Good News Everyone! - MacBreak Weekly 669 By MacBreak Weekly

By MacBreak Weekly
Aug 15, 2021
Good News Everyone! - MacBreak Weekly 669

It's time for mac break, weekly, Andy, Renee and Laurie are here, and we have yes, a new MacBook Air, a new MacBook Pro, and it's goodbye to two of the MacBook line. It's all coming up next I'm back very quickly net. Guess you love from people, you trust this is trees. This is mac break weekly episode, 669 recorded Tuesday, July, 9th 2019, good news. Everyone back breaks weekly is brought to you by rocket mortgage by Quicken Loans, who make the home buying process work for you. Their award-winning client service and support will help you every step of the way it started online today at rocket mortgage calm, slash, mac break and by zip recruiter, hiring is challenging, but there's one place you can go.

Our hiring is simple and smart. That place is zip recruiter. We're growing businesses connect to qualified candidates, try it free at zip, recruiter, comm, slash back BRI, it's time for mac break weekly, the show where we cover the latest news from Apple, and we've got the team. Laurie Gill is here from High more she's managing editor app' colic, one last time in her grandmother's, attic I, don't know what is that a photo on over your left, shoulder that absolutely gorgeous velvet painting of Dolly Parton? Okay, that's why I thought it was grandma's attic, I have to tell you that that was the giveaway right there. Now just tell your French to get excellent taste yeah.

Thank you. Laurie for being here and belated. Happy birthday yesterday was Laurie. Thank you. Thanks very much 20 whoa 21st birthday, yeah she's ready to drink also with us, Andy NATO from location number: three yeah, it's its it's its as though the forces of evil can be conspiring against me to make sure that my voice would be silenced during this show.

For this show, because my home internet was quit sketchy, the library of the local library internet was out, went to the second most local library that Internet was out and finally was like. Okay there's a Starbucks within walking distance of the failed second library, either. I'm going to do this from a Starbucks, or I'm. Just going to enjoy a cool frosty beverage on this 85 degree, New England day, I'm, glad I'm, doing the podcast and having a nice frosty beverage on this, just like everyday Starbucks decided to spend a little extra money to have their own private Internet. We're glad to thank you.

Thank you through our partners at Google, Star buzz I, don't care what information that Google is getting from me on this. Thank you for letting me have some sort of internet here. So listen listeners I just want you to know. This is how much I love you, and this is how much I love for in to mac break every single week that even when Moses would have just like abandoned his people in the desert. If Moses had been through what I was through today.

Well, your if you look up above you there's a loon balloon floating right above you giving your Internet connectivity, the only one, the only one in all of Massachusetts, that was gonna, be the next thing to try, there's actually there's a lone balloon. I think that's been up there for more than a year now, and they're starting to use it. I think in the is it West Africa somewhere they're using these for the first time and the funny and the funny thing nearby Providence is one of like only two cities that Verizon has actual 5g network genome. Actually working, so I could have had a given that I have I anticipated failure. Earlier just said, I'm going to take this sample phone, that I don't have that the data charts I, don't have to pay for and where do some extended testing in federal yeah? My mom is in Cranston, which is nearby, that's probably just far enough to not get 5g but that's actually it's actually only in a couple of specific neighborhoods in or near run your Brown you're right, your Brown yeah yeah.

That makes sense yeah. This is it. This is the P 496 a loon balloon that just spent seven months in the air it was launched in Puerto, Rico, traveled, 180 thousand kilometers circled the globe spent 140 days, testing flight algorithms off South America. This is was the plan. I think Google was abandoned it, but this was the plan for Internet via balloon of all things.

Also, with us Renee rich, a from my more and the vector podcast bulge, already I can't but early. You know and II can't ethically say this, but on his behalf, if you're enjoying his contribution to the show today, please buy a pixel, please buy a pixel, they need your money uh. Actually you guys Laurie and Renee were up early this morning was it you said 5:30 Pacific time, and we put out a wheeze news. There's news! Well, actually, I was you know. Reading over my morning, coffee this story and I thought I really want to ask these guys.

If this is news or not, Apple announced at part of its back-to-school special, a new iPad MacBook Air MBA that true tone display. It seems to be scant on new features. True tone display is one and maybe eighth generation, Intel processors and a very, very good price, $$10.999.99. If your college kid and they took the MacBook escape the last MacBook Pro- was a normal keyboard and replaced it with a new one with a prism, also, eighth generation processors at lower price and untouchable. Is there anything? These are very minimal design changes, yes, oh, and they murdered the 12-inch MacBook! Oh, oh, that's! Sad! No yeah! Oh I'm, really sad to hear that yeah, because that was a very sporty design.

It was doing things that the MacBook Air wasn't doing, but I guess now that the yet now that they actually have a future for the MacBook there. That involves losing the USB ports and having a real display. Okay, I guess that the writing was on the wall, but it would have been really cool to see what they could have done with the MacBook. Nothing named as this is always going to be the ridiculously thin we will. We are willing to sacrifice to make this as thin, and I've had like as possible, but to run techs offer on it.

That would have been a really great product. Yeah, I thought for a while. Maybe the MacBook would have been an arm-based. You know the first arm yeah like said it, they canceled it last time and then brought it back in 2015 with this all new design, so canceling it now kind of up that spot and that name for next generation computer. So I read the press release.

It wasn't exactly front and center on the press, release that they're killing the MacBook. How do you know they're killing the back book? I got to ask a bunch of questions earlier: okay, yeah! It has also gone from the website. You cannot no longer order, it did they explicitly say, though we will no longer make the MacBook yes it is. It has been discontinued. Okay! Is that coming they it's its like it's been discontinued, but they never comment on whether it'll be coming back in the future sort of.

Oh ok, so it is comparable to the last time it could be. It could be back yeah. They were never making another display and then by Fugues displays I, don't know never mind so tell us about. First, I, don't mind so much because I replaced my MacBook, which was really pretty sluggish with a MacBook, Air and I've been very happy with the 2019 man or 2018 MacBook Air. What are we seeing in the new MacBook Air? The thing? That's really cool about both of these things.

Well, me, I! Guess it depends. This is a lot of people, we're hoping that this would be the new keyboard debut, especially because Ming chica was teasing that, but this is not that so, if you're waiting on that, you're gonna wait just a little while longer, but what they're doing here is they're really pushing the specs on the high end, like the high end. Has all the latest silicon coffee like refresh, but they're, not updating as aggressively the lower end specs? What they're doing instead is dropping the price, because everyone remembers, the MacBook Air got conflated with a $999 Mac. It never launched with that at launched, I think 1700 for the first one and 1300 for the second one, but they the second one, went down until it hit 999 this ones launched at 11 or 12 99 I'm blanking on the exact price, but now they've pushed it down to 1099 and 999 if you're on education. So instead of just ramping up the specs on it, they did a pretty good update.

I think it's way more efficient than it used to be, and it has a better display than it used to have, but they pushed the price down now to 1099 and the MacBook Pro, that's replacing the Escape. They added a bunch of features to it. You know it depends on whether you actually care about those features or not, but it's updated to eighth generation coffee, like not the coffee like refreshed at the high-end dot, but still, if generation coffee like, and it has the touch bar, it has touch ID. It has a t2 security chip, and they kept the price. On that the same, and also much as I love, though 12-inch MacBook, it is now super clear, the product line you basically get a MacBook Air and then, if you care about performance, you start paying 200 bucks extra and then as much performance as you care about paying, and it's a very easy choice between those two.

Do you think there'll be some sadness Andy with the loss of the MacBook Pro escape, because you got a touch bar now, no I think so, because there are a lot of people who were buying it? It was nice to at least have the option of having an actual function, key row and Escape key row, and now you just don't you're there. Apple is just throwing you off the cliff and saying you either learn how to use this parachute, which involves the touch bar, or you plummet and die, or which is the equivalent of switching the windows. So you can actually enable the Escape key the function, key format with touch yeah, but it's still a touch bar. It's not quite the same I think it's like. If you use vim, you really use the Escape key a lot and not having a physical Escape key.

You can remap it to the caps, lock I, think that's what some people do, but it's still it's weird, and so not just that. But it's its weird that the touch bar is not quite it doesn't it's not. The touch surface doesn't extend to the full width of the mechanical keyboard, so you have to kind of get your fingers used to. The idea of the Escape key is not at the extreme upper level. It is now but not quite to the leather yeah, and he still went to the problems of sometimes hitting the hitting a touch button.

When you didn't mean to hit a touch button, you meant to hit the Delete key or something like that. So I'm, okay, it's its very Apple where they definitely believe in the touch bar. They see no reason to have two different lines of computers with and without, and they know that the reason it's we're, not gonna, move forward to the touch bar until everybody who has a MacBook is going to anticipate that they're going to have a touch bar every developer, develop software for the MacBook is going to anticipate they're, going to be developing for a MacBook with a touch bar, but I still wish that they would give Apple customers a choice in the matter. But again that's the least Apple thing that Apple could have done. Yeah, I like that's interesting, that they switched gears to kind of force.

Everyone into the touch bar I was really excited about in 2016 when it came out, but then it kind of into the public sort of seemed like this niche thing, or this sort of like almost silly add-on that most people don't use, so I, actually, in my mind, saw Apple sort of deciding that that touch bar was kind of a failed experiment. We'll go back to the way we used to do it, but we will have touch ID, and it is interesting to me that they've gone so that doubled down on the touch part, even though sort of the consensus is. Nobody really is that excited about the touch bar I'm sure, there's a lot of people that that have found joy in using it. But it's not it's not something that becomes a replacement for just your standard use of a keyboard. It's not something that people are saying.

Oh you, gotta have a touch bar, so it's weird that they went this route yeah it's its kind of the opposite of 3d touch. The great thing about 3d touch is that if you are looking for an excitement, adventure and faster ways of doing things, 3d touch is there for you to discover these extra sort of user interface things, but if you're not that that that adventurous, you know it will not get in your way, will not confuse you in any way you just you can pretend that it doesn't exist, whereas the touch bar just got to deal with it. It's there and I really do think for the beginning that this was not a well-thought-out idea when I, when I got my review unit and the first. My first experience for the touch bar was I'm typing, and I'm, seeing like auto like an auto Prado, complete words appearing in the touch bar, and I'm, not joking I had no audience here. I was not trying to amuse myself.

I literally had to take my hands off the keyboard and reflect on the fact that whoever designed the touch bar thought that the way to use it is that Wow I had I just typed the letter T instead of typing H e, with my fingers that are already on the keyboard. Furthermore, I'm gonna, take my hand off the keyboard and touch this button. Instead, to autocomplete it yeah I can't, I can't think about how long word would have to be before it would be shorter and simpler and faster for me to take my hands off the physical keyboard and find an aim and autocomplete word on the touch bar. That's what made me think that they've no idea what this is for? This is just something that there was a mandate to put a touch bar there and then find a reason for it. I think I still think it's one of the most disappointing features that Apple has ever rolled out.

I think it's now it's kind of okay! Now that there are third-party apps that lets you do things that are actually useful, with a better touch tool and there's now an app that lets. You turn to put the doc on the touch bar, which I guess makes kind of sense. But I don't know it's just it's a conspiracy theory Apple is getting all the current generation MacBook Pros on a touch bar so that when they announced this, the nude next generation 16-inch MacBook that has whatever comes next and then you sort of differentiate the old ones from the right one, especially if that new one has the new keyboard a new Suzuki. That's the rumor from Ming, cheek whoa I, just you know, but between the keyboard and the touch bar I will not buy another MacBook period. Fortunately, I got the MacBook Air the last year and I don't need to buy another MacBook, but it's just very disappointing I.

Think oh you'll, like the 16 inch Leo I'm, hoping have you seen it. No I almost did see how casually I just said. Oh, yeah really have you seen it, so it's right nice antenna, so the rumor is when September the rumor was initially September. Although now some people been saying 2020, but those are the sorts of things that when they haven't pre-announced them, they can just push them out when they're actually ready, and if it's not that September event, it's the October event. It's not the October event.

It's the March event see now I'm thinking, Ming Chico got it wrong because the rumor that they were going to thus wizard Swisher, the scissors switched keyboard or thus wizard stitch keyboard was that it would be in the 2019 MacBook here. Well. Clearly there that's wrong, because unless I don't know have, has anybody seen this new MacBook Air? Maybe wouldn't that be something if they didn't they're like it's, oh well, there could be one in September, but I think it, but I think almost everyone else who heard that rumor besides him heard the 16-inch, MacBook, Pro I, don't think anybody else heard the MacBook Air yeah. They mentioned that 2020 MacBook Ling, QI, Duo yeah his source on this is a company that makes the scissor Keys who say yeah. We got a deal with Apple, so maybe his source isn't specific enough to say you know: oh, it's going to be for this machine or that machine I would love to see them, abandon the touch bar and put a scissor key keyboard story was weird, though, because he said the MacBook Air, and then he said and a refreshed MacBook pearl next year, but the refreshed and didn't seem to sound like the new design, one which even he's spoken about previously, and that mean that the new design was coming out, and then they would go to the new keyboard on the new design next year after putting it out with the current it.

Just it sounded very complicated, so called 16-inch yeah, which would be weird to ship with the butterfly keyboard. If you've got a nuke, and it was Greg Koenig who does a lot of industrial design work, he was actually impressed that they were getting it out this fast. He said it must take about two and a half years to spin up a new keyboard, which means that they realize two and a half years ago. They're going to have to do this, and it's been, you know, keys to the wall until they managed to get this out. Yeah, I was kind of worried that Apple is gonna, continue to double down on the butterfly keyboard.

Saying that no no! This is perfect. We just need to convince people. This is perfect. Yes, we guess we're gonna. We expect that we're going to have to fine-tune it, but this is really just people who want to see a bad story where there's nothing but a brilliant story, and so it's nice to see I'm hoping this rumor is true because I'm hoping that the apple doesn't Apple doesn't have to you, know, tear its shirt on the stage and say: forgive us.

Forgive us, for we have sinned. They just have to give us a workable keyboard, because Leo I'm, absolutely with you I, cannot buy a new MacBook if it has that butterfly keyboard I, just can't kind of breaks. My heart I, like macOS a lot, but I can't give Apple any more money for that keyboard. I'm, sorry, I, just won't! It's interesting. We've introduced new they've introduced two new laptops, but they killed two laptops at the same time.

So it's now net-zero net, zero-sum game go ahead, I'm, sorry Renee! Although you're, arguing I was just going to say you guys can just tape the Bluetooth keyboard on top of the case, I just fixed it. You are getting more value for your dollar, like what you paid for a MacBook yesterday, paying less than that for the air now, and you're, getting whether you want it or not. You're getting more features, including t2 chip, in that same price as I think that MacBook Air is a great that's. The Mac I would get that it is a good price. I really think Apple has to always have a thousand dollar computer for education.

I just think. That's really important, so I'm glad to see that they did that I and one of the reasons I think that is I. Remember when I was on the board of trustees at the local high school. Here they used to have a one-to-one program, and they would give every student one of those white MacBooks because they were a thousand bucks or maybe even nine, nine hundred bucks and as soon as Apple stopped selling a thousand dollar laptop. That school said: okay, we're going to Windows, and they left, and I doubt they'll ever go back, and it's that kind of thing that really it's funny, you wouldn't think a hundred bucks.

Does that make a difference it does when you're, especially if you're buying 300 of them. It's not. It's not yeah. Furthermore, it's a non-trivial expensive. Furthermore, it's also a huge mental thing.

Furthermore, it's making it you have to have a seven thousand dollar laptop. You got it, so I'm glad they're doing that. Okay, Apple also dropped prices on high-end storage, upgrades for the iMac, the iMac Pro, the MacBook Pro, the Mac Mini in the Mac Pro. Although why people would buy storage from Apple I guess if you're buying it all-in-one like an iMac, you hat your kind of have to make the internal storage yeah, but with Thunderbolt 3 you really don't you don't need to spend, and I can't. Are they still selling a fusion drive this can't this graphic has to be wrong? Yeah, but no I use me as well.

I think it's look that would be I, think it replaced the crappy didn't replace the crappy HD. Let's see what kind of let's see what models, what I can do? Let's buy a iMac. What do you say? I'd kind of rather have an HDD than a fusion drive, because people know how to fix HD DS- and this is the reason to replace use and drive- is an is bad engineering, a brilliant idea that just never paid off for anybody yeah, let's see straight yeah. Well, they still sell it. Oh yeah, so the base 27-inch iMac comes with a terabyte fusion drive or, if you're willing to spend $500 more, you get a terabyte s, see that's the that's the reason for the fusion drive of that 500 dollar difference: the problem is taking opening up an iMac is non-trivial, we've done it, you could do it.

You have to have a giant suction cup for the screen, and you should watch the videos before you attempt it to make sure you're willing to go through this nightmare. I would not expect. I was recommended if you just with the word, failed in the title, make sure there's enough hair on your chest. Mailing five I wouldn't get a fusion drive, no matter what so maybe instead get a smaller SSD and use the Thunderbolt 3 port for an external drive. That's what I do with my oh, my back, which you want anyway, because there's nothing worse than a dry feeling inside a scale.

Mushy yeah, exactly oh I'm surprised. So anyway, the prices are lower, but still nowhere near market price for any of this stuff. I, don't think you know it's interesting, because what a lot of people would say that Apple is making more expensive devices now, which is true, but they're, also making more expensive devices. They are using the top upper end of every single part and a lot of other companies might do that in one model. But don't really don't do that on all models right but like I, have I bought a backup drive from my MacBook Pro and me.

Have a 2 terabyte drive inside, which was hello expensive and I got the Samsung x5, and it was it's gone down now, but when it launched, and I bought it, it was $1,500. Just for that drive and I think it was a similar part to what Apple was using the the bad thing like it's not like. There was a sorry way to say this: they just don't have cheaper options. If you're like I, don't care about performance tour just give me an affordable. Does it have to be top of the line SSD? They have absolutely nothing for you.

So just to give you a sense, so they're charging 500 bucks to replace that fusion drive with a terabyte SSD a Samsung 860 Eve right now is $137 on Amazon. If you want to get the faster 860 pro with viand 279, it's still a little more than half what Apple is charging. It's just that you can't get into that. To put this thing in, but SSD prices have tumbled and if you want an MV any drive, an 860 Eve is 154 bucks for a terabyte, and I've seen perfect prices. You know maybe Sam, okay, so the Samsung 960, Eve and VME the m2, Dr internal, is a $418, so maybe Apple isn't overcharging too much for that MV any well, I'm sure they're.

Maintaining margin, but you know, there's no, there's no like a Mac version anymore, right, yep, tumbled, yeah. The big problem is that technology is not meant to be admired from one side of a shop window that I've I, like that. The MacBook Air is still a thousand dollar computer or eleven hundred dollar computer. I really think that Apple would I think would be a great challenge for Apple to say we're always going to have a Mac that costs a Mac, laughs, MacBook that cost $900, and we are going to, and we don't think we have to absolutely destroy the the trademark. We don't have to make some of this unreliable or cut down on features.

We are going to use that as a design challenge for us to make sure that we stay sharp to make sure that we can still always make an $$80099, eight $99 MacBook every single year, with the best components we can find for it. Did they take a ticket inspiration from the Raspberry Pi? We're always been $34.99 and even as they add more ports, even as they make it faster, even as they more RAM? It's always $34.99 and and and okay now you can get for $59.99, but that's if you want a whopping four floor gigabytes of RAM, but that's that's a fascinating design challenge and that's such a great case study. What Raspberry Pi does saying. Yes, their people would love us to have like active cooling on it. People would love for us to have USB three like last year the year before.

We can't do it and maintain $34.99 price point, so we're not going to do it down, but that's in our roadmap. We're going to figure out a way to do it in the future as long as we're living in rumor land, economic, Daily, News, Chinese publication. Let me I better translate this because I don't, I know unless some of you can read that, let's see what Google has to say. No, that's not any I, I, better I, better go back to nine-to-five Mac! This is the economic Daily. News suggests that a 16-inch, MacBook Pro will enter mass production in the fourth quarter, and they'll be a new 10.2 iPad set to replace the one from last year. I guess: that's! Not a surprise, we'd expect that I don't know what their sources are.

I, don't even so placing a nine point, seven inches. So then we'll have a to ten point to a ten point: five they're squeezing bezels on the line right. Is that remember when you had one iPad and you liked it that was it a ten point. Two iPad rumor does seem a little off to me, and it's its because of the way Apple just updated, the iPad Mini and the iPod touch. That makes me really think that I, don't because this happening the iPad is supposed to kind of be the most low-cost sort of entry iPad, except for the mini of course I'm.

So ? they'd have to redesign the chassis in order to do that, and that makes it more expensive and I. Think they're, they're gonna just upgrade the guts, but keep the chassis the same just going to ride that design all the way down. I do if they want to keep it at that sort of low price point I'm just gonna, but you can't make that you can't make the air, and then you look a little Daniel and make the mini look a little yeah like if you give the new design to the lowest end one then one of the people who bought the mini in the air think just a few months ago is like well. Why did they get the redesign, and we rise or more Spence? That's the point right exactly so yeah. If you want and yes you're right, they do have a 10.5 chassis design, so they could turn the nine point. Seven-inch iPad into the template five-inch iPad, but that kind of goes along with that same idea of then they would just charge more for it and, if they're trying to keep the standard iPad out of a cheaper price point, I, don't think they're going to do anything big like change the design of it at all this, this kind of thinking it shouldn't because, it's a business, but it kind of ruffles.

My feathers and the feathers of people who say well. Apple should be a technology company first, not an economic entity first, and they should do what's the best new technology. They could do not say it's the same problem I have with the iPod Touch, which is oh, you know, we'll just take the old design and refresh it a little that doesn't seem to be a technologists way of thinking. That seems to be a chief operating officers way of thinking, but they did that with the iPad Air, though they gave that a complete redesign than that they're sort of positioning the iPad Air is as the iPad for you, whereas the iPad is more of the entry-level version in the iPad Pro is the pro level version, and that's it that's. How I pictured in my head is that Apple is always going to have one device, that's sort of the lower-end one.

That's to get people in that's to get your foot in the door so that one is never going to be as good as the rest. It's never going to have the same processor chips or the same screen display or all the features that one's always going to be a little off the mark, and then people will sort of start with that and feel if they, if they love the iPad, then they'll feel I'm ready. I want to spend. You know $1,2001500 on my next iPad, and then they'll sort of upgrade to one of the fancier version, but increasingly the iPad line is kind of bifurcated. Now because there's such a difference between the pro and the non-Pro versions- and it doesn't feel like they want to bring the non-pro versions up to the pro version.

So if it's like you, they get pencil and then once everything gets pencil, the new ones get a different differentiator and then that differentiator spreads across the line and then anyone's got an even new different like they get to face ID. So everything going to have touch ID and everything can have pencil, and it doesn't. It doesn't make every feature across the line, and then they'll get all pencil, and it'll be something else like the no bezels on the new one or USB see, and then the next generation will get USB-C and the pro be onto something else, and it seems like from iPhone to iPad to everything. That's the way they go. They stay, they make their money back on the high end, for whatever R&D went into creating the new feature, and then they propagated everywhere and, as you probably get it everywhere, they're busy investing in the next new big feature which they pay off in the next new high-end design.

I guess I understand that it's its a business I do I, do think that people are pretty excited to have a $300 iPad yeah. That's that's not to be stopping black and white. It's not like 640 by 480 pixels. It r is. Furthermore, it really is a real life and I'm sure that everyone on this panel gets lots of questions from people who are trying to figure out.

What's the difference, I'm, not an artist. What's the difference what's differ is going to be for me between having an iPad Pro and having an iPad Air and there's that's a very, very long and interesting question to answer, because for a lot of people to get what they want from the iPad experience, 300 bucks is going to do them very, very well, and it's for 300 bucks. It's not it's not a trivial amount of money for most people, but it is a low enough price point that you can afford to have a laptop and then have an iPad only because and to buy this iPad. Only because you like it, you think that the apps are pretty nifty, and you're, not gonna. You don't intend to be using it three or four hours a day.

It's the three or four hours a week that you intend to use it that are going to really make it earnest pay, I! Guess, as long I mean also from the developers point of view you, what you really don't want to do is a bifurcated the line to have to be the least expensive, iPads, so much slower than the top-of-the-line iPads that it's two different things Microsoft problem. Now too, is because when you like, the iPad, the iPod, Touch and I didn't realize this is huge in enterprise and retail yeah, and they have these machines that they slightly wouldn't care yeah. But you know, probably Apple has to care a little, which makes me sad, but I'm, not in yeah and I. Get that I was schooled in that by a guy who actually works with these devices. He says you don't understand how many people buy iPod Touches for retail or for inventory or, for you know the hospitals, and they all have sleds they have to fit in.

So they can't change the product factor, a form factor, but the iPad. Well, I, don't know I shouldn't, say: Oh schools have their sleds and their trays I think they give them a little longer, and I think they realized that those the iPad pros are not going into those institutions, so they can be real aggressive with those and then again. Excuse me like apples got this whole new strategy, where they're really pushing the limits on the high end, but they're kind of sort of picking up for it by being a little slower and a little more price conscious on the low end, and certainly the iPad is, is leading there. I would love to see in us either did that with the phone and new sort of really education friendly Mac's? That did that with the Mac lineup I. Think then you can sort of you can sort justify the higher prices for the early adopters and the geeks and people just love the technology and then have this whole wealth of more mainstream products.

Everybody else- and it makes a perfect balance- he's- got an honor their desire to keep a low price product, so people can get into the product line and that's absolutely appropriate, but on the other hand, didn't they learn the lesson from the iPhone that the SE didn't that having cheap iPhones wasn't a good strategy for them that there really aren't as high a watch. What you say we have people just like me that absolutely love that SE form factor, and we are hoping it will come back- there's not a bunch of us, but we love it and well that's the form factor price. That's what I'm saying it's the form factor, not the price, but you would say. Then, though it is actually still quite pricey. The 10r is what Apple is considering the sort of entry-level price point, which I know is I thought, maybe I'm just missed it.

I thought they've conventional wisdom was Apple, has learned its lesson, there's no point in having a cheap iPhone. Well, we say we want them cheap, and then we don't buy them. You know the lies, we're wonderfully mercurial, but it sounds like it depends on the market now too, because smartphones aren't mature and when you have mature markets, you do have to start segmenting those markets and there are rumors that apples going to do a less expensive phone for China, maybe India as well and that'll be different from the phone at baby for the first time different from the phone that they do in North America. That might still be. You know three cameras and pushing the limits again and that's gonna.

It's gonna start to be real interesting because Apple did perfect business with just one iPhone for everyone, but that model may not last any longer huh. Let's take a break. Come back. We've got the 10th anniversary of the App Store. What happened to the iPhones original plastic screen, and we can do a FaceTime demo, where my eyes will eerily follow you everywhere in the room.

It's coming up next and Ian Acts here he's in Starbucks having a fine iced tea, and they should, though they should, I wish. I could get that Howard money, yeah, also, of course, Laurie Gill, she's, also away from home somewhere in Hollywood yeah she's in beautiful Branson Missouri and from Montreal, where the home of the last decent bagel and Mr. Rene Anna Richie and find coffee. Our show today brought to you by rocket mortgage by Quicken Loans I feel like Oh. An old friend is back in town.

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Number 3030 rocket mortgage by Quicken Loans push button, get mortgage, Thank You rocket mortgage for supporting mac break weekly. Thank you for supporting mac break weekly by using a rocket mortgage. com, slash, Mack break. So the iPhone we'd last months celebrated its 12th anniversary. Was it really two years before they got an app store going no see it was the tenth anniversary last year, so I really don't understand.

What's happening right, okay, Thank You, Apple, it was 2008 yeah, so Tony, 18, okay, that makes more sense. Because I didn't think we were waiting two years for the App Store I know: okay, a nice piece, though, and nine to five Mac ten years of the App Store in which they compared I think in a really nice way how some of this stuff has evolved. This is a great one. This is the actual icon for the remote, and you can see how 3d it was in the earliest. This is July 2008 when it first emerged kind of modernized a little, but really this new flat look.

It makes you appreciate, frankly, the simplicity of icons today and not just icons, design in general. This is the Facebook app from 2008 compared to the Facebook app of today and I, just that that that 3d pop buttons is it just fashion? Do you think Andy or is it also one guy wrote that out that Facebook app, but now it's a whole team yeah? Maybe, but is it mean to me this? This flat looks so much better is, but is it just like the same thing as just a car with fins? Doesn't it looks dated well remember that weird we were dealing with a much, much lower resolution screen. So if you want ya be able to identify a button, you couldn't remember the end also that these flat designs we have today they also have shadows. They also have highlights, but they're so subtle right now that, because of the high resolution of the screen, so III do think that it reflected the design aesthetic of the time, but it was also a concession to what they had to do with the pixels that they had available at the time. I think that I'm glad that Apple seemed to like bounce down and then back up again making that does make the interface way way way too flat for my tastes, with iOS, 7, I, think and then gradually decided that perhaps a splash of color would be with would lighten people's a long over the course of a very busy and stressful day.

We may look back and say Oh gradients that was so 2020. You know conceptions yeah now everything has great right like this is the 2013 Facebook app, which is basically the same as their app icon, and there is a very subtle gradient in the color there and remember that these design cues come go all the way back at least to nineteen. Eighty-four were their very first backs that the every everything had a shadow that came from the upper left-hand corner. Coincidentally, the Apple logo it was at the desk accessory menu was in the upper left-hand corner, and that was again another cue for people to see some depths and the depth and see some reaction and liveliness in the user interface. So we definitely see things move forward.

I think that between iOS and material design in android we're seeing two really, really great ideas, just sort of like, let's say sniffing at each other and just sort of jogging next door to each other and taking cues from each other, and this is all due to the depth of color that we have and the level of detail that we have today, but it is kind of fun to go back in time. Apple has re-released Texas Holder, which is right as I remember. This was one of the very first apps, certainly I ever used. Did this come with the iPhone? Or did you have to download the app store? Oh my god. Well that was definitely a constrained screen.

Let's say, let's show it on a ma massively beautiful I think it was bad for them to discontinue it because they meant they never tested any gaming API's directly, and that's always the words. Thank you. Only game, Apple ever released, know I detest chess on the Mac count. Remember that was an originality, so cool yeah, yeah yeah, all right, I'm gonna I invented at least 12% of the profanities that are in the English language. Trying to get one successful play of that game.

Alright I got a pair of kings I'm, going all the way baby. This is it. Let's see, yeah I'm all-in I can't go all-in, shall I go all-in Whitney way, I'm going to go all-in against Whitney I think she doesn't have it yep. I far chased her I chased her I am now the pot later. Ladies and gentlemen, I think it's a bad time to close it out.

One of the things that's hate to end the game. It has multiplayer because I'm winning big time, one of the things that's Villa is they have a lot of different casinos, but you got to earn your way up all the way up to the Macao. So I've not seen these, because each of them has a much higher table stakes and let's resume this game because I'm doing so well what you guys just talk amongst yourselves yeah. This is reminding me of how much I enjoyed the Paperboy game, that the paper point game, that that was that Tim Cook showed off at their briefing. The excuse me at the excuse me at the investor conference so a few weeks ago, I love to see Apple, express their creativity and express their level of playfulness and joy in a way that does not involve making keyboards that have only 0.5 2 millimeters of travel I mean when you, but when you, when you task a group to say you're you know, and you're in that lifts, list serve, that's a company only you were talking about this idea for a game. Tell you what why don't you take the next 5 weeks off and take any two people you want and just make this game, because we think would be a cool thing for people to get a to give away to people so that they have this wonderful bauble that they know has the same level of security and the same level of privacy and not wanting to steal your money as we idealize for the app store, but also just to show off here's what we think of as a.

If we were going to take on all the problems that you developers take on creating a great game, this is the sort of game that we're we're talking about here. Here's of love that fun Easter Egg, the development team is in the yeah app. You can know it's 50, it's just a bunch of random poker players like you could be as weird as you want it's it is that the Bomber up in the yeah. That's that's! Actually me I, like being the hoodie guy, so yeah that way, you can't see my tails anyway. It's fun! It's free, it's back baby.

Can you look at it from a different angle on that iPad on the iPhone you're actually sort of face to face instead of top down on it? Oh yeah, I, don't know interesting difference. This is an iPhone app, so I think oh yeah, yeah. Okay. So let me yeah yeah! Oh now, now I got the first person. I could see my scummy.

Oh hey, I didn't even know that man you're you're the Texas Hold'em expert. Look at these guys! Oh, this is much better than the yeah. They should make this VR yeah, oh wow, in play. Let's see, I'm I got a'm like one card from a straight here. Should I bet: let's go? Let's, let's bring up the stakes there see if we chase the rest of these clowns.

He looks like a loser. Oh he's, gonna he's going to raise me. Oh he's, bluffing uh call him. Let's see what we got here. I'll see.

Let's see that turn. Oh, I think I just got a pair of aces. I'm going to go all-in baby, see if that guy goes. Oh, he's matching! Oh, well! This is a big showdown on the river, nothing a pair of aces. Let's see and thank you I'll take all of that.

Thank you very much eliminated Wow. Thank you. You dissing! You made this so much more fun. I could watch him, lose that's a very talented dealer. That's apparently he can carom it's a remarkable feat.

This is really. This is the old game yeah see this is an iPhone game, and I've forgotten that, because it's an iPhone game on my iPad I could probably do with what you just said. Thank you, I'm saving! Thank you, I'm doing alright, let's see what else. Oh, the eye contact problem go ahead. Did you have something else? Laurie you want to talk about.

No I was just going down memory lane the good old days so the face time we talked about this a little, but earlier today, Micah Sargent and me with great effort managed to make a FaceTime call. And yes, in fact, it's a little creepy his eyes do, even if he's looking at the picture appear to be looking straight at the camera. I think that's a good thing. What makes me doubt what is real I, don't know. What's reality anymore, that's my problem with it I, don't it's a very obvious and a very, very natural feature to put in, but I think that it's kind of a binary thing either.

You trust that FaceTime is giving you a picture of the thing that the camera is looking at without admin Asians, or it is enhancing things to make sure that the person is looking at the camera or saying that Oh Andy didn't shave like this morning. So let's just sort of like hum that down. So it looks like he shaved. It's its when you're talking about a basic communication tool. I know that this isn't the most important thing in the world, but it just is again it's binary either.

The app is not changing anything to trick you into thinking that reality is not what it is, or you accept that, yes, maybe this person does not have kitty ears and ends in cool sunglasses. I, just I, just think that in position I, don't think yeah. Actually we didn't try that close your eyes, see wait, see what happens. I didn't try that that was paints the eyes right on there. You look 15% smarter, but at a certain point it's just kind of the next thing.

Isn't it yeah interesting? It's not it's very and not it's its not it's not a danger. It's not like trying to beautify you. You know, remove your, your pimples or whatever. All it's doing is its sort of shifting your I focus so that it looks like you are actually making eye contact with the person that you're talking to, but at the same time as that, is its false. It's false! You know visualizing, so if it's kind of I'm kind of on both sides of the spectrum of it, because I do even when we have our conversations, if I'm not looking directly at the camera I'm looking slightly above or slightly below the camera and I try really hard when I'm I'm the one conversing that I look directly at the camera, but most people will start to just kind of wander and look away, look down at the at the screen instead of looking at their camera, and that you know it's the idea that it couldn't fix that problem.

For me, it's great because it makes a conversation feel more intimate, but it's its false. So you know when, when are we, you know? When are we letting technology replace our own human, natural movements and gestures and they wind it? When does that line? When is that line okay to draw? You know what is it okay, but it's just shifting my eye focus and then, in that case, just like you're saying, will it then someday be okay to make it look like I've shaved in one when I have it removed type in Georgia said that she can't tell like she says, usually when I look right, I'm lying and left I'm, remembering if she can tell now you're those tells it might be good for me, but bad for her yeah, all your, but you lose a lot of body language, because sometimes people are looking off to math and all those things give us cues as to how we communicate with each other. Well, here's the good news. You have to turn it off. First, you have to download the latest iOS 13 beta.

If you want to try this that came out yesterday, and you have to turn it on in the settings the FaceTime settings there's, so I have a big conundrum for you, though Leo like. Should you be the one to turn it on or so? I also am allowed to turn it off like if I say I, don't want FaceTime lying to me. You know, because there was that whole superhero male a superhuman male thing. Where you know you think, do you? Should they law track you should you not feel, should I look what, if I just never want FaceTime to light I mean should I have that should I have that setting too we should override your setting, I, don't know, or even just or even just if you get info window? That was a superimposed by the way here are features that the person who's sending you video is turning on that these please mute. Any keyboard sounds please adjust I frequency.

Please make sure that the mouth seems to be. My resting face seems to be happy as opposed to exhausted and frustrated. I would pay for mute keyboard sounds that would be a really handy plugin, but it's complicated because like when they have the Google duplex. Some people were saying that you should absolutely have to disclose it, and you should know that you're not talking to a human, but other people like what should I have to tell you, if I'm, using an artificial leg like if I'm mute, and I'm using Google to speak for me. What? How is that? Your business and none of these have easy answers, so I wish that when companies would do these features, they would start off these conversations as well.

I like the info screen I, think that's a good idea, so you at least know what's being what I and as we get better and better at this you're going to see a lot. I have a feeling Apple's just doing this to show off AR. Yes, just look what we can do, but man, if they could mute keyboard, sounds my mom, always yells at me when I'm not looking at her, what we're talking on FaceTime and if it would keep Boyd, sounds and make me look at her all the time man I'm I'd pay for that I used to I used to do a podcast with somebody and I had at some point say: look it's okay! It's like you're! If you're, not gonna, be paying attention to me, but it kinda hurts my feelings where I could actually hear collecting like what I'm like giving my opinion on something. It's like whiskey, you can hear him putting the glut the ice into the whiskey while he supposed to be broadcast yeah. It always subtly bothered me when whenever we had Adam Curry on any of our shows, you could always hear, and it always bothered me just a little I.

Just me I guess, but those tensions may be an attention. Mr. curry, if you didn't bring enough for everyone, hey here's a something thanks to our chat room for filling me in on this MacRumors has I. Think they're being a little satirical when they say good news, both the new MacBook Air and the new MacBook Pro 13-inch entry-level model have the same: a third-generation butterfly keyboard, design with updated material as in the new 2019 third generation, not the second or first okay, not good seated third-generation so far hasn't seen the same failure rates as second-generation does it feel different when you type with it, I haven't tried it, yet I haven't tried it yeah. So then there's a new third generation has that new material? So there's the third generation has the membrane, then there's the new like new coke third generation, that has the membrane and the new material in the domes and the new fuel in the domes does feel slightly different in the membrane feel a slightly different so depending on which, which version of which generation you're going through Leo there are different levels of different, but should I run out and buy one just to find out? No, it's a poke in the eye with a slightly blunter stick, which is better, though.

If you can get poked in the eye, wouldn't you prefer a sharp stick? I'm. Just saying so, you end it all yeah just get it to get it over with Oh. Like that's, let's stop students. Not only will you get your own power beats headphones from Apple, but you are gonna, get a double the free trial period for Apple Music. So normally it's three months.

Students will now get six months of trial time, interesting yeah with them apples, students, campaign right now, you're getting a pretty decent hundred dollars off your Mac yeah. Three hundred and fifty dollars beats headphones and extended trial on your Apple, music plus I. Think it's five dollars a month for your subscription. When you, when you even get a better deal in this subscription, they take some sting out of going back to school. Doesn't it when they say back I know in the press release it said college students, but can high school students.

Take advantage of this. Does it have to be a college student? You have to be able to buy okay, yeah yeah, you have to be able to provide your student ID and, and you have to register with I, can't remember the name of it, but there's a program: oh I, remember that yeah yeah and wasn't there something in the newsroom story about how 60% of college kids when we were using or wanted math books now, which I thought was an alarming number given what it used to be yeah, I'm sure, that's true shop for Ella me: they want, they want Maclaren's, and they want Ferraris and stuff ya, know what is Henry and me Dr. game for their parents fight. They can't necessarily have it, and they don't necessarily need it either. So, anyway, if you are, if you do qualify whatever it is, that takes advantage of it.

That's a pretty good deal. MMM Steve Wozniak deletes his Facebook account. I saw this everywhere yeah. What didn't you do that, a long time ago, yeah, April, 20, yeah I, think, but so this is an April 2018 story, but for some reason it came up again, like yep I forget who it was, but I saw a bunch of YouTube videos like why I'm deleting my social accounts and insane person? Why you shouldn't delete your social accounts? I? Think there's like trendy to be on both sides of this story. The new thing there was.

The new thing is to apologize for something you did on YouTube on your Instagram or somewhere else. Less popular so like Logan calls apologize ins not doing it on his main account where it might look I make him look wimpy. He does it like an aside account. So don't this apology, videos do make a business I know I, know, I, think the more drama the better. So here's, some good news.

I know people have been concerned about Huawei and its future. The CEO of Huawei says he's gonna start using Apple as a privacy role. You know what so am I Men Jung Fay. So am I good to hear good, to hear yeah, yeah well, I mean I'd. Rather you copy the privacy, then I forget was it Xiaomi? Who is someone copied them? Emoji, okay, I, have to say the mate book Pro, oh yeah.

That was hilarious. Wasn't it is was like just I was so identical. You have to almost think it's its like it says. Even Xiaomi staff can't distinguish its clone of apples. Me emoji this room AppleInsider after chamois protested, of course, that it's me mocha looked nothing like apples me emoji, the company's accidentally used apples advertising for its own promotion, Oh like wee wees, look totally different in the Xbox ones.

Look dear friend, there's like so many dislikes emoji there's so many ways to make them yeah yeah. But apples is the right way yeah. But if you hate them, you want something different. You don't to hate. Apple go, buy a competing phone and be stuck with the same stuff.

You just left Apple, it's just you know it's just a very blatant example of what Chinese companies have done for years. Frankly, which is yeah I, just like to think that making use of their actual by Apple's actual like videos, let's put that in a separate folder or something if you, if you want to retain your hands, are clean, that's not a. It seems like it seems like that's and that's a that's an unforced error. That's an own-goal! I think that you could have avoided that I think that some people should be disciplined inside that company and not for having stolen material, but having done it so stupidly, so I think I'm, guessing Bill Gates has been playing. Wizards unite the new Harry Potter game, Bill Gates.

In an interview with I guess, CNBC says: I was like I was like a minor wizard compared to Steve Jobs, he would be casting spells and I would see people mesmerized, but because I'm, a minor wizard, the spells don't work on me. Steve was a he says. Well, it was really easy to imitate the bad parts of Steve. I have yet to meet any person in terms of picking talent, hyper motivating that talent who could match him. He brought some incredibly positive things along with that toughness, but he says he also was a wizard at casting spells that kept Apple from Thai to keep Apple employees motivated and working long hours.

I think Bill cast a few spells I think Bill's the little unnecessarily self-deprecating, not people to pay for pieces of software the biggest was. That was an amazing feat. We forget that before Bill Gates came along, people gave away software yeah exactly he was famous back when he was just the prototypical. Just the college dropout guy who was doing computers for the friend of his he. He had this sort of like bomb burst, sort of like letter, public letter memo about hate site yeah, it's easy for you to like to make a copy of the punch tape of Microsoft basic, but don't it takes us a long time to do that, and it's wrong and a lot of people who were mostly hippies, we're saying to information months to be free.

Actually, let me correct myself. This was an interview he did with Fareed Bavaria on CNN. That will be airing on Sunday. So that's a CNN interview, not a CNBC interview. I'll be watching I, think Bill I, don't know what it bills on some sort of tour publicity tour these days, I, don't know what yeah he's been he's been saying.

A lot of interesting things that get picked up by everybody was just like last week or week before he said he was talking about. He was on. He was at some sort of investor conference and I said this. His biggest mistake was not killing and not by not trying off Android right and said. Well, okay, no spit, given that, given that windows, you had no mobile strategy and that you're basically had your total lunch eaten.

If you haven't yet watched your VHS tape of Sunday's World Cup final, please plug your ears and whatever you do don't go to Apple's website. They celebrated the US Women's World Cup victory over the Netherlands on Sunday with me, emoji yep is that Megan Rapine I, don't know sorry it's hard they're kind of generic emoji. It is no longer on the homepage, but featured three Moloch heads, red white and blue scene: cheering the nation's victory, complete with iMessage stock and Betty effects and bouncing soccer balls, and then it says job well done and goes back to the Apple page I'm just about with the Raptors I. That was the beta test. They did it for the Raptors yeah, but don't they know the Warriors are Golden State's, favorite sons, I'm guessing it was when Eddie was on vacation yeah Eddie q is a big Golden.

State Warriors fan. That's a good point: yeah! Here's the Canadian! Are you saved it yeah nice? It's got dinosaurs, and then you can get the iPhone 10 for $0 down yeah, but I think because Canada so small, they probably beta tested it with us and then designed way more extravagant with you, yeah yeah. Maybe boy we've run through the stories pretty quick here. There's a 40-year-old Apple one original manual: that's going up on auction! I love it because it has the original Isaac Newton Apple logo yeah, which is truthfully I'd, buy it for that and look at the font. Look at the typeface: it's very you can get that t-shirt.

I, don't have it all the time, but they cycle in turnout that t-shirt, an infinite loop, yeah yeah, yeah I got one of those they're awesome. Oh, do you have to go down there to get it yeah? But you know people Leo. Oh, maybe somebody sent it to me. I'll pay him back. I, think it was Jeff, Wayne, apples, secret third partner who had designed that logo a mind forever voyage, something Sir Isaac Newton, I love that logo I would look at that.

Maybe you just have to buy the manual there's the pouch there's the page, but I actually I. Do wonder at what point did this logo drive Steve Jobs? Absolutely crazy? Yes, this was this. Was the guy that eventually like decided that having a color logo was way too much, and we need to have a single color logo that I wonder at what point he decided that no I think he just said it's too busy it does. It looks like one of those labels you put in your book: ex-libris Oh, like a crate of fruit. Fruit, Lee yeah vulnerability in zooms Mac client could allow websites to turn on cameras without from that's not good.

This is discovered by a security researcher, Jonathan Late such might choo-choo, it's a zoom zero-day. So what do you do? Well, it also apparently impacts RingCentral because they do a white labeled zoom system, so anything that's using zoom used if you've ever of this great. This is good. If you've ever installed the zoom client on your Mac that uninstalled it. You still have a localhost web server on your machine that will happily reinstall the zoom client for you without any user interaction on your behalf.

You just have to go to a web page that asks for if it's an instant reinstall, so wow. This is a feature of zoom. You can send people meeting links when they open that link. If that client opens your camera comes on, and they can see everything you're doing, I love this meme, so this was disclosed in March.2019 zoom confirmed the vulnerability, but apparently did not fix it. So once the 90-day disclosure period ran out in June 24th, he said I'm going to publicize it.

So there you go, and I imagine, there will be a fix and this article, which appeared in on medium in the info, SEC write-ups, might have a fix, I, don't know, and some people on Twitter we're saying that if you uninstalled zoom it kept a process running that we just read: install yeah local host is still there and if you get that link, it goes. Oh yeah, that's the problem. You can't just uninstall zoom to get rid of this I think the medium post offers a couple suggestions terminal, okay, good. So you know I've installed, zoom on my iMac to fix the auto join with video part of the vulnerability he had told Jonathan I told zoom to immediately disable a meeting creators ability to automatically enable a participants video by default. If they didn't, they didn't really like that idea.

So, July 7th there's been a regression and the fix implemented by zoom. That's allowing this vulnerability to be exploited again. Oh great, there's also potential vulnerabilities, so you think that Apple should punish them for this. I really think that this goes beyond the pale that when one is not fixing it yeah, that's that's well, that's an explicit request from the user, it doesn't say: oh I'm, sure, if I'm you know it was a Thursday. We were all exhausted.

The user said some things didn't mean the absence. Some things we didn't mean I'm sure that if we just keep reinstalling the software he's going to remember how much. How could this relationship is and how much we've invested in it at least keep the group chat going and for the sake of the kids yeah, he says the localhost web server solution has got to be removed, and they did they have not. To this day he estimates given zooms popularity they're about four million Mac users with zoom installed, so here's the patch the vulnerability yourself, which is to disable the ability for zoom to turn on your webcam simple enough and then, of course, if you're going to have a Zoom meeting, you'll have to re-enable it, he does offer a terminal command. That will do the same thing.

You have to use the UI and then apparently the web server is running, so you might want to look for the process and kill it good. Lord, that's that's just ridiculous and then there's some other solutions as well. Wow yeah, I feel like maybe Apple, might have something to say about that. That is not good behavior to turn on a web server that still runs after you uninstall the application. That's crazy yeah, you get to say the app store, but your next build has to be written in either basic or list.

Hey. Lisp is good, don't knock less madness! That's a fun language! I like Lisp, ok, APL. DE. app, l, now you're talking the special keyboards alone will bankrupt them. Actually is that Jason Selling our chatroom or just somebody important opposite past him impersonating the snow think they're talking about this anyway.

Oh no, this is Jason L, tweeting I. My hope is that someone at zoom got a call from someone at Apple today indicating that they click to confirm. Safari feature is intended to be used and that by passing it is not cool. If Zoom wants to throw some of its competitors under the bus for doing the same thing great yeah, so there should be a click to confirm. Thank, You, scooter x4 be posting that tweet I agree.

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Are you inter, zip, recruiter, comm, slash, Mac, a break, it wouldn't spill. It is rot RO, o TER, no crew TER, Thank You, French Francophones for screwing up our language, zip, recruiter, comm, slash mac break. Would you do you pronounce recruit Rick, Louie, I? Don't think it's the same word you would know. I, don't know it's hard to it's hard to go back and forth when you see it or when you're in it. But it's hard to I know: hey I, gotta, ask you: did you get a new camera because, you look spectacular, you look marvelous, it didn't.

I, don't know what's happening here. Doesn't he look great at a tan? You got a tan. We were you, and then I'm wearing my contacts which I don't usually do. Oh, he's not wearing glasses. There you go and it was something.

I could see your eyes or is it that new FaceTime augmented reality feature that's what it is Rene what Skype Leo? So my eyes would be over here someone. Why don't you? Why don't you kick us off with your pick of the week, so I have two picks? One is unusual, I think just in terms of why I picked it, but it's its hard for me to find shoes because I am long time ago, I went to China a lot and I walked around China a lot and ended up tearing ligaments in my foot, yeah, Sasha and when I got back. They prescribed me these inserts that you put in your shoes that keep your shoe arcs, but it was really uncomfortable and then a guy I knew who done a ton of physiotherapy training goes. No, no, that's all garbage. Well, all it does is make your foot more and more dependent on it, and the problem will ship to your knee then it'll shift to your hip, throw those out and just get the most minimal shoe that you can possibly get take the insoles out and just walk, walk and build up all those muscles.

Go barefoot any yeah bit well. I mean it's its Montreal, so there's quite a few times go barefoot, yeah and I can't do the Vibrant they just don't fit, but so what I did it? But that's how they're so hard to find it. We just don't have a lot of shoes in the store, so recently I needed new shoes and I just went to nike. com, and I was shorted. I also have very wide feet, so I just sorted by why it ultra-wide I find exactly the shoes I wanted.

I ordered them. They arrived, it took the insoles out, put my feet in, and I would, and I've been walking on them. You know ever since, and it's its great, and it's just sorry. So it's like you're barefoot, though you've really felt the ground. The Nike freeze, yeah I mean they're, not Vibrant.

If you really want to go hardcore, those are those crazy toe, stripes, yeah yeah, but the more you can walk better like, and I can't explain the whole thing, but, like you, if you walk badly, injuries tend to spread, and you build up malignant neural pathways in your body. Just your body, your what you have to feed your body motion, the way you feed it food, your body. You know it feeds on motion. So when you get out- and you do a bunch of different things, and you do it as naturally as possible, and you're not walking sideways or moving your legs and weird ways, because the shoes are deforming, you and they're pushing you poor it just it clears up a lot of things that you thought were chronic problems, or at least in my case it did, so I've been I've, been doing it for a while, and I'm super happy with it. I am going to customize, some Nike fries for me right now.

It's awesome which one's did you get the fly, knit the max general zoom Pegasus, and what I thought was so weird about these? Are they don't have real laces? They have a back that unzips really and the Velcro closes, and then you're just often going I no longer want to tie my shoes. That's for sure very nice, your pick of the wing, okay, you're learning how to tie your shoes, so you have to wear Velcro and then, when you become an old man, you just you lace. That's why we're loafers all the time because I'm a loafer missed them is Laurie. Gill, your pick of the week yeah well, so Murphy just came out with a new charging device which they make a lot of, and they're always very good love. The most is called the power station hub yeah, and it is she enabled, and it plugs into any wall ports, and it has two USB a and one USB-C port, and it is wireless.

So it has the QI support. Would you see in that first picture there, but you can also plug in any iPhone or even on an iPad or a computer, and let it charge, and you can either plug it into the wall and use it as an oh? So it's like a's like a wall wart that also charges its kind of battery. Yes, oh yes, so it's like super versatile, and I've got one, and I actually used it when I went camping this past weekend, and it ended up being great because it was one of those situations where I could have plugged it into a wall, but the nearest plug was in a different room, so by the way camping this weekend was at a cabin, not in a tent. So that's why I'm saying a wall, but so when I did when I wanted to just charge up my phone, quick, eyelet I, just grabbed it and charged it. Instead of having to take my phone into a room where there was a wallet, does a nice little versatile thing? We love mafia.

Now it's not a huge battery at 6,000 William hours, but that's still that's enough to charge your iPhone for sure, yeah yeah! That's spotless, because it's its not it's not really intended to be like the all-day charger. Yeah, yeah yeah you plug in you, need it and then, if, when you're in a place where you can actually um sorry, you plug it in to use it on the regular and then when you're out and about you, bring it with you so that if you need a kind of BRE up, you've got something you can do with. So it's roughly the size of, say the MacBook Pro charging block thereabouts, yeah, it's a slightly bigger, but almost that yeah. In fact, I actually I also have a plug bug, which is your know, I'm sure you know what that is. It's got the similar sort of idea of multi ports right and that sits right on top of the charging, the power brick for the method pro it's its almost exactly the same size as the MacBook Pro power, brick when I plugged, on top of it right nice Sophie the power station but see I'm, always looking for simple things.

I can put my backpack and have with me at all times and multi-multi fits in your back pocket. Yeah, nice, no bulky, but it does do it yeah. You know with my, but it doesn't matter. Andy and I call me, leave the rest of your imagination. Andy a knock.

Your pick of the week I was gonna. Just make a joke and say my piccolo wick. Is this lovely green iced peach tea from Starbucks and the Google Starbucks a Wi-Fi that got me through this show after it worked well after my home office and library number one in library number two a stop! Somebody on Twitter, who said gee dude. Are you that cheap or that pool were that you got always? You got always use like free Wi-Fi. So if my actual pic of the week she says was I freaking him.

It was funny. I've never had a bad time on Twitter really, but it did inspire me to share of a very, very brief tip here, that the reason why, like I kept doing I, keep doing shows from my local library instead of my office after my office internet got fixed was that I found myself, and I was tricking myself into having a better time doing podcasts, because usually it's a podcasting desk is in. This is an opposite of the desk that do my writing at, and I would be like uh Pat I've start my workday, like 9:30 or 10:00 I'd, be working until about maybe 10 minutes before the show starts. Maybe even up until the moment the work starts and so I just sort of like shift from one desk to another I found that I've really enjoyed the idea that there's a time in the morning where I have to stop what I'm doing and if I haven't shaved. I have to shave, because I'm going out of haven't put on shoes, I got to put on shoes if I get to be properly dressed.

I have to make sure my bag is packed, and then I have to I have a lovely little like walk for about a mile, a little more through like pawns and seeing critters and stuff like that. That I have to unpack in the conference room and set up my gear and by the, and that's like a good like 45 minute pause between the very, very last thing I was doing in the morning, which is writing or editing something or doing my email and sitting down in my mind and doing this podcast and my mind is just in a very, very much better state, be that I put a breather between the end of one task at the beginning of another, and so I'm. Today, okay, things went wrong, but this is why you're often going to see me doing shows from the local library assuming their internet comes back on. So that's my that's my tips. Sometimes if you have the sort of day your sort of work where you have to keep juggling between multiple things, you know neurologists keep saying that the brain is not perfect at multitasking.

We just trick ourselves into thinking: it's multitasking, it's sort of like a macOS system. Seven, it's not really multitasking, and we all know how well that version of macOS actually worked, so I. My advice is to if you have to manage lots of things at the same time, even if you just get up at your desk, take a walk and go get it. You go, get a glass of water, go get a cup of coffee, go outside sniff, a sniff at a flower and then come back inside the fact that you've put some space, some cognitive space between the last task that you were doing and this new task you have to move on to I really do think or in my case I really do think that it's led to me having a healthier brain and I hope that I'm doing better, as a commentator as a podcaster being able to again sort of have these little breathers between tasks. So that's my pick of the week and ease getting out of the house, and we're all happy and look.

My skin tone has turned from like a greenish blue to almost a grayish glow anymore, so it's a whiter shade of pale. Let's just put it that way. Yeah, I wanted to talk about this week, we're talking about it on iOS today and you're, mentioning Anger reminded me that anchor is the first company I know of to do commercial production of gallium nitride technology devices. Gallium nitride is a newer material that is being used to replace silicon in electronics. Devices eventually it'll be in semiconductors it'll, be in chips right now, though, it's being used for power, an anchor put out this new little device.

This is actually really cool. It's about the size of an iPhone wall wart, it's got a USB CPD power. What is it? Power delivery port on it, but this is the power port Adam pd-1, but it's 30 watts in something the size of a little tiny plug. They also make yeah. This is because of gallium arsenide.

They also make the power port atom pd-2, which is 60 watts, and so enough to charge. Two devices got two ports on it or a MacBook Pro. Even I, these are about 15 percent small, smaller than stock chargers because of gallium arsenide or gallium nitride. It's a fascinating technology, and I'm very excited by the idea that we're going to see more and more of these devices used in wireless charging, fast charging and eventually even in faster microprocessors. But if you want to kind of get a little piece of the future, and it's something that's actually quite cute and not very expensive.

Take a look at the power port atom. It's the PD one! We interviewed the guy from was it electric power conversion, EPC about gallium, nitride technology more than a year ago, on triangulation I was very excited about this, and finally, anchor has released its gain technology charger, and it lives up to the promise also runs cooler. It doesn't get as hot there's a lot of benefits to gallium nitride technology. That's that for this episode of mac break weekly a little short episode today, Apple's got to get to work and give us more stuff to talk about Rene, Rich, probably glad to be through a little early, because you got up so early for that press release this morning. Why do they company? Why would they release something that early I don't understand? I? Guess, because these coast markets are going to open or who knows? Who knows Leo they, but I managed to get a video up already so nice job well I find that a time-worn comm, slash vector you would or YouTube.

com slash vector, I managed to get the URL it was vector show before and through Harry Potter s, magic, I managed to get slash back. You are a spell caster. The best I can get my Wikipedia page updated, but I can get the URL I just hope that they did fix. They did fix my country of birth that was finally fixed. It was wrong for like three years citation needed, but now South Africa it was yeah, but they had Canada listed because I guess I mean I apologize.

So much they thought it was natural, so anybody wants to use this show as a citation that is okay with Wikipedia. Yes, so now you've heard it here. Where were you born Rene Richie Johannesburg, South Africa? Thank you! That's the rest! That's the citation right! There thanks Rene, always a pleasure thanks to you Andy and NATO, and thanks to the Starbucks just next, the Providence Starbucks for giving us a little Andy and some caffeine too you'll find Andy WITH Boston when you can be on this week, Friday at 1 p. m. and the great thing is that we're doing that at the Boston Public Library studios, so it's open to the public.

So if you're going to be in Boston drop by the Boston Public Library is a wonderful place to visit under any circumstances. It will be slightly dampened by watching me gesture wildly as I speak, but it should be a lot of fun. Go to the newsroom caf? be very, very easy to find very nice and Laurie Gill. We thank you for being here. She's managing editor a time or so she's got a lot of responsibility.

I really appreciate you taking the time to thank you. Join us I'm, just waiting for my Wikipedia page, okay, okay, I think she qualifies I. Think everybody helped out by the way. This is a good tip. Scooter X mention this in the chat room, both scooter and X, and I subscribe to the Apple PR bot on telegram, and so we both got messages at 6:30 in the morning.

Do you do that? ?, Laurie and the Rene? Is that how you get your Apple PR I used to have shenanigans for that, and now they just made web Alerts. So if you get you re they'll, just you'll get a web alert when they are updated. Ice I'd still, love telegram is my messenger. My favorite messenger. It's not super necessarily super encrypted because they do their own encryption thing, but those bots are fantastic and yeah I've had the Apple PR bot forever.

So that's how I keep up with apples up -. Thank you. Everybody we'll see you next time. Mac breaks weekly is every Tuesday 11:00 a. m.

Pacific 2:00 p. m. Eastern Time 1700 UTC. You can watch her. Listen live at our live stream, twitch.

tv/esa neck, oh say: hey, play, twit, live and usually not always, but usually it'll start playing the live stream right away. You can also get downloaded versions of everything we do at our website. Twit that TV slash, MB w. You can also ask echo, play the know: mac break weekly podcast will give you the latest episode, but if you want earlier episodes they're all available on the website or subscribe, my friends every podcast application knows about mac break weekly. If you go to twitter on TV, slash subscribe, we'll give you the fill-in on how to do it, but it's pretty simple.

If you search for mac break quickly, you should be able to subscribe and that way you'll get the show the minute it's available a Tuesday afternoon, thanks for being here now, I'm sorry to say it's time to get back to work. Because break time is over.

Source : MacBreak Weekly

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