Huawei Watch Fit Review: 3 Things I Like and 2 Things I Don’t Like By Ziggy Jack

By Ziggy Jack
Aug 15, 2021
Huawei Watch Fit Review: 3 Things I Like and 2 Things I Don’t Like

Hello everyone, I'm jack and welcome to my channel today I will review the latest smartwatch from Huawei the watch fit. I've been wearing Huawei watch fit for almost one week now. So here are the things that I like, and I don't like from this watch. The first thing that I like is the personal fitness course, as the name implies. This feature will guide you during the exercise by showing a 3d animation. Of course, you can get this on other medium to high-end watches, by installing a third-party app, for example, 7 fitness apps, but having this feature preloaded on the watch without having to install a third-party app, is something that we need to really appreciate.

Personal fitness course on Huawei watch fit consists of 12 different menus, ranging from beginner to advanced level. The 12 menus are re-energized neck and shoulder relaxation exercise at work, burn fat, fast, full body stretch strengthen heart and lungs, advanced chest, workout, a flat toning, a flat ripper core workout leg and glute toning and leg workout. Let's check out some examples of the 3d animations. The second thing that I like from this watch is it has a huge collection of sports or exercises that can be tracked. In addition to the personal fitness course, you will get a running course menu that consists of 13 different courses run primary run, advanced, easy fun, fat burning, run, primary fat, burning, run, advanced fat burning, run, mint, MAF, 180, primary MAF, 180, advanced aerobic endurance, run long, slow distance run and cruise interval run.

The watch fit is also able to track 80, plus different exercises or sports, starting from common exercises like swimming outdoor, cycling or tennis, till specific sports like horse riding water scooter or even kite flying do. The third thing that I like is its design. The main reason I bought this watch fit is that I was looking for a fitness tracker rather than a real watch, so I was looking for a watch or a band which is versatile enough and has a sleek and simple design yet is convenient enough to operate. A watch band like Xiaomi me, band or Samsung Galaxy fit is simple enough, but the screen is just too small. A full smartwatch, like the one from apple or Samsung or Fitbit or Garmin, is just too much for me so by having a design in between a smart band and a smartwatch plus an Emil display.

This is the best design for me in addition to that, Huawei watch fit has other useful features like continuous heart rate, monitoring, blood, oxygen level, monitoring, stress level, monitoring, sleep tracking notification, camera shutter and so on and so forth, but I think I can get all of those features in any smartwatch or band nowadays. Oh, okay. Now, let's talk about the thing that I don't like from this watch. The first is the operating system. The light OS needs to be improved in several areas.

First, on privacy. I expect that in the future the watch fit should be equipped with a passcode. So, like the Apple Watch, it will prompt you to input a passcode when you try to open the menus. While you are not wearing the watch. That's important because when the notification is turned on, all the messages will be stored on the watch.

I think this is something that's easy to do by Huawei. Another thing about privacy is when the notification is turned on, the user should be allowed to choose whether to display the whole message or only a header or just a notification icon. The second thing that I don't like is lack of personalization. Yes, we can change the watch face, but it does not allow me to put some pictures as a watch face having an Emil display. I think it will be great if we can put a picture as a watch face.

Secondly, we can not change the watch strap. I don't know, what's the reason for this, whether it's cost consideration or any other reason. The watch unit itself has a great design, rectangular curved 2.5 d glass, and it will be even better if we can change the strap according to our preference, I'm sure. If Huawei provides this option, there will be a lot of aftermarket watch, strap options like stainless steel, aluminum or leather. Maybe there is also one thing that I wish can be improved in the future: the user experience.

Currently, if you want to see a comprehensive report or summary about a particular menu like heart rate, monitoring, for example, you need to push the side button scroll to the menu hit that and scroll down. The heart rate is also available on the main menu, but when you open it from the main menu, you will not get the complete summary. Also, if I tap this, it doesn't go to the full menu. I think it's better if the main menu is somewhat linked to the detailed menu. So those are three things that I like in two things that I don't like from Huawei watch fit.

Nevertheless, this watch is worth considering when you are looking for a robust fitness tracker and offer great value for money. That's all for now. I hope you enjoy the video. If you find this, video is useful. Please hit the like and subscribe button below, thanks for watching bye.

Source : Ziggy Jack

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