Hunchbacked Bass? By Marlin Roth

By Marlin Roth
Aug 16, 2021
Hunchbacked Bass?

Hey guys so one of the things about my channel is that I want to learn how to fish by going out there and doing it and trying it and one thing that I've never done and the field of fishing is catch, a carp so bass and bluegill and stripes and small that small mouth and large mouth bass I think those are the only species that I've caught I've not caught catfish or carp. But anyway, I'm out here I've got some bread, and I'm filming this on my phone just to test and see how that works, but I'm going to try and see. If there's a carp in here, usually there's a few carp in here. Water clarity is not very good, but I'm going to do something called chumming the water. So I'll show you what I mean so because carp are more cautious fish, they aren't as trustworthy of random things being on the water. So you have to do something called Chum the water, which is basically taken a bunch of pieces of whatever lured or bait that you're using and throw it in piece by piece and if they're in there eventually they'll hit one of them and then, if that time comes, I can put a piece of bread on my hook and try to hook one and that's Chum in basically I.

Don't know if there's actually in the carp in here, so I might just be wasting this bread. But it is a think I paid ninety-nine cents for this loaf, so yeah there's. Definitely a carp over there. So I'm going to start trying to see if I can throw my bread a little farther all right, I'm down to like half a bag and the whole top of the water is basically covered with bread and I haven't seen any bites from carp. So I'm, either they're, not here right now or they're, not eating, so I think I'm just going to go further down there and try to fish for bass.

Maybe and then I'll come back a little later and see if there's any more action from the carp over here. I have seen quite a few turtles, so I don't know if you can actually visit battle right there in the middle of the screen. I can see two or three little bats in this little water. Clearing I, don't know if you guys can really see them, but they're in there wow guys I just pulled this guy out, so I've been fishing for a long time like an hour or two and haven't caught anything I call them on a watermelon colored with red watermelon red bought, baby brush hog and as soon as I pulled them out. There's like a little non weeded area right here and as soon as I pulled them out, there was like 20 other bass, the same exact size of this all in the same area.

So I kind of wonder if I like came upon like a little area that they're all like schooling in or I, don't know if they have like a nest nearby here, but either way. I'm thankful for this guy because I've been fishing for a long time, haven't caught anything, so I'm going to put them back now, and thank you for your time. In my hand, I actually thought it was a bluegill at first because he's about that size, but yeah we'll put them in now all right cats into that same area to see if I can catch another one. Okay I see a couple little guys over there, so I'm going to try to cast Mira alright. So sorry, you keep missing the action of catching, but I actually caught a decent-size on now and I.

Don't know he might be like a pound and honestly, like I, pulled him up over the shore and there was a bunch of sticks and weeds and stuff I had to pull him over so the whole time. I was basically just begging, I, hope, I, don't I, hope, I, don't get him tangled up, and then he'll be even more hurt so yeah he might be. Maybe 15 16 inches long, and I'm going to put him back buddy kind of hard for me to get closer to the water without falling. In so that'll have to do it, I'm, basically sight fishing. So what that means is obviously, if you see them with your sight in the water, then you just cast right near him, and he bit like immediately.

There was actually two of them right next to each other and one of them swam away, and he bit, but I didn't notice it until I pulled up to see if I had anything on there so yeah it was pretty satisfying catch. I'm going to see if I catch one or two more before I have to head out the big old turtle. Oops, drop here all right, so I got a bite on my watermelon trick. One and I felt that it felt really heavy on the end and I could feel that it was fighting. So I was like man.

This thing's got to be pretty big. Well, it's fast inside a giant thing of weeds, so help see what he actually looks like I'm the P down for something. So I'll figure out this situation here, all right, buddy all right here he is, so he's. Definitely interesting shaped he's got a little hump he's like The Hunchback of Notre Dame or whatever fish version so yeah, that's weird yeah, all right, I'm going to put this little guy back in alright guys, so I'm ended up heading home now, I caught three baths, I think, and I mean that was very satisfying. I really felt like I knew what I was doing, because it actually worked like I, actually went out and used small strategies that I've known about, or I've tried before and used like successfully on occasion, but yeah I mean I caught three baths today, two of them site fishing and one of them was I just was casting over some weeds to different points.

Next to plants and stuff that I thought there might be a bass at, and then I felt it, and that was the one with the huge weed that was stuck lying so yeah. It was a fun day. Fishing, obviously I originally went out to catch carp, and that didn't happen. So maybe I'll have to come back after it rained or during gentle rain, because I think the carp are out at that point because they tend to pick things off the surface and if it's raining a lot of times, maybe a little like plants and things will fall and land on the surface of the water. And so that's when I've seen carp in the past, at least so, hopefully that's the case.

I'll have to research, it a little more and either come back here or go somewhere else and figure out how I can pull in a carp for a future video. So if you guys have been watching me, I want to thank you. If you want to subscribe, that's awesome if you've already subscribed, and you've been following for some time. I really appreciate it and I just want to say thank you and I really do appreciate it, because it makes me feel like there's a little more purpose than me, making videos if someone actually is enjoying them and if you do enjoy them. Please give me a thumbs up or comment, and I'll respond to your comments.

So long as they're not spam, if they are spam, I might respond to them, but most of the time I might not, so I mean if you want to stand, go ahead, but do it at your own risk? No promises! If you don't want to spam- and you just want to comment and say hey, this was cool or hey. You could do this better or hey here's a tip. That would be great because I'm trying to learn how to fish better and if you know certain things that I don't know that I would love to know those things but yeah. Thank you very much for watching, go ahead and hit the subscribe button and, if you're interested, you can hit the little bell button next to the subscribe button, and that will notify you every time. I upload, a video so that way, you'll be even more in the know as to one video are released, and I'm trying to get out two videos a week at least, and I have, so I have done that successfully so far.

So thank you very much. I'll catch! You guys in the next video.

Source : Marlin Roth

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