How to Record Timelapse Video in SAMSUNG Galaxy A03s – Change Camera Mode By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Sep 3, 2021
How to Record Timelapse Video in SAMSUNG Galaxy A03s – Change Camera Mode

Welcome here I've got Samsung Galaxy a03s, and I'm going to show you how to record the hyperlapse video of this device. So, let's start by tapping on the camera button to open it, and for now we are on standard photo mode, let's change it by using the settings bar and just simply going to the right to more. Here we get access to more modes of this camera, and one of them is the hyperlapse. So, let's, because here we are now- we can start recording this kind of video by tapping on this big button at the center, the shutter. We can also change the speed of our hyperlapse by going to the right corner bottom, and here we can pick speed, 4 good for recording people being active, also 8 good for recording traffic, then 16 good for recording clouds moving across the sky and 32 good for recording crowds of people walking by. So this is also really cool that we have some short suggestions from the device which speed is good, for which conditions we have when we want to record the hyperlapse video now.

Let me pick, for example, 8 to show you how it works and let me start recording- and this is my object now- I'm going to move it slowly, because the hyperlapse should speed up the original video. Now, let's stop by tapping again on shutter button to see the video. Let's move to the left, one that follows us straight to the gallery, and this is how the hyperlapse video with speed 8, looks like at this device. Thanks for watching, subscribe our channel and leave a thumbs up.

Source : HardReset.Info

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