How to Enter Split Screen on LG K52 – Dual Screen Feature By HardReset.Info

By HardReset.Info
Aug 15, 2021
How to Enter Split Screen on LG K52 – Dual Screen Feature

Welcome, if you want to enter speed screen in your lgk52 at the first, you have to open up that you are going to use, so I'll go for YouTube, for example, and also I will open, maybe play store after that we have to open our background apps and then simply tap on the icon of the application, select multi window and then tap on the second application. As you can see right now, we can work on the two apps. At the same time, we can also adjust the size of the application by moving the switcher, and if you want to close this mode, you have to swipe like that. Thank you guys for watching leave, thumbs. Up comments and subscribe to our channel see ya. You.

Source : HardReset.Info

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