iPhone 12 Mini Cinematic 4K Footage By Moment

By Moment
Aug 13, 2021
iPhone 12 Mini Cinematic 4K Footage

You know you're really on the verge of being fine. I know the days they tend to weigh up on your mind of all the hours you wasted high to get a better dude you're cruising dude 2021's lit so far. That's going to be the cutaway shot middle of the sequence. Really nice, everybody's favorite hat everybody's favorite, stinky, Rusty hat! What's up everybody, so this whole video was shot on the iPhone 12 mini. You can get some incredible results with this camera. I used a moment wide angle lens a moment: telephoto lens the 58, a Zion crane, m2 gimbals and a variable ND filter.

The moment version so yeah pretty impressed by this little setup. This phone can get some incredible results and the whole thing was shot at the moment pro camera app. So I was able to lock my shutter speed and everything so hope you enjoyed the video I'm back home now in the rainy pacific northwest, so shout out to California for having good weather and miles for having us over for just two days but uh hope you enjoyed the video happy new year and uh yeah. I can't even film here because it's so wet bye, guys.

Source : Moment

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