HTC U11 Plus Battery Life By ABC TECHNO

Aug 15, 2021
HTC U11 Plus Battery Life

Battery life, fair video, playback performance, better real-world, stamina, full day of heavy use. One point: five days of lion use one of the so-so parts of the older HTC who 11 is its battery. It isn't bad, but can't keep up with the best of the flagships with which it competes. HTC has improved things a little with the HTC. U 11, plus it has a three common 930 m AA battery, which seems about right for the display size and resolution. The phone also performs a little better in our standard 90-minute max brightness video playback test.

It took 22% off the HTC: u Elevens battery and 20% off our HTC? U 11, plus it's an improvement, but not as good as most of their rivals. The Samsung Galaxy S 8 plus loses 11% the 1 + 5 t 12% beyond or view 10.15 % performance out in the real world doesn't quite display such a massive disparity, though, on a busy mid-week day of use, we found the HTC. U 11 plus tended to have around 30 to 40% left by bedtime, while the last wave of phones has seen some real improvements to actual stamina, we'd still class, that as a commendable result and on a less phone packed Saturday, we found we could easily end up with 50% left by 11 p. m. midnight, the HTC? U 11, plus, isn't the longest lasting phone in its class, but it'll last through a solid day's use with a bit of change in the tank.

If you forget to plug it in overnight, there are no particularly clever battery optimizations, though just the usual ones. Some recent phones, let you change the screen resolution to save some juice, the HTC? U 11, plus, doesn't you.


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