excuse before was iOS.14 is kind of affecting both battery life, but that doesn't really matter here, because both phones are built exactly the same, so they both have the a14 chip, so iOS 14 is going to react the same on both of them. So a couple of hours passed, and I should have checked on them earlier, but I forgot to and at that 2 hour and 59 minute mark, I saw that the iPhone 12 had 61 battery life left with the iPhone 12 Pro actually had 58 battery life left, and this was something that was really, really confusing to me that I saw there was a three percent. You know decrease on the iPhone 12 pros battery life compared to the iPhone 12s now mind you, the iPhone 12 Pro is a more expensive phone, even though they have the same size, battery life for the same size, battery size inside them.

I was still expecting the iPhone 12 Pro to be better because it's a more expensive device now, eventually a couple more hours. After that, I saw that the iPhone 12 had 23 battery life left and the iPhone 12 Pro had 14 battery life left and in between those hours. I was loading up web pages. I was playing games, you know, playing temple, run and doing some videos and stuff and just kind of film just watching them, and to see this big of a difference here. Furthermore, I was actually really, really surprised.

Furthermore, I was not expecting to see this big of a difference between both these devices. Furthermore, I was honestly expecting the iPhone 12 Pro to do a little better. Furthermore, I saw last year that the iPhone 11 Pro in some cases, kind of did better than the iPhone 12, sometimes not every time but majority of the time, and then eventually about 50 minutes after that. So about that seven hour mark with the six hour 52 minute mark, I saw that the iPhone 12 actually had 12 battery life left with the iPhone 12 Pro had two percent battery life left, and that's why I ended these comparisons because it was way too late, and I was way too tired and pretty much at this point I saw there was about a 10 difference between these battery lives. So technically, this kind of fit into the second scale down, and I can definitely tell you that it was a pretty interesting thing because, in my opinion, the battery life here, even though my chart, it doesn't say it's like an huge difference in battery life.

But it's very, very interesting what happened because both phones I mean they have the same size, battery same screen, pretty much you just kind of have more ram on the iPhone 12 Pro, but it's very weird how the iPhone 12 had actually had a better battery life than a more expensive phone like the iPhone 12 Pro. It makes absolutely no sense to me. Both these phones have decreased battery sizes compared to their predecessors, so that in and of itself doesn't make any sense to me and honestly, I can tell you if it was between both I guess the iPhone 12 is going to have their better battery life before I would have blamed it on iOS 14, but because both of these are the brand-new phones from their you know, manufacturers. I can only say that most probably the iPhone 12 Pro is going to get you better battery life than the iPhone 12. Surprisingly, both phones actually do pretty decent battery life from these tests compared to other iPhones, but compared to androids.

These things do not hold up well, including the galaxy s20, but I'll go ahead and show that in a different video. So that really pretty much covers this battery comparison. If you guys have any other questions or anything, let me know in the comment section below hit the like button, though me so much, but definitely hit that subscribe button, every single subscriber that we get really discount. So me so much if you guys could hit that also check out the other links down in the description as well. My Twitter, my Instagram, my other channels.

More importantly, everything else love every single one of you guys, hopefully I'll catch you guys in the next video peace out till then you.

Source : Simple Alpaca

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