HTC Desire 21 Pro 5G - Connect HUAWEI AM61 Wireless Headphones By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 14, 2021
HTC Desire 21 Pro 5G - Connect HUAWEI AM61 Wireless Headphones

Welcome in front of me, I have HTC desire21 pro 5g, and today I will show you how can connect this Huawei am 61 wireless earbuds. So it's very simple at the first, you have to be sure that they are turned off. So let's turn them off and, as you can see in my case, they are and right now, when they are turned off. You have to click and hold this middle button. Let's make it keep holding when the indicator is blinking. You have to release that key, and it means that it is in the pairing mode, so move to the boot settings on your HTC click to pair new device and choose the am61 earbuds access pair and, as you can see, right now indicator stops blinking when the indicator is blinking on the blue and the red color, it means that they are in the pairing mode.

As you see right now, we are easily connected. So that's it. If you find this video helpful, remember to like comment and subscribe to our channel, you.

Source : HardReset.Info

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