OnePlus 8 Interstellar Glow - One Million Colors in One By OnePlus

By OnePlus
Aug 15, 2021
OnePlus 8 Interstellar Glow - One Million Colors in One

Look at that color- oh, my goodness, it's a unicorn. It's a freaking unicorn. It's definitely unique um this finish. Underneath the glass gives it a different refraction index from different angles. It's one of the most reflective phones. I've ever seen, I'm going to get a reflection.

There's me! Oh, I'm feeling this right here. This might be the dopes one. Yet it's got a really nice rainbow reflection. It is like 500 different colors in one. It's a very metallic catlike finish that has to be the sexiest back of a phone that I have ever seen.


Source : OnePlus

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